匈奴寇狄道。The Xiongnu invaded the Di Road.
时匈奴数为边患,太子家令颍川晁错上言兵事曰:At that time, the Xiongnu frequently caused troubles on the border. Chao Cuo, the household steward of the Crown Prince from Yingchuan, submitted a statement on military affairs, saying:
“《兵法》曰:‘有必胜之将,无必胜之民。’由此观之,安边境,立功名,在于良将,不可不择也。"The Art of War states: 'There are generals who can ensure victory, but there are no people who can ensure victory unconditionally.' From this perspective, to secure the border and establish achievements, it lies in having excellent generals, and one cannot be careless in the selection.
臣又闻,用兵临战合刃之急者三:一曰得地形,二曰卒服习,三曰器用利。I have also heard that there are three crucial aspects when it comes to using troops and engaging in battles. Firstly, obtaining a favorable terrain; secondly, having soldiers well - trained and accustomed to military operations; thirdly, having sharp and serviceable weapons.
兵法:步兵、车骑、弓弩、长戟、矛鋋、剑楯之地,各有所宜;不得其宜者,或十不当一。According to military strategies, the terrains suitable for infantry, chariots and cavalry, crossbows, long halberds, lances, swords and shields each have their own requirements. If the right terrain is not utilized, perhaps ten men may not be as effective as one.
士不选练,卒不服习,起居不精,动静不集,趋利弗及,避难不毕,前击后解,与金鼓之指相失,此不习勒卒之过也,百不当十。If soldiers are not carefully selected and trained, and are not accustomed to military operations, with imprecise daily routines and lack of unity in movements, they cannot reach advantageous positions in time, nor can they fully avoid dangers. When the front attacks, the rear scatters, and they lose coordination with the commands of the gongs and drums. This is the fault of not properly drilling the soldiers, and a hundred such soldiers are not worth ten well - trained ones.
兵不完利,与空手同;甲不坚密,与袒裼同;弩不可以及远,与短兵同;If weapons are not complete and sharp, it is the same as going into battle empty - handed. If armor is not sturdy and dense, it is the same as being bare-chested. If a crossbow cannot shoot far, it is the same as a short-range weapon.
射不能中,与无矢同;中不能入,与无镞同;此将不省兵之祸也,五不当一。If one cannot hit the target when shooting, it is the same as having no arrows. If the arrow cannot penetrate the target when it hits, it is the same as having no arrowhead. These are the disasters caused by generals not inspecting weapons properly, and five such soldiers are not worth one with proper equipment.
故《兵法》曰:‘器械不利,以其卒予敌也;卒不可用,以其将予敌也;将不知兵,以其主予敌也;君不择将,以其国予敌也。’四者,兵之至要也。Therefore, The Art of War states: 'If weapons are not serviceable, it is like giving one's soldiers to the enemy. If soldiers are not usable, it is like giving one's general to the enemy. If a general does not understand warfare, it is like giving one's lord to the enemy. If a lord does not select a general carefully, it is like giving one's country to the enemy.' These four points are of utmost importance in warfare.
臣又闻:小大异形,强弱异势,险易异备。I have also heard that small and large states have different forms, the strong and the weak have different situations, and the secure and the dangerous require different preparations.
夫卑身以事强,小国之形也;合小以攻大,敌国之形也;以蛮夷攻蛮夷,中国之形也。To humble oneself and serve the powerful is the way of a small state. To unite small states to attack a large one is the way of a state facing an equal enemy. To use the barbarians to attack the barbarians is the way of the Central Plains.
今匈奴地形、技艺与中国异,上下山阪,出入溪涧,中国之马弗与也;Now, the terrain and skills of the Xiongnu are different from those of the Central Plains. When going up and down mountains and slopes, and entering and exiting valleys, the horses of the Central Plains cannot compare.
险道倾仄,且驰且射,中国之骑弗与也;On dangerous and rugged roads, they can gallop and shoot at the same time, and the cavalry of the Central Plains cannot match this.
风雨罢劳,饥渴不困,中国之人弗与也;此匈奴之长技也。They can endure the fatigue from wind, rain, hunger, and thirst without being exhausted, while the people of the Central Plains cannot. These are the Xiongnu's strong points.
若夫平原、易地、轻车、突骑,则匈奴之众易挠乱也;However, on flat plains and open fields, with light chariots and charging cavalry, the Xiongnu's forces can be easily disrupted.
劲弩、长戟、射疏、及远,则匈奴之弓弗能格也;With powerful crossbows, long halberds that can shoot from a distance, the bows of the Xiongnu cannot compete.
坚甲、利刃,长短相杂,游弩往来,什伍俱前,则匈奴之兵弗能当也;With sturdy armor, sharp blades, a combination of long and short weapons, mobile crossbowmen moving around, and soldiers advancing in formation, the Xiongnu's troops cannot withstand.
材官驺发,矢道同的,则匈奴之革笥、木荐弗能支也;When the crossbowmen of the Central Plains shoot accurately at the same target, the leather and wooden shields of the Xiongnu cannot hold up.
下马地斗,剑戟相接,去就相薄,则匈奴之足弗能给也;此中国之长技也。When it comes to close - combat on foot, with swords and halberds clashing, advancing and retreating in close quarters, the Xiongnu's feet cannot keep up. These are the strong points of the Central Plains.
以此观之,匈奴之长技三,中国之长技五。From this point of view, the Xiongnu have three strong points, and the Central Plains have five strong points.
陛下又兴数十万之众以诛数万之匈奴,众寡之计,以一击十之术也。Your Majesty has also mobilized hundreds of thousands of troops to attack tens of thousands of Xiongnu. Considering the ratio of numbers, it is a strategy of using one to attack ten.
虽然,兵,凶器;战,危事也。故以大为小,以强为弱,在俯仰之间耳。Nevertheless, weapons are instruments of violence, and war is a dangerous matter. Therefore, turning the large into the small, and the strong into the weak can happen in an instant.
夫以人之死争胜,跌而不振,则悔之无及也。帝王之道,出于万全。To strive for victory at the cost of people's lives, and if there is a setback from which one cannot recover, it will be too late to regret. The way of an emperor should be based on absolute safety.
今降胡、义渠、蛮夷之属来归谊者,其众数千,饮食、长技与匈奴同。Now, those among the surrendered Hu, Yiqu, and other barbarians who have come to submit and show loyalty number several thousand. Their diet and skills are the same as those of the Xiongnu.
可赐之坚甲、絮衣、劲弓、利矢,益以边郡之良骑,令明将能知其习俗、和辑其心者,以陛下之明约将之。They can be given sturdy armor, padded clothes, powerful bows, and sharp arrows, and be supplemented with the excellent cavalry from the border counties. Let an outstanding general who understands their customs and can win their hearts lead them according to Your Majesty's clear instructions.
即有险阻,以此当之;平地通道,则以轻车、材官制之;When encountering dangerous terrains, use these troops to deal with the situation. On flat and open roads, use light chariots and crossbowmen to control the situation.
两军相为表里,各用其长技,衡加之以众,此万全之术也。”Let the two forces complement each other, each using their own strong points, and with the advantage of numbers, this is a completely secure strategy."
帝嘉之,赐错书,宠答焉。The emperor commended this and bestowed a written reply to Chao Cuo, showing his favor.