第一作者:Alessia Cuccaro
通讯作者:Rosa Freitas
在环境发生前所未有变化的时代,迫切需要了解多种压力因素对物种表现的综合影响。紫外线滤光片越来越多地应用于日常生活产品中,这引发了人们对其释放后对海洋-海岸环境潜在影响的担忧。由于应激源很少单独作用,全球变化引起的因素,如海洋酸化(OA),会放大污染物在沿海地区造成的生态危害。本研究调查了紫外线过滤器 4-甲基亚苄基樟脑(4-MPC)和二苯甲酮-3(BP-3)在生态相关浓度(1 和 10 µg/L)、两个目标 pH 值(8.2 和 7.7,相对于采样点的平均 pH 值,ΔpH 分别为 0 和 -0.3)下对贻贝的生物性能和雄性生殖健康的综合影响。该研究利用精子和成体检测以及多生物标志物方法发现,pH 值是贻贝生理和生化性能下降的主要驱动因素,进一步加剧了紫外线过滤器的影响。精子细胞单独对低pH值条件表现出适应性反应,其特征是脂质过氧化(LPO)水平降低和超氧阴离子过量产生,而成贻贝则经历了更明显的影响,尤其是在同时暴露于低pH值和紫外线过滤器的情况下。具体来说,在低 pH 值条件下,成蚌表现出独特的生物浓缩模式,细胞代谢活动和能量需求补偿过程增强,生物转化途径激活,抗氧化防御调节。鉴于五倍子贻贝在生态和社会经济方面的重要性,以及它对这些压力因素的脆弱性,这些发现强调了进一步研究贻贝种群潜在的跨代影响和进化意义的必要性。
Fig. 1. Violin plots displaying physiological and biochemical responses of Mytilus galloprovincialis sperm cells exposed to UV-filters 4-methylbenzylidene camphor (4-MBC) or benzophenone-3 (BP-3) under different pH levels (8.2-ambient and 7.7-low). A. Lipid peroxidation (LPO) levels; B. Intracellular reactive oxygen species (ROS) production: superoxide anions (O2-); C. Intracellular ROS production: hydrogen peroxide (H2O2); D. Viability (MTT assay); E. DNA integrity. Significant differences among exposure concentrations for each UV-filter (4-MBC/BP-3) and pH level were denoted by different letters: lowercase and regular for 4-MBC at pH 8.2; uppercase and regular for 4-MBC at pH 7.7; bold and italic lowercase for BP-3 at pH 8.2; bold and italic uppercase for BP-3 at pH 7.7. Significant differences between pH levels per UV-filter concentration were indicated by asterisks (*).
Fig. 2. Violin plots depicting physiological responses of Mytilus galloprovincialis adults exposed to UV-filters 4-methylbenzylidene camphor (4-MBC) or benzophenone-3 (BP-3) under different pH levels (8.2-ambient and 7.7-low). A. Condition index (CI); B. Filtration rate (FR). Significant differences among exposure concentrations for each UV-filter (4-MBC/BP-3) and pH level were denoted by different letters: lowercase and regular for 4-MBC at pH 8.2; uppercase and regular for 4-MBC at pH 7.7; bold and italic lowercase for BP-3 at pH 8.2; bold and italic uppercase for BP-3 at pH 7.7. Significant differences between pH levels per UV-filter concentration were indicated by asterisks (*).
Fig. 3. Violin plots of biochemical responses of Mytilus galloprovincialis adults exposed to UV-filters 4-methylbenzylidene camphor (4-MBC) or benzophenone-3 (BP-3) under different pH levels (8.2-ambient and 7.7-low). A. Electron transport system (ETS) activity; B. Carbohydrate (CARB) content; C. Lipid peroxidation (LPO) levels; D. Total antioxidant capacity (TAC); E. Superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity; F. Carboxyl-esterases (CEs) activity; G. Glutathione-S-transferases (GSTs) activity; H. Acid phosphatase (ACP) activity; I. Alkaline phosphatase (AKP) activity. Significant differences among exposure concentrations for each UV-filter (4-MBC/BP-3) and pH level were denoted by different letters: lowercase and regular for 4-MBC at pH 8.2; uppercase and regular for 4-MBC at pH 7.7; bold and italic lowercase for BP-3 at pH 8.2; bold and italic uppercase for BP-3 at pH 7.7. Significant differences between pH levels per UV-filter concentration were indicated by asterisks (*).
Fig. 4. Multivariate analysis (PCO) graph based on biological responses in Mytilus galloprovincialis sperm cells and adults, following exposure to UV-filters 4-methylbenzylidene camphor (4-MBC) or benzophenone-3 (BP-3) under different pH levels (8.2-ambient and 7.7-low). Pearson correlation vectors (r > 0.75) are overlaid on the graph as supplementary descriptors: ACP, ROS-O2-, LPOAdults, SOD, LPOSperm, AKP, CEs and GSTs.
这项研究在全球变化引起的海洋酸化框架内模拟了真实的紫外线过滤器污染事件,揭示了五倍子贻贝在不同生物水平上的多方面反应。通过研究对雄性配子的短期(30 分钟)影响和对成体的长期(28 天)影响,确定了影响贻贝种群维持的关键因素。研究结果表明,4-MBC/BP-3 污染和低 pH 值压力对精子质量和成体性能产生了复杂的影响,不同生物水平采用了不同的 pH 值调节机制。具体来说,精子细胞对单独的低 pH 值条件(pH 值为 7.7,相对于取样地点的平均 pH 值,∆pH 值为-0.3)表现出明显的适应性反应,而成鱼则表现出更明显的影响,尤其是在同时存在低 pH 值和紫外线过滤器的情况下。具体而言,成体在低 pH 值条件下表现出独特的生物浓缩模式,同时细胞代谢活动和能量补偿过程、生物转化途径的激活以及抗氧化防御调节均有所增强,所有这些都表明它们对 pH 值诱导的压力具有补偿机制。值得注意的是,4-MBC 与 pH 值 7.7 结合在一起时会产生很大的反应。尽管该物种具有对上升流环境的局部适应潜力,但低 pH 值的显著影响凸显了五步蛇对 pH 值的高度敏感性,并指出可能存在非适应性的可塑性反应,需要进行显著的生理权衡。鉴于五步蛇在社会经济和生态方面的重要性,有必要开展进一步研究,在多胁迫框架下评估父系暴露对配子产量和质量的潜在影响。这项研究对野生和养殖贻贝种群的生态和进化具有重要意义。
Alessia Cuccaro, Anthony Moreira, Lucia De Marchi, Valentina Meucci, Amadeu M.V.M. Soares, Carlo Pretti, Rosa Freitas, Impacts of UV-filter pollution and low pH: Sperm and adult biomarkers in the mussel Mytilus galloprovincialis in a multi-stressor context., Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2025, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jhazmat.2024.136405