林语堂·孔子的智慧·导言 6

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由于孔子有深厚的艺术气质,他才说人的教育应当以学诗开其端,继之以敦品励行,最后“成于乐”。Because Confucius had a profound artistic temperament, he believed that a person's education should start with learning poetry, followed by cultivating moral character and practicing good deeds, and finally be "perfected by music".
又据记载,孔子如果听人唱歌而自己也喜欢时,他总是请人再唱一次,而且自己也在重叠唱词之处参加歌唱。It is also recorded that if Confucius heard someone singing and liked it, he would always ask the person to sing again, and he would also join in singing at the repeated lyrics.
由于孔子具有此等艺术气质,他对饮食衣着也很挑剔。我曾在别处指出来,他对饮食如此挑剔,可能就是他妻子弃他而去的原因(见林语堂著作《生活的艺术》)。Due to his artistic temperament, Confucius was very particular about food and clothing. I have pointed out elsewhere that his being so picky about food might be the reason why his wife left him (see Lin Yutang's book The Importance of Living).
比如说,菜的季节不对,那种菜孔子不吃;烹调的方法不对,孔子不吃;用的作料不对,孔子也不吃。而且席位不正他还不肯坐。穿的衣裳怎样配颜色,他也很有眼光。For example, if the vegetables were out of season, Confucius wouldn't eat them; if the cooking method was wrong, he wouldn't eat; if the seasonings were not right, he wouldn't eat either. And he wouldn't sit if the seat was not placed properly. He also had a good eye for how to match the colors of clothes.

现代的女裁缝很容易了解为什么孔子要用黑羔羊皮袍子配黑面子,白羊皮袍子配白面子,而狐皮则配黄面子。Modern female tailors can easily understand why Confucius would match a black lambskin robe with a black lining, a white sheepskin robe with a white lining, and a fox - fur robe with a yellow lining.

孔子在衣裳上也小有发明之才。他盖的被子超过他本人的身长一半,这样好免得脚冷。Confucius also had some minor talents for innovation in clothing. The quilt he used was half as long again as his body, so that his feet wouldn't get cold.

为了做事方便,他要右袖子比左袖子短,他难得想到这样妙主意,但是这个妙主意可能惹他夫人生气,且气跑了(以上见《论语·乡党》,及本书第五章第二节)。For the convenience of doing things, he made the right sleeve of his clothes shorter than the left one. It was a rather ingenious idea, but this might have made his wife angry and even driven her away (see "Xiangdang" in The Analects and Section 2, Chapter 5 of this book).

孔子的贵族气质甚至使孔子趋向于休妻。孔子本人及其后的两代,他儿子及孙子不是休妻便是与妻子分居。Confucius' noble temperament even led him to be inclined to divorce his wife. Confucius himself, as well as his son and grandson in the next two generations, either divorced their wives or lived separately from them.

在孔门儒家传统上,孔子本人,他的大弟子曾子,曾子的门人子思,这三代期间都不断有休妻的记载。In the Confucian tradition of the Confucius school, there are records of divorce during the three - generation period of Confucius himself, his great disciple Zengzi, and Zengzi's disciple Zisi.
据记载,儒学第四代大师孟子(受业于子思之门),也几乎把妻子休掉。这几位儒学大师虽非特别富有,但都是贵族,当无疑问。It is recorded that Mencius, the fourth - generation master of Confucianism (who studied under the disciples of Zisi), almost divorced his wife. These Confucian masters were not particularly wealthy, but there is no doubt that they were of noble status.
孔子的最重要的若干特点之一,就是孔子的学问渊博而毕生好学。这足以真正说明为何他的声望如此之隆。孔子本人也屡次说过这种话。One of the most important characteristics of Confucius is his profound knowledge and his lifelong eagerness to learn. This can truly explain why his prestige is so high. Confucius himself said such things many times.
孔子自己承认并非那种“生而知之者”,他只是一个“学而不厌,诲人不倦”的人而已。他承认“十室之邑,必有忠信如丘者焉。不如丘之好学也”。Confucius admitted that he was not one of those "born with knowledge." He was just a person who was "never tired of learning and never weary of teaching others." He admitted that "in a hamlet of ten households, there are bound to be those as loyal and trustworthy as I am, but they are not as fond of learning as I am."
他认为可忧愁的若干事之中有一件,那就是荒废学业。他说的话里我发现有一句,其中所显示出的遗憾,正和现代考古学家所感到的遗憾完全相同。Among the things he considered worrying, one was the neglect of learning. I found a sentence in his words that shows the same kind of regret as that felt by modern archaeologists.
他想重建古代的宗教礼仪,于是到杞国去求访夏代的古俗遗物,到宋国以求访商代宗教习俗礼仪,但是并无所获。He wanted to reconstruct the ancient religious rituals, so he went to the State of Qi to seek relics of the ancient customs of the Xia Dynasty, and to the State of Song to seek religious customs and rituals of the Shang Dynasty, but he found nothing.
他说:“夏礼吾能言之,杞不足征也。殷礼吾能言之,宋不足征也。文献不足故也。足,吾能征之矣。”He said, "I can talk about the rites of the Xia Dynasty, but Qi cannot provide sufficient evidence. I can talk about the rites of the Yin (Shang) Dynasty, but Song cannot provide sufficient evidence. This is because there are not enough historical documents and worthy people. If there were enough, I could prove them."
换句话说,孔子根本上是个历史学家,他力图从当时尚存的风俗古物以及文献之中,去研究并保存已然淹没的古代礼仪制度。In other words, Confucius was essentially a historian. He tried to study and preserve the submerged ancient ritual systems from the existing customs, antiques, and documents of that time.
他竭尽精力之所得,就是他整理编著的“五经”。严格说,正如清朝学人章学诚所说“六经皆史”,所以“五经”就是史书,自与“四书”不同。What he achieved through his efforts was the compilation of the "Five Classics." Strictly speaking, as Zhang Xuecheng, a scholar of the Qing Dynasty, said, "The Six Classics are all history." So the "Five Classics" are historical books, which are different from the "Four Books."
我想孔子之如此受人仰望,并不见得怎么由于他是当年最伟大的智者,而倒是由于他是当年最渊博的学人,他能将古代的经典学问授予徒众。I think the reason why Confucius is so highly regarded is not necessarily because he was the greatest wise man of his time, but rather because he was the most erudite scholar of his time, and he could impart the ancient classical knowledge to his disciples.

当时有很丰厚的古代政治制度的学问,也有更为丰富的有关古代宗教典礼的知识,那些古代神权政治有些部分已然没落,有的已日趋衰微,尤其商朝那套古礼,这些情形,由孔子手订的“五经”里即可看出。At that time, there was a rich body of knowledge about ancient political systems, and there was even more knowledge about ancient religious ceremonies. Some parts of those ancient theocratic politics had declined, and some were on the verge of decline, especially the ancient rituals of the Shang Dynasty. These situations can be seen from the "Five Classics" compiled by Confucius.

据说孔子有弟子三千人,其中七十二人精通《诗经》《尚书》《礼记》、音乐。孔子坚信历史的价值,因为他相信人类文化必然会继续。It is said that Confucius had three thousand disciples, among whom seventy - two were proficient in The Book of Songs, The Book of History, The Book of Rites, and music. Confucius firmly believed in the value of history because he believed that human culture would surely continue.
在本书第三章“《中庸》”内,可以看出孔子认为在治国平天下的大业上,有三个必要条件:个人的道德、政治地位、历史的传统,缺一而为政,不足以成功,不足以立信。In Chapter 3 "The Doctrine of the Mean" of this book, it can be seen that Confucius believed that in the great cause of governing the country and bringing peace to the world, there were three necessary conditions: personal morality, political status, and historical tradition. If any one of these was lacking in governance, it would not be possible to succeed or gain credibility.
政治制度不论如何好,单此一个条件,也无成功之望。孔门的学术研究,结果发展成为历史丰厚的遗产,而当时其他学派,在此方面则全付阙如。No matter how good the political system was, this single condition alone could not ensure success. The academic research of the Confucius school eventually developed into a rich historical heritage, while other schools of thought at that time had nothing in this regard.
因此我个人相信,儒家之能战胜其他学派如道家、墨家,一半是由于儒家本身的哲学价值,一半也由于儒家的学术地位。Therefore, I personally believe that the reason why Confucianism was able to defeat other schools such as Taoism and Mohism was partly due to the philosophical value of Confucianism itself and partly due to its academic status.
儒家为师者确实可以拿出东西来教学生,而学生也确实可以学而有所收获。Confucian teachers could indeed offer something to teach their students, and students could truly learn and gain something.
那套真实的学问就是历史,而其他学派只能夸示一下自己的意见与看法,“兼爱”也罢,“为己”也罢,没有具体的内容。That real knowledge was history, while other schools of thought could only show off their opinions and views, whether it was "universal love" or "self - cultivation," without specific content.
关于孔子和蔼可亲的风趣,必须在此一提。因为这可以说明我在前面所说孔子所过的生活是充实而快活的日子,这和宋朝理学家那种窒息生机、大煞风景的教条是大异其趣的,并且由此也可以看出孔子的单纯和伟大。The amiable and witty side of Confucius must be mentioned here. Because this can illustrate what I said before, that Confucius lived a full and happy life, which is very different from the life - stifling and joy - killing dogmas of the Neo - Confucian scholars of the Song Dynasty. It can also show the simplicity and greatness of Confucius.
孔子不是一个爱“耍嘴皮子”的人,但有时候他也不由得说几句俏皮话,像下面几句便是:“凡是自己不说‘怎么办呢?怎么办呢?’的人,我对这种人也没法怎么办。”《论语》的原文是:Confucius was not a person who loved to "talk idly," but sometimes he couldn't help making some witty remarks. For example, "Those who do not say, 'What shall I do? What shall I do?' - I really don't know what to do with them." The original text in The Analects is:

子曰:“不曰‘如之何?如之何?’者,吾未如之何也已矣。”The Master said, "Those who do not say, 'What is to be done? What is to be done?' - about such people, I really do not know what is to be done."

他又说:知道自己犯了过错而不肯改,那是又犯了过错。有时孔子也用《诗经》上的句子小发风趣诙谐之词。He also said that knowing one's fault but refusing to correct it is to commit another fault. Sometimes Confucius also used sentences from The Book of Songs to make witty and humorous remarks.

《诗经》上有一首诗,在诗里情人说“不是不想念,而是你家离得太远了”,才没法与他相会。There is a poem in The Book of Songs in which the lover says, "It's not that I don't miss you, but your home is too far away," so it's impossible to meet.

孔子论到这首诗时说:“我看那女的心里根本就不想那个男的,否则怎么会嫌路途遥远呢。”《论语》里原文为:When commenting on this poem, Confucius said, "I think that woman doesn't really miss that man in her heart. Otherwise, how could she think the distance is too far?" The original text in The Analects is:
“唐棣之华,偏其反而。岂不尔思,室是远而。”子曰:“未之思也。夫何远之有?”"The flowers of the tangdi tree wave from side to side. How could I not think of you? But your home is far away." The Master said, "She does not think of him. If she did, why would she think it far?"
但是我们觉得孔子独具的风趣,也就是最好的风趣,那种风趣是孔子在挖苦自己时自然流露出来的。However, the kind of wit that we think is unique to Confucius, and the best kind of wit, is the kind that naturally emerges when Confucius is self - deprecating.
孔子有好多时候可以嘲笑自己表面的缺点,或是承认别人对他的批评正中要害。他的风趣有时只是他们师生之间偶尔轻微的玩笑而已,并无深意可言。Confucius could mock his own apparent shortcomings many times, or admit that others' criticism of him hit the mark. His wit was sometimes just a slight joke between him and his students, with no deep meaning.
有一次,一个村民说:“孔子真够伟大的!什么都通,件件稀松。”孔子听见这样的批评,就对学生说:“那么我要专攻什么呢?是射箭呢?还是驾车呢?”《论语》上的原文是:Once, a villager said, "How great Confucius is! He knows everything, but he has no outstanding achievement in any one thing." When Confucius heard this criticism, he said to his students, "Then what should I specialize in? Archery? Or driving a carriage?" The original text in The Analects is:
达巷党人曰:“大哉孔子!博学,而无所成名!”子闻之,谓弟子曰:“吾何执?执御乎?执射乎?吾执御矣。”A man of the village of Daxiang said, "Great indeed is Confucius! His learning is extensive, and yet he does not make a name for himself in any particular thing." When the Master heard the remark, he said to his disciples, "What shall I take hold of? Shall I take hold of driving a carriage? Or shall I take hold of archery? I will take hold of driving a carriage."
和这里相关联的还有一件事。孔子一次向学生开玩笑说:“若是能发财,让我去给人赶马车我都干。若是办不到,那还是从我之所好吧。”《论语》原文是:There is another related incident. Once, Confucius joked with his students, saying, "If wealth could be obtained in a proper way, even though I should have to act as a guard holding a whip, I would do it. If it cannot be obtained in this way, I will follow my own inclinations." The original text in The Analects is:
子曰:“富而可求也,虽执鞭之士,吾亦为之。如不可求,从吾所好。”The Master said, "If wealth were a thing that could be sought after, though I should have to act as a groom with whip in hand to get it, I would do so. As it cannot be obtained in a proper way, I will follow my own inclinations."
又孔子周游列国,政治的谋求终不得意,有一次,子贡说:“这儿有一块宝玉,在盒子里装着出卖,是不是待高价卖出呢?”Also, when Confucius traveled around the states but failed to achieve his political ambitions. Once, Zigong said, "Here is a piece of fine jade. Should it be stored in a box and sold, or should it be sold at a high price?"
孔子说:“卖!当然卖!我就是正等着高价卖出呢!”《论语》原文是:Confucius said, "Sell it! Of course, sell it! I'm just waiting for a good price." The original text in The Analects is:
子贡曰:“有美玉于斯,韫椟而藏诸?求善价而沽诸?”子曰:“沽之哉!沽之哉!我待贾者也。”Zigong said, "Suppose there is a piece of fine jade here. Should I store it in a box and keep it? Or should I seek a good price and sell it?" The Master said, "Sell it! Sell it! I am waiting for a good price."
如果评论或注解《论语》的人,不肯把这种文字看做是孔子的风趣或诙谐,那就陷入了困难,弄得十分尴尬。而事实上,孔子和弟子往往彼此开玩笑。If those who comment on or annotate The Analects are unwilling to regard such texts as the wit or humor of Confucius, they will get into difficulties and be in an awkward situation. In fact, Confucius and his disciples often joked with each other.
有一次,孔子周游列国时,路途中遇到了困难。孔子被村民误认作欺负村中人而遭兵丁围困。最后终于逃出来,但是得意高足颜回却晚到了。Once, when Confucius was traveling around the states, he encountered difficulties on the way. Confucius was mistaken by the villagers for someone who bullied them and was besieged by soldiers. Finally, he managed to escape, but his favorite disciple Yan Hui arrived late.
孔子对他说:“我以为你死了呢。”颜回回答说:“老师您还健在,我怎么敢死!”《论语》原文是:Confucius said to him, "I thought you were dead." Yan Hui replied, "As long as you, Master, are still alive, how could I dare to die?" The original text in The Analects is:
子畏于匡,颜渊后。子曰:“吾以汝为死矣。”曰:“子在,回何敢死?”The Master was in danger in Kuang. Yan Hui fell behind. The Master said, "I thought you were dead." Yan Hui said, "While you, Master, are alive, how could I dare to die?"
另一次,孔子及诸弟子在路途中失散。弟子后来听见一群人说,有一个人,高大个子,脑门很高,好像古代的帝王,在东门那儿站着呢,那副垂头丧气的样子,简直像个丧家之犬。Another time, Confucius and his disciples got separated on the way. Later, the disciples heard a group of people say that there was a man, tall with a high forehead, looking like an ancient emperor, standing at the east gate. He looked so dejected that he was just like a stray dog that had lost its master.
弟子后来终于找到孔子,就把这些话告诉了孔子。孔子说:“我像不像古代的帝王,我倒不知道。至于说我像个丧家之犬,他说得不错!一点儿也不错!”The disciples finally found Confucius and told him these words. Confucius said, "I don't know if I look like an ancient emperor. But as for saying that I look like a stray dog, he's right! Exactly right!"
《史记·孔子世家》中有下面一段文字:There is the following passage in "The Biographies of Confucius" in Records of the Grand Historian:
孔子适郑,与弟子相失。孔子独立郭东门。Confucius went to Zheng and got separated from his disciples. Confucius was standing alone at the east gate of the outer city.
郑人或谓子贡曰:“东门有人,其颡似尧,其项类皋陶,其肩类子产,然自要以下,不及禹三寸。累累若丧家之狗。”Some people in Zheng said to Zigong, "There is a man at the east gate. His forehead is like that of Yao, his neck is like that of Gao Yao, his shoulders are like those of Zichan, but from the waist down, he is three inches shorter than Yu. He looks dejected like a stray dog that has lost its master."
子贡以实告孔子,孔子欣然笑曰:“形状,末也。而谓似丧家之狗,然哉!然哉!”Zigong told Confucius the truth. Confucius smiled cheerfully and said, "As for my appearance, that's a minor matter. But to say that I look like a stray dog, that's true! That's true!"

这真是最富有风趣的话。而最为我喜爱的,是孔子真个在雨中歌唱(见本书第二章“孔子生平”)。These are really the most witty words. And what I like the most is that Confucius actually sang in the rain (see Chapter 2 "The Life of Confucius" in this book).

事实是,孔子带领弟子这一群学者到处漂泊,在陈、蔡两国之间的旷野荒郊,彷徨踯躅,历时三载,饱经艰险。In fact, Confucius led his group of scholars, his disciples, to wander around. They lingered in the wilderness between the states of Chen and Cai for three years, experiencing many hardships.
虽然满腹经纶,竟找不到个安身之处,这种生不逢时,也实在令人恻然。Although he was full of knowledge, he couldn't find a place to settle down. This kind of being born at an inopportune time is really pitiful.
那些年的周游列国之后,孔子觉得无法施展政治上的抱负,乃返回山东故乡著书立说,编辑经典。After those years of traveling around the states, Confucius felt that he couldn't fulfill his political ambitions, so he returned to his hometown in Shandong to write books and edit the classics.
他把自己和门生比做非牛非虎无以名之的一群兽,在旷野中流浪。He compared himself and his disciples to a group of beasts that could be neither called cows nor tigers, wandering in the wilderness.
他紧接着问门人,他自己到底有什么错误,有什么可非难之处。He then immediately asked his disciples what mistakes he had made and what could be criticized about him.
学生中第三个人回答之后,孔子觉得满意,向这些巧于应对的门人笑着说:“颜回,是这样吗?你若家中富有,我愿到你家当个管家。”After the third disciple answered, Confucius was satisfied and said to these clever - responding disciples with a smile, "Yan Hui, is that so? If you were wealthy, I would like to be your steward."
这一段话真使我倾倒,使我好喜爱孔夫子。This passage really fascinates me and makes me love Confucius.
从这一整段看,这种师生的关系之美、之哀感动人,真可以与《圣经》中叙述耶稣被捕时那段文字相比,只是孔子这一段是个欢乐的收场,与耶稣不同而已。Looking at this whole passage, the beauty, sadness, and touching nature of this teacher - student relationship can really be compared to the passage in the Bible describing the arrest of Jesus, except that this passage about Confucius ends happily, which is different from Jesus.
