《经济学人》2024年11月2日 我们决定选哪位​:​特朗普会带来极致风险如果《经济学人》有一票,我们会投民主党哈里斯

文摘   2024-11-01 10:21   上海  



The Economist NOV 2




Kamala Harris
我们本周仅有一篇封面文章:我们决定选哪位我们认为特朗普连任会造成极致的风险。如果让唐纳德·特朗普成为自由世界的领袖,就等于美国人在拿经济、法治和世界和平做赌注。与特朗普相比,卡玛拉·哈里斯象征着可预期。不可否认是一位平庸的政客,然而,她已经摒弃了民主党中那些极左翼的思想,在竞选中向中间派靠拢。所以,如果 《经济学人》 有投票权,我们会投哈里斯女士一票。
而本杂志认为,这种说法太过想当然了。很可能,美国能再次轻松度过特朗普四年任期,两党都有诞生过有种种缺陷的总统。甚至美国可能会继续繁荣昌盛。然而,那些自称头脑清醒的选民却忽视了特朗普当选总统的尾部风险(Tail Risk,证券术语,是指在巨灾事件发生后,直到合约到期日或损失发展期的期末,巨灾损失金额或证券化产品的结算价格还没有被精确确定的风险。“读新书”注)。如果让特朗普成为自由世界的领袖,美国人就等于拿经济、法治和国际和平做赌注。尽管《经济学人》和所有人一样,都无法量化这种事态极端恶化可能性,但我们认为,低估这种可能性的选民就是在自欺欺人。
让美国再次稀碎(Make America grate again)
担心特朗普连任风险的另一个原因是,今日的世界已然改变。世界在2017年至2021年基本身处和平。特朗普的支持者将此归功于特朗普的不可预测性和采取强硬非常规行动的意愿,这种结合确实可以让刺头国家(awkward countries)守规矩。当外交政策精英警告特朗普,刺杀伊朗主要将领之一的卡西姆·苏莱曼尼后将产生严重后果,似乎特朗普的说法反而印证了后续的现实。但随着下一任总统上任,爆发了将危及美国安全的两场战争。在乌克兰,俄罗斯已经占据上风,让弗拉基米尔有能力进一步威胁侵略欧洲。在中东,一场蔓延到伊朗的地区战争仍有可能将美国卷入其中。
如果外部放松约束,那么有关特朗普的性格将更加重要。考虑到他在 2020年大选失败后顽固蔑视宪法的现实,所以我们很难抱有乐观态度。在他的前内阁成员中,现在有一半人拒绝支持他。最资深的共和党参议员称他为“卑鄙的人”。他的前参谋长和前参谋长联席会议主席均称他为法西斯分子。如果你是位正在面试的求职者,你不会忽视对老板这样的性格评价。

Nexweek tens of millions of Americans will vote for Donald Trump.Some will do so out of grievance, because they think Kamala Harris is aradical Marxist who will destroy their country. Some are fired up by nationalpride, because Mr Trump inspires in them the belief that, with him in theWhite House, America will stand tall. Yet some will coolly opt to vote Trump asa calculated risk.

This last group of voters, which includes many readers of The Economist, maynot see Mr Trump as a person they would want to do business with, or any kindof role model for their children. But they probably think that when he waspresident he did more good than bad. They may also believe the case againsthim is wildly overblown. Central to this calculation is the idea that Mr Trump’sworst instincts would be constrained: by his staff, the bureaucracy, Congressand the courts.

This newspaper sees that argument as recklessly complacent. America maywell breeze through four more years of Mr Trump, as it has the presidencies ofother flawed men from both parties. The country may even thrive. But votersclaiming to be hard-headed are overlooking the tail risk of a Trump presidency.By making Mr Trump leader of the free world, Americans would be gamblingwith the economy, the rule of law and international peace. We cannot quantifythe chance that something will go badly wrong: nobody can. But we believevoters who minimise it are deluding themselves.

Some will dismiss this as alarmism. It is true that our worst fears about MrTrump’s first term did not come to pass. At home, he cut taxes and deregulatedthe economy, which has grown faster than any of its rich-world counterparts.His administration deserves credit for funding vaccines for covid-19, even if herefused to urge Americans to get vaccinated. Abroad, he projected strength,shifting the consensus towards a confrontational posture on China. He helpedbroker the Abraham accords, which formalised relations between Israel andsome of its neighbours—a peace that has so far survived a regional war. Heprodded some of America’s allies to increase their defence spending. Evenwhen Mr Trump behaved abominably by fomenting an attack on the Capitol totry to stop the transfer of power on January 6th 2021, America’s institutionsheld firm.

If The Economist failed to foresee so much in 2016, why heed our warning now?The answer is that today the risks are larger. And that is because Mr Trump’spolicies are worse, the world is more perilous and many of the sober,responsible people who reined in his worst instincts during his first term havebeen replaced by true believers, toadies and chancers.

Make America grate again

The case against Mr Trump begins with his policies. In 2016 the Republicanplatform was still caught between the Mitt Romney party and the Trump party.Today’s version is more extreme. Mr Trump favours a 20% tariff on all importsand has talked of charging over 200% or even 500% on cars from Mexico. Heproposes to deport millions of irregular immigrants, many with jobs andAmerican children. He would extend tax cuts even though the budget deficit isat a level usually seen only during war or recession, suggesting a blitheindifference to sound fiscal management.

These policies would be inflationary, potentially setting up a conflict with theFederal Reserve. They would risk igniting a trade war that would ultimatelyimpoverish America. The combination of inflation, out-of-control deficits andinstitutional decay would bring forward the day when foreigners worry about lending the uTreasury unlimited money.

America’s economy is the envy of the world, but that rests on it being an openmarket which embraces creative destruction, innovation and competition.Sometimes it seems as if Mr Trump wants to return to the 19th century, usingtariffs and tax breaks to reward his friends and punish his enemies, as well asto finance the state and minimise trade deficits. Politics could yet wreck thefoundations of America’s prosperity.

Another reason to fear a second Trump term is that the world has changed. In2017-21 it was largely at peace. Mr Trump’s supporters chalk that up to hisunpredictability and willingness to take strong and unconventional action, acombination that can indeed keep awkward countries in line. When theforeign-policy elite warned of dire consequences after the assassination ofQassem Suleimani, one of Iran’s main generals, Mr Trump was vindicated. Butas the next president takes office, two wars will be endangering America’ssecurity. In Ukraine Russia has the upper hand, putting Vladimir Putin in aposition to threaten further aggression in Europe. In the Middle East a regionalwar creeping towards Iran could yet suck in the United States.

These conflagrations would test Mr Trump in a way that his first term did not.His glib promises to bring peace to Ukraine in a day, and his open-endedencouragement of Israel’s offensives, are not reassuring. Even worse is hiscontempt for alliances. Although these are America’s greatest geopoliticalstrength, Mr Trump sees them as scams that let weak countries scrounge off itsmilitary power. Bluster and threats may see Mr Trump through, but they couldequally destroynato. China will be watching as it weighs up how aggressive tobe against Taiwan. Asian allies may calculate they can no longer trust America’snuclear guarantee.

The risks for domestic and foreign policy are amplified by the last bigdifference between Mr Trump’s first term and a possible second one: he wouldbe less constrained. The president who mused about firing missiles at druglabs in Mexico was held back by the people and institutions around him. Sincethen the Republican Party has organised itself around fealty to Mr Trump.Friendly think-tanks have vetted lists of loyal people to serve in the nextadministration. The Supreme Court has weakened the checks on presidents byruling that they cannot be prosecuted for official acts.

If external constraints are looser, much more will depend on Mr Trump’scharacter. Given his unrepentant contempt for the constitution after losing theelection in 2020, it is hard to be optimistic. Half his former cabinet membershave refused to endorse him. The most senior Republican senator describeshim as a “despicable human being”. Both his former chief-of-staff and formerhead of the joint chiefs call him a fascist. If you were interviewing a jobapplicant, you would not brush off such character references.

Good presidents unite the country. Mr Trump’s political genius is for turningpeople against each other. After the death of George Floyd, he suggested thearmy shoot protesters in the leg. America’s prosperity depends on the idea thatpeople are treated fairly, regardless of their politics; Mr Trump has threatenedto turn the Justice Department on his political enemies.
