2024年6月,复旦大学中国与周边国家关系研究中心祁怀高研究员指导的博士生Elbinsar Purba在国际期刊《Unnes Political Science Journal》上发表了题为《Southeast Asian Peace Revisited: A Call for More Comprehensive Explanation》的论文。Elbinsar Purba是复旦大学国际关系与公共事务学院DPIP全英文项目2022级博士生,来自印度尼西亚,曾在东盟秘书处工作。“复旦中国周边研究”公众号推送该论文的缩略版,阅读全文请点击文末“阅读原文”。
Elbinsar Purba, a doctoral student under the supervision of professor QI Huaigao of the Center for China's Relations with Neighbouring Countries at Fudan University (CCRNC Fudan), published a paper in Unnes Political Science entitled "Southeast Asian Peace Revisited: A Call for More Comprehensive Explanation" in June 2024. Elbinsar Purba is a Ph.D. candidate of DPIP program at the School of International Relations and Public Affairs, Fudan University (SIRPA Fudan). He comes from Indonesia and worked in the ASEAN Secretariat. Official account of CCRNC Fudan posts the abbreviated version of the paper. To read the full text, please click "read the original" at the end of the post.
Elbinsar Purba, “Southeast Asian Peace Revisited: A Call for More Comprehensive Explanation,” Unnes Political Science Journal, Vol. 8, No. (2024), pp. 30-38.
Link: https://journal.unnes.ac.id/journals/upsj/article/view/5783.
Abstract: Many authors have tried to explain why Southeast Asia has been able to successfully maintain regional peace and stability. However, far from being able to provide convincing and commonly accepted answer, the current theories suffer from competing explanations and leave the puzzle unresolved. This paper explains the cause of this stalemate and finds that there are characteristics specific to Southeast Asia that collectively determine the nature of its transformation, namely diversity, colonial experience, culture of indeterminacy, and underdeveloped and non-complementary economy. As result of these characteristics, there are diverse factors that shape its peace evolution, there is no dominant driver of peace, and the region evolves incrementally. The paper argues that, in turn these lead to a serious methodological challenge for research on Southeast Asian peace. The paper concludes by offering some suggestions to overcome the challenge.
Southest Asia used to be renowned for conflicts and wars and analogously regarded as Balkan of Asia.However, the picture changed notably in 1970s as Southeast Asian nations started to strengthen dialogues and regional cooperation. Nowadays, Southeast Asia has been frequently praised as a region of peace.
This transformation intrigues many scholars and has been a subject of academic debate. However, this has led to competing explanation and rivalling theories on the cause of peace in Southeast Asia. Those who study liberalism often cite economic interdependence, regional institutions, and democracy as the driver of the peace processes. In particular, the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) and its organs are seen as a key driver behind peaceful regional transformation in Southeast Asia and even in broader East Asia. Various economic agreements formed by and through ASEAN enable many people across the region to benefit from regional integration, incentivising policy makers to maintain peace and stability in the region. Meanwhile, constructivists underline the important roles of common values and cultures across Southeast Asian nations. Reliance on dialogue and consultation, the practice of consensus and self-restraint, and the principles of national sovereignty and non-interference are among the products of the shared values and have contributed to preventing escalation of disputes into open conflicts. For realists, however, none of these looks convincing. For them, Southeast Asian peace is explained by extra-regional power balances, noting the roles of the United States in particular, and self-help behaviour of Southeast Asian countries. They believe that regional bodies such as ASEAN do not actually have notable impacts and sometimes even frustrate meaningful engagement of external powers.
These are examples of debate and disagreement in Southeast Asian literature. What cause these competing theories? Why there is no convincing and well-accepted explanation of Southeast Asian peace? There are four mutually-reinforcing characteristics of Southeast Asia that serve as root cause of this problem.
First, Southeast Asia is well known as a region of diversity. This indicates that there are diverse factors that collectively influence relations among Southeast Asian countries. While certain differences can serve as a strength and be positive for exchanges, many of the differences constrain the process of socialisation, development of common identity, sense of “we-ness”, and cohesion.
Second, colonialism is deeply rooted in the memory of Southeast Asian people and shapes their perception of outsiders. Similar to diversity, this experience can limit the extent of socialisation and regional integration. The struggle for independence triggered the rise of nationalism and sovereignty became non-negotiable for these nations. Consequently, in their regional cooperation, national interests are prioritised over regional or global ones and any form of external power’s intervention tends to be rejected.
Third, the culture of indeterminacy is strongly reflected in the behaviour of Southeast Asian countries.They do not want to take stark or decisive selection over available options or possibilities. Instead, they maintain flexibility and choose incremental steps that do not foreclose future options. In their cooperation, they rarely take bold actions. Instead, they maintain moderate moves with low possible risks and costs. Definitely, this culture does not bode well with transformative changes.
Lastly, Southeast Asian nations are mainly developing (some are least-developed) country. Due to underdevelopment, nation- and state-building remains a top priority for many of these countries and often drives their foreign policy. This reinforces the primacy of national interest, tendency to focus on short-term gains, and sometimes could result in egoistical behaviour as they compete for foreign capital and lessen regional solidarity. At the same time, advanced countries outside the region are more equipped to supply goods and services into Southeast Asian countries. This is reinforced by the fact that economic cohesion among Southeast Asian countries is relatively weak. With these, that intra-ASEAN trade and people mobility remains low shall not be surprising for anyone.
Collectively, these four root causes mean the following for Southeast Asian peace. First, there are diverse factors that shape evolution of Southeast Asia including its peace development. The factors interact with one another and some of them move in opposing direction e.g. promoting and hindering peaceful transformation. Second, there is no dominant driver of peace. Engine of peace such as economic interdependence, institutions, and common identity cannot produce significant push given that they are faced with countering forces. Third, the region evolves incrementally. In turn, these three bring a crucial methodological consequence for research on Southeast Asian peace: there is no sufficient or deterministic independent variable that can attributably explain Southeast Asian peace. Grand theories in international relations such as realism, liberalism, and constructivism might shed some light but only partially. Individually, none of them is able to provide reliable and conclusive explanation. Those who study Southeast Asian peace should keep these root causes and the methodological consequences in mind.
Thanks to Da Xuan, a master student at the School of International Relations and Public Affairs at Fudan University, for translating the text into Chinese.