太宗孝文皇帝中七年(戊辰,公元前一七三年)In the seventh year of the reign of Emperor Xiaowen of the Taizong period (Wuchen, 173 BC)
冬,十月,令列侯太夫人、夫人、诸侯王子及吏二千石无得擅征捕。In winter, in the tenth month, it was decreed that the grand dowagers, consorts of marquises, sons of feudal lords, and officials with a salary of two thousand piculs were not allowed to conduct arrests arbitrarily.
夏,四月,赦天下。In summer, in the fourth month, an amnesty was declared throughout the empire.
六月,癸酉,未央宫东阙罘罳灾。In the sixth month, on the day of Guishou, a fire broke out at the Fusi of the eastern tower of the Weiyang Palace.
民有歌淮南王者曰:“一尺布,尚可缝;一斗粟,尚可舂;兄弟二人不相容!”帝闻而病之。There was a folksong about the King of Huainan, which went: "A foot of cloth can still be sewn; a bushel of millet can still be pounded; but the two brothers can't tolerate each other!" When the emperor heard this, he felt troubled.
太宗孝文皇帝中八年(己巳,公元前一七二年)In the eighth year of the reign of Emperor Xiaowen of the Taizong period (Jisi, 172 BC)
夏,封淮南厉王子安等四人为列侯。贾谊知上必将复王之也,上疏谏曰:In summer, four sons of Liu Chang, the King of Huainan, including Liu An, were enfeoffed as marquises. Jia Yi knew that the emperor would surely make them kings again, so he submitted a memorial to remonstrate, saying:
“淮南王之悖逆无道,天下孰不知其罪!"The King of Huainan was perverse and lawless. Who in the world didn't know his crimes!
陛下幸而赦迁之,自疾而死,天下孰以王死之不当!Your Majesty was merciful enough to pardon him and exile him. He died of illness. Who in the world thought his death was inappropriate!
今奉尊罪人之子,适足以负谤于天下耳。此人少壮,岂能忘其父哉!Now, to honor the sons of a criminal is only enough to bring slander from the world. When these people grow up, how could they forget their father!
白公胜所为父报仇者,大父与叔父也。What Bai Gongsheng did to avenge his father was against his grandfather and uncle.
白公为乱,非欲取国代主,发忿快志,剡手以冲仇人之匈,固为俱靡而已。When Bai Gongsheng caused chaos, he didn't want to seize the state and replace the ruler. He just gave vent to his anger and, with a drawn sword, rushed at the chests of his enemies. He was determined to perish together with them.
淮南虽小,黥布尝用之矣,汉存,特幸耳。Although Huainan was small, Ying Bu had once used it. The survival of the Han Dynasty was just a matter of luck.
夫擅仇人足以危汉之资,于策不便。To give power to enemies, which is enough to endanger the Han Dynasty, is not a convenient strategy.
予之众,积之财,此非有子胥、白公报于广都之中,即疑有专诸、荆轲起于两柱之间。Giving them people and accumulating wealth for them - if it's not like Wu Zixu and Bai Gongsheng taking revenge in a big city, then there might be someone like Zhuan Zhu or Jing Ke emerging between the two pillars.
所谓假贼兵,为虎翼者也。愿陛下少留计!”This is just like lending weapons to thieves and adding wings to a tiger. I hope Your Majesty will consider this carefully!"
上弗听。The emperor didn't listen.
有长星出于东方。A comet appeared in the east.
太宗孝文皇帝中九年(庚午,公元前一七一年)In the ninth year of the reign of Emperor Xiaowen of the Taizong period (Gengwu, 171 BC)
春,大旱。In spring, there was a severe drought.
太宗孝文皇帝中十年(辛未,公元前一七零年)In the tenth year of the reign of Emperor Xiaowen of the Taizong period (Xinwei, 170 BC)
冬,上行幸甘泉。In winter, the emperor made a trip to Ganquan.
将军薄昭杀汉使者。帝不忍加诛,使公卿从之饮酒。欲令自引分,昭不肯;General Bo Zhao killed a messenger of the Han Dynasty. The emperor couldn't bear to execute him. He sent high - ranking officials to drink with him, hoping he would take his own life. But Bo Zhao refused.
使群臣丧服往哭之,乃自杀。Then the emperor sent the officials to go to him wearing mourning clothes and cry for him. Only then did Bo Zhao commit suicide.
臣光曰:Sima Guang said:
“李德裕以为:‘汉文帝诛薄昭,断则明矣,于义则未安也。"Li Deyu thought: 'When Emperor Wen of Han executed Bo Zhao, his decision - making was clear, but it was not proper in terms of righteousness.
秦康送晋文,兴如存之感;况太后尚存,唯一弟薄昭,断之不疑,非所以慰母氏之心也。’When Duke Kang of Qin saw off Duke Wen of Jin, he had a sense of as if the deceased was still alive. Moreover, the empress dowager was still alive, and Bo Zhao was her only younger brother. To make a decisive decision without hesitation was not the way to comfort the empress dowager's heart.'
臣愚以为法者天下之公器,惟善持法者,亲疏如一,无所不行,则人莫敢有所恃而犯之也。I humbly think that the law is a public instrument of the world. Only those who can handle the law well, treating relatives and strangers equally and applying it without exception, can make people not dare to rely on anything and violate it.
夫薄昭虽素称长者,文帝不为置贤师傅而用之典兵;Although Bo Zhao was always known as a kind - hearted person, Emperor Wen didn't appoint a virtuous teacher for him but let him command the army.
骄而犯上,至于杀汉使者,非有恃而然乎!He became arrogant and offended the superior, even to the extent of killing a Han messenger. Wasn't this because he had something to rely on!
若又从而赦之,则与成、哀之世何异哉!If he was then pardoned, what would be the difference from the reigns of Emperor Cheng and Emperor Ai!
魏文帝尝称汉文帝之美,而不取其杀薄昭,曰:Emperor Wen of Wei once praised Emperor Wen of Han but didn't approve of his execution of Bo Zhao. He said:
‘舅后之家,但当养育以恩而不当假借以权,既触罪法,又不得不害。’'For the families of the empress's relatives, they should only be nurtured with kindness and not be given power. Once they violate the law, they have to be punished.'
讥文帝之始不防闲昭也,斯言得之矣。然则欲慰母心者,将慎之于始乎!”This criticized Emperor Wen of Han for not guarding against Bo Zhao from the beginning. These words are quite right. Then, if one wants to comfort the mother's heart, should one be cautious from the very beginning!"