【日常口语】| 乐极生悲
Too much of a good thing - 好事过头会变坏事
例句:He partied too hard and ended up in trouble. It was too much of a good thing.
What goes up must come down - 高处不胜寒(快乐之后必有低谷)
例句:They were celebrating all night, but what goes up must come down when they got the bad news.
Joy turned to sorrow - 喜悦变成了悲伤
例句:Their joy turned to sorrow when the unexpected accident happened.
Pay the price for something - 为某事付出代价
例句:They ignored the warnings during the celebration and paid the price for it.
Bite off more than you can chew - 得意忘形(做得过火而引发问题)
例句:He bit off more than he could chew at the party and ended up regretting it.
Happiness turned upside down - 幸福被颠覆
例句:Their happiness turned upside down after the unexpected event.
Face the consequences - 面对后果
例句:They ignored the risks and now have to face the consequences.
End in disaster - 以悲剧告终
例句:The celebration ended in disaster when the fire broke out.
Overindulgence leads to trouble - 过度放纵引发麻烦
例句:Overindulgence at the party led to trouble for everyone involved.