网聚爱心,挥拍共筑志愿梦 Tennis and Bonding with International Vounteers

文摘   2024-07-21 16:23   江苏  

7月6日,融荟国际志愿者们相聚亿麦网球俱乐部,在活力运动中增进彼此了解。 这不仅是一次久别重逢的喜悦,更是网络世界里熟悉身影与现实面孔的美妙碰撞,让那些虽未谋面却心灵相通的“老友”们得以相见。

On July 6th, the international volunteers from Learnwill gathered at the Yimai Sports Club. This gathering was not just a joyful reunion after a long time apart, but also a delightful blending of familiar online personas with real-life faces, allowing "old friends" who had never met in person but shared hearts to finally see each other.

志愿者都轮流介绍自己并分享着各自参与过的融荟志愿服务。从守护绿水青山的环保行动,到温暖人心的助老服务 ,每一个故事如同纽带,紧紧连接着志愿者的心。


Each participant took turns introducing themselves and sharing their experiences in volunteer services. Each story acted as a bond, tightly connecting our hearts.

Tennis was a fun and challenging sport that day. We all played it and chatted. Some of us practiced hitting balls back and forth, while others formed teams to play games. We laughed and cheered, getting to know each other better. We realized how important it was to work together as we sweated and smiled. Every time we hit the ball, it felt like we were making a commitment to continue doing good things for the community.



After the games, everyone sat together and shared their feelings.

We hope that this gathering will inspire more people to pay attention to and participate in public welfare volunteering. If you want to be a volunteer with us, please scan the QR code to contact us.

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LearnWill Cultural Center
Learn-Will Cultural Exchange Center is a Non-Governmental Organization focusing on cultural integration.