林语堂·孔子的智慧·导言 5

文摘   2025-01-19 17:30   重庆  
 A Brief Account of Confucius' Character
在孔子去世后数百年,以及再往后的中国历史上,孔子本人的声望之高及其遗教地位之隆,要归之三个因素。For hundreds of years after Confucius' death and throughout subsequent Chinese history, the high prestige of Confucius himself and the exalted status of his teachings can be attributed to three factors.
第一,孔子思想对中国人特具吸引力;First, Confucius' ideas held a particular appeal to the Chinese people.
第二,中国古典学术与历史知识为孔门学人所专有,而当时其他学派对中国古典及历史则不屑一顾,同时,中国此等古代学问本身即极为宝贵;Second, classical Chinese learning and historical knowledge were monopolized by Confucius' disciples. At that time, other schools of thought showed no regard for Chinese classics and history. Meanwhile, these ancient Chinese learning itself was extremely precious.
第三,孔子本人的人品声望使人倾慕。Third, the personal character and reputation of Confucius himself inspired admiration.
在我们这个世界上,有些伟大师表人物,他们影响之大多半由于其人品可爱,反倒不是由于他们的学问渊深。In our world, there are some great teachers and sages whose far - reaching influence is mostly due to their lovable characters rather than their profound knowledge.
我们想到古希腊哲人苏格拉底、意大利圣人圣方济各,他们本人并没有写过什么重要的著作,但是给当代留下那么深厚的印象其影响乃不可磨灭,竟至历久而弥新。We think of Socrates, the ancient Greek philosopher, and St. Francis of Assisi, the Italian saint. They themselves did not write any important works, but they left such a deep impression on their contemporaries that their influence is indelible and has even become more vivid with the passage of time.
孔子的可爱之处正与苏格拉底可爱之处一样。苏格拉底之深获柏拉图的敬爱,就足以证明是由于他的人品与思想使然。The lovable aspect of Confucius is the same as that of Socrates. The deep love and respect that Plato had for Socrates is sufficient proof that it was due to Socrates' character and ideas.
诚然,孔子删《诗经》、著《春秋》,但是孔子谆谆教人的传统只是由弟子及日后的信徒记录下来的。Indeed, Confucius edited The Book of Songs and wrote The Spring and Autumn Annals. However, the teachings that Confucius earnestly imparted were only recorded by his disciples and later believers.
在儒家著述中,对孔子的人品有许多不同的描写。我们在本书第三章论《中庸》时,曾先提到一些。In Confucian works, there are many different descriptions of Confucius' character. We mentioned some of them first in Chapter 3 of this book when discussing The Doctrine of the Mean.
孔子的弟子颜回曾赞美孔子,把他高捧到云天之上,将他比做神秘不可知之物,颜回说:“仰之弥高,钻之弥坚;瞻之在前,忽焉在后。”Yan Hui, one of Confucius' disciples, praised Confucius, exalting him to the heavens and comparing him to something mysterious and unknowable. Yan Hui said, "The more I look up to him, the higher he seems; the more I delve into his teachings, the more impenetrable they appear. When I look ahead, he seems right in front of me; suddenly, he seems to be behind me."

下面有几段文字,可算做描写孔子最好的文字。The following passages can be regarded as the best descriptions of Confucius.

一段是:“子温而厉,威而不猛,恭而安。”One passage goes: "The Master was gentle yet strict, awe-inspiring yet not fierce, respectful yet at ease."

孔子自己的描述尤其好。一次,一位国君向孔子的一个弟子问孔子是何等人,弟子并未回答。他回来之后将此事告诉孔子。Confucius' own description is particularly good. Once, a ruler asked one of Confucius' disciples what kind of person Confucius was. The disciple did not answer. After he returned, he told Confucius about this incident.

在《论语》中有这样文字:“叶公问孔子于子路,子路不对。子曰:汝奚不曰:‘其为人也,发愤忘食,乐以忘忧,不知老之将至云尔。’”In The Analects, there is such a passage: "The Lord of She asked Zi Lu about Confucius, but Zi Lu did not answer. Confucius said: Why didn't you say: He is a man who is so zealous in learning that he forgets to eat, so delighted in it that he forgets his worries, and is unaware that old age is approaching.'"
在这段夫子自道的文字里,我们不难看出孔子生活的快乐、热情及其力行的精神。From this passage where Confucius describes himself, it is easy to see the joy, enthusiasm in his life and his spirit of earnest practice.
孔子有好几次说他自己不是圣人,只是自己“学而不厌,诲人不倦”而已。Confucius said several times that he was not a sage, but merely someone who was "never tired of learning and never weary of teaching others".
下面有一段文字,可以说明孔子的奋勉力行。(原书此处漏排——编者注。)这表示孔子是有其道德的理想,自己知道自身负有的使命,因此深具自信。The following passage can illustrate Confucius' diligent and dedicated efforts. (There is a missing part in the original book here - Editor's note.) This shows that Confucius had his moral ideals, was aware of his own mission, and thus was deeply confident.
孔子的品格的动人处,就在他的和蔼温逊,由他对弟子说话的语气腔调就可清清楚楚看得出。The touching aspect of Confucius' character lies in his amiability and gentleness, which can be clearly perceived from the tone of his conversations with his disciples.
《论语》里记载的孔子对弟子的谈话,只可以看做一个风趣的教师与弟子之间的漫谈,其中偶尔点缀着几处隽永的警语。The conversations between Confucius and his disciples recorded in The Analects can only be regarded as casual chats between a witty teacher and his disciples, occasionally dotted with some profound and memorable sayings.
以这样的态度去读《论语》,孔子在最为漫不经心时说出只言片语,那才是妙不可言呢。When reading The Analects with such an attitude, the most fascinating moments are those when Confucius casually utters a few words.
比如说,我就好喜欢下面这一段:For example, I really like the following passage:
一天,孔子和两三个知己的门人闲谈时,他说:“你们以为我有什么话不好意思告诉你们两三个人吗?说实在话,我真是没有什么瞒你们的。我孔丘生性就是这种人。”原文是:One day, when Confucius was chatting with two or three of his close disciples, he said, "Do you think I have anything embarrassing to tell you two or three? To be honest, I really have nothing to hide from you. I, Kong Qiu, am by nature such a person." The original text is:
子曰:“二三子,以我为隐乎?吾无隐乎尔。吾无行而不与二三子者,是丘也。”The Master said, "My disciples, do you think I am hiding something from you? I have no concealment from you. There is nothing I do that I do not share with you, my disciples. That is the kind of person I, Qiu, am."
还有一次,因为子贡爱批评人,孔子不是用客气话称他的号,而是叫他的名字说:“喂,赐啊,你是够聪明的,是不是?我可没有那么多闲工夫!”原文是:On another occasion, because Zigong was fond of criticizing others, instead of addressing him with a polite title, Confucius called him by his given name and said, "Hey, Ci, you are quite smart, aren't you? But I don't have that much free time!" The original text is:
子曰:“赐也贤乎哉?夫我则不暇。”The Master said, "Ci, are you really worthy? As for me, I have no time for such things."
还有一次,因为子贡爱批评人,孔子不是用客气话称他的号,而是叫他的名字说:“喂,赐啊,你是够聪明的,是不是?我可没有那么多闲工夫!”原文是:On another occasion, because Zigong was fond of criticizing others, instead of addressing him with a polite title, Confucius called him by his given name and said, "Hey, Ci, you are quite smart, aren't you? But I don't have that much free time!" The original text is:
子贡方人(批评人),子曰:“赐也,贤乎哉!夫我则不暇。”Zigong was passing judgment on others. The Master said, "Ci, are you really worthy? As for me, I have no time for such things."
还有一次,孔子说:“天天吃得饱饱的,什么也不做,只知道鬼混。这太不像话了。不是有人赌博下棋吗?那也比闲着无所事事好呀。”原文是:On another occasion, Confucius said, "Eating one's fill all day long without applying one's mind to anything is really unacceptable. Isn't there gambling and chess - playing? Even doing that is better than idling around." The original text is:
子曰:“饱食终日,无所用心,难矣哉!不有博弈者乎?为之,犹贤乎已。”The Master said, "To eat one's fill all day, without exercising one's mind in the least - this is hard to bear! Are there not gamesters and chess - players? Even doing these would be better than doing nothing."
又有一次,孔子对弟子的行为开了一次玩笑,听了孔子的话,弟子大惑不解。On yet another occasion, Confucius made a joke about a disciple's behavior, and the disciple was greatly puzzled by what Confucius said.
孔子告诉弟子说:“前言戏之耳。”言外之意是孔子并不反对那件事,而是赞成。这因为孔子的确是个乐天派的老先生。不管谁想向他求教,他都以高雅的态度表示欢迎。Confucius told the disciple, "I was just joking before." Implicitly, Confucius did not oppose that matter but rather approved of it. Because Confucius was truly an optimistic old gentleman. Whoever came to him for advice, he would welcome them with an elegant attitude.
由下面一件事就可见出,这件事也正像基督教《新约》上的记载,耶稣一次向门徒说:“让小孩子们到我跟前来。”This can be seen from the following incident, which is similar to the account in the Christian New Testament where Jesus once said to his disciples, "Let the little children come to me."
那件事是这样:一个村子的居民因不老实而讨人厌,村里有几个年轻人去见孔子,孔子的弟子知道孔子居然接见了他们,对此事颇不以为然。The incident was like this: The residents of a village were untrustworthy and annoying. Several young people from the village went to see Confucius. Confucius' disciples were quite disapproving when they knew that Confucius actually received them.
孔子说:“干什么对他们那么凶?我认为,重要的是他们肯来向我请教,而不是他们走后的行为如何。人家既然诚心诚意地来见我,我就很重视他们那份诚意,当然我不能担保他们以后的行为如何呀。”Confucius said, "Why be so harsh on them? I think what matters is that they are willing to come to me for advice, not their behavior after they leave. Since they come to see me with sincerity, I value their sincerity. Of course, I can't guarantee their future behavior."
这段原文如此:互乡难与言。童子见,门人惑。子曰:“与其进也,不与其退也。唯何甚?人洁己以进,与其洁也,不保其往也。”The original text is as follows: "It was difficult to talk with the people of Hu Xiang. A lad from there was received by the Master, and the disciples were perplexed. The Master said, 'I encourage his advance, not his retreat. Why be so extreme? When a man purifies himself to advance, I encourage his purification, not guaranteeing his past conduct.'"
但是孔子可不是永远温和高雅,因为他也是一个活生生的“真人”。However, Confucius was not always gentle and elegant, because he was also a real, living person.
他能歌唱,也能十分谦恭有礼,但是他也能像普通一个真人那样恨人,那样鄙视人,正和耶稣之恨那些犹太法学家法利赛人一样。He could sing and was extremely courteous, but he could also hate and despise people like an ordinary real person, just as Jesus hated the Pharisees, the Jewish jurists.
我们这个世界上从来就没有一个伟人不是疾恶如仇的。孔子有时也能十分粗野,《论语》就记载他老人家有四五次当着人面说出很刻薄的话。There has never been a great person in this world who did not loathe evil. Sometimes Confucius could be quite rough. The Analects records that he said some rather harsh words in front of people four or five times.
他那种粗野,今日的儒家都不敢表现,都办不到了。孔子恨之入骨的就是那些善恶不分的好好先生,那些伪善的“乡愿”,他说那是“德之贼”。His kind of roughness is something that today's Confucian scholars dare not show or achieve. What Confucius hated bitterly were those people who could not distinguish between good and evil, those hypocritical "pharisaical villagers", whom he called "the thieves of virtue".
有一次,一个乡愿式的人物叫孺悲的,要见孔子。《论语》上这样记载:Once, a pharisaical person named Ru Bei wanted to see Confucius. The Analects records this as follows:
孺悲欲见孔子。孔子辞以疾。将命者出户,取瑟而歌,使之闻之。Ru Bei wanted to see Confucius. Confucius declined, saying he was ill. When the messenger had gone out of the door, Confucius took up his lute and sang, making sure Ru Bei could hear.
这明明是要孺悲听见孔子在家。这段文字使所有的孔学家茫然不解。This clearly shows that Confucius wanted Ru Bei to know that he was at home. This passage has left all Confucian scholars puzzled.
因为他们以为孔子是圣人,不是肉体凡胎的人,一向是彬彬如也恭而有礼的。这种正统的见解自然全然剥夺了孔子的人性。Because they regarded Confucius as a sage, not an ordinary human being, and always thought he was always polite and refined. This kind of orthodox view completely deprived Confucius of his humanity.
《论语》里另一段文字也使儒家学者感到困惑,在《孟子》一书中也有记载。Another passage in The Analects also puzzled Confucian scholars and is also recorded in Mencius.
那故事是这样:一个贪官名叫阳货,送给孔子一只猪蹄髈。因为阳货与孔子二人彼此毫无好感,阳货单找孔子不在家时,把一只猪蹄髈送到孔家,用以表示对孔子的敬意。The story is like this: A corrupt official named Yang Huo gave Confucius a pig's trotter. Since Yang Huo and Confucius did not like each other, Yang Huo specifically sent the pig's trotter to Confucius' home when Confucius was not there to show his respect.
孔子也特别用心,趁阳货不在家时前往道谢,留下了自己的名片。《论语》上有这样一段文字:Confucius was also very careful. He went to Yang Huo's home to express his gratitude when Yang Huo was not in and left his name - card. There is such a passage in The Analects:
阳货欲见孔子,孔子不见。归孔子豚。孔子时其亡也,而往拜之……Yang Huo wanted to see Confucius, but Confucius refused to see him. Yang Huo sent Confucius a suckling pig. Confucius waited until Yang Huo was out and then went to pay his respects...
弟子有一次向夫子问当代的王公大人为何等人物,孔子回答说:“那些都是酒囊饭桶啊!”Once a disciple asked the Master what kind of people the princes and nobles of the time were. Confucius replied, "They are good - for - nothings!"
又有一次,孔子评论一个以在母丧中歌唱出名的人。孔子斥责他说:“你年轻时,狂妄不听教训。长大时,你一事无成。现在你老了,又老而不死。你简直是个祸害!”On another occasion, Confucius commented on a person famous for singing during his mother's mourning period. Confucius rebuked him, saying, "When you were young, you were wild and unteachable. When you grew up, you achieved nothing. Now that you are old, you still refuse to die. You are simply a nuisance!"
于是孔子用手中的杖打原壤的腿。在《论语》里有下列这段文字:原壤夷俟(原壤蹲在地下等候孔子),子曰:“幼而不孙弟,长而无述焉,老而不死,是为贼。”以杖叩其胫。Then Confucius hit Yuan Rang on the shins with his staff. The following passage is in The Analects: Yuan Rang was squatting waiting for Confucius. The Master said, "When young, not humble to elders; when grown up, doing nothing worthy of mention; when old, lingering on without dying - such a one is a pest." And he struck him on the shins with his staff.
事实上,在孔子的所言所行上有好多趣事呢。孔子过的日子里那充实的欢乐,完全是合乎人性,合乎人的感情,完全充满艺术的高雅。In fact, there are many interesting stories about what Confucius said and did. The rich joy in Confucius' life was completely in line with human nature, human emotions, and was full of artistic elegance.

因为孔子具有深厚的情感,敏锐的感性,高度的优美。孔子的得意高足颜回不幸早逝,孔子哭得极为伤心。Because Confucius had deep emotions, a keen sensibility, and a high degree of grace. When Yan Hui, his favorite and outstanding disciple, died prematurely, Confucius wept bitterly.

有人问他为什么那么哭,为什么哭得浑身抽搐颤动,他回答说:“我哭得太伤心了吗?我若不这么哭他,我还为谁这么痛哭呢?”原文是:Someone asked him why he was crying so much, why he was trembling with grief. He replied, "Am I crying too much? If I don't cry like this for him, for whom else should I cry so bitterly?" The original text is:

颜渊死,子哭之恸。从者曰:“子恸矣!”曰:“有恸乎?非夫人之为恸,而谁为?”When Yan Yuan died, the Master wailed bitterly. Those who were with him said, "Master, you are in too much grief!" He said, "Am I in too much grief? If not for him, for whom should I be in such grief?"

有一次,孔子偶然经过一个老相识的丧礼,就进门去吊祭,看见别人哭,受了那哀哭的感动,自己也哭起来。On one occasion, Confucius happened to pass by the funeral of an old acquaintance. He entered to offer his condolences. Seeing others crying, he was deeply moved and started crying himself.
他出来之后,让弟子把他的鞍鞯上拿下一个零件来,给丧家送进去,作为祭礼,并且说:“拿进去当做祭礼吧。平白无故去哭祭,不带什么礼品最讨厌了。”After coming out, he asked his disciple to take a part from his saddle - gear and send it to the mourning family as an offering for the sacrifice, saying, "Take it in as an offering. It's really annoying to offer condolences without bringing any gifts."
由此可见孔子很容易受感动,也很容易流眼泪,可见孔子的感情是多么丰富。From this, we can see that Confucius was easily touched and prone to tears, which shows how rich his emotions were.
孔子这个人,能歌唱,能演奏乐器,如琴瑟等,并且把《诗经》重编,再配上音乐,他当然是个艺术家。Confucius could sing and play musical instruments like the qin and se. He also recompiled The Book of Songs and set it to music. He was surely an artist.
我曾指出,孔子是个爱好礼乐的人。由下面一事,亦可以证明孔子是具有基督教圣公会那样宗教家的气质,雅爱礼仪音乐;I have pointed out that Confucius was a person who loved rites and music. The following incident can also prove that Confucius had the temperament of a religious person similar to that of the Anglican Church, with a refined love for rites and music. 
但和耶稣对于律法、先知及宗教中的仪礼之不甚措意、不那么喜爱,则正好是个鲜明的对比。However, it is in sharp contrast to Jesus, who didn't pay much attention to and wasn't so fond of the laws, prophets, and religious rituals.
在安息日,耶稣曾命人到一个地洞里去救一头牛。对这种事,孔子也许赞成,也许不赞成。On the Sabbath, Jesus once ordered people to rescue an ox from a cave. Confucius might or might not have approved of such a thing.
孔子的弟子子贡有一次提议把祭祀典礼上的羊省去,孔子说:“赐啊,你爱那只羊,我爱的是那典礼啊。”《论语》上那段原文是这样:Once, Zigong, a disciple of Confucius, proposed to omit the sacrificial sheep in the sacrifice ceremony. Confucius said, "Ci, you love the sheep, but I love the ceremony." The original text in The Analects is: 
“子贡欲去告朔之饩羊。子曰:“赐也,尔爱其羊,我爱其礼。”Zigong wanted to do away with the sacrificial sheep at the announcement of the new moon. The Master said, "Ci, you love the sheep; I love the ceremony."
不管怎么样,我们可以说,孔子是对动物不太关心的人。因为,还有一次,孔子听说他家的马棚着了火,他只问有没有人受伤,他不问马如何。《论语》上此一段原文是:Anyway, we can say that Confucius didn't care much about animals. Because on another occasion, when Confucius heard that the stable in his house was on fire, he only asked if anyone was hurt and didn't ask about the horses. The original text in The Analects is: 
厩焚。子退朝,曰:“伤人乎?”不问马。The stable burned down. When the Master returned from court, he said, "Was anyone hurt?" He did not ask about the horses."
