礼为情貌者也,文为质饰者也。夫君子取情而去貌,好质而恶饰。Propriety is the outward manifestation of emotions, and embellishment is the adornment of substance. A gentleman values the essence of emotions and discards the outward form, favors the substance and dislikes the adornment.
夫恃貌而论情者,其情恶也;须饰而论质者,其质衰也。Those who judge emotions by outward appearance have base emotions; those who assess substance by adornment have a deteriorating substance.
何以论之?和氏之璧,不饰以五采;隋侯之珠,不饰以银黄。How can this be expounded? The He-shi Jade is not decorated with colorful patterns; the Marquise of Sui's Pearl is not adorned with silver and gold.
其质至美,物不足以饰之。夫物之待饰而后行者,其质不美也。Their substances are extremely beautiful, and no external things are worthy of adorning them. For things that need to be adorned before they can be noticed, their substances are not beautiful.
是以父子之间,其礼朴而不明,故曰:“理薄也。”Therefore, among father and son, the propriety between them is simple and not ostentatious, so it is said, "The affection is profound but the outward propriety is simple."
凡物不并盛,阴阳是也;理相夺予,威德是也;All things cannot thrive simultaneously, just like yin and yang. Principles often involve trade-offs, just like power and virtue.
实厚者貌薄,父子之礼是也。When the substance is rich, the outward form is simple, just like the propriety between father and son.
由是观之,礼繁者,实心衰也。然则为礼者,事通人之朴心者也。From this perspective, when propriety becomes overly elaborate, the sincere heart is in decline. Thus, practicing propriety is about conforming to the simple hearts of people.
众人之为礼也,人应则轻欢,不应则责怨。When ordinary people practice propriety, if others respond, they feel happy easily; if others don't respond, they become resentful.
今为礼者事通人之朴心而资之以相责之分,能毋争乎?Now, if practicing propriety is about conforming to the simple hearts of people but also provides a basis for blaming each other, how can there be no contention?
有争则乱,故曰:“夫礼者,忠信之薄也,而乱之首乎。”Contention leads to chaos, so it is said, "Propriety is the thinning of loyalty and faith, and the beginning of chaos."
先物行先理动之谓前识。前识者,无缘而妄意度也。Acting and moving ahead of things and principles is called "foreknowledge". Foreknowledge is making unfounded speculations without basis.
何以论之?詹何坐,弟子侍,牛鸣于门外。How can this be explained? Zhan He was sitting, and his disciples were in attendance. A cow was mooing outside the door.
弟子曰:“是黑牛也在而白其题。”A disciple said, "It's a black cow with a white spot on its forehead."
詹何曰:“然,是黑牛也,而白在其角。”Zhan He said, "Yes, it's a black cow, but the white part is on its horn."
使人视之,果黑牛而以布裹其角。When someone was sent to check, it was indeed a black cow with its horn wrapped in cloth.
以詹子之术,婴众人之心,华焉殆矣!Using Zhan He's method to impress the minds of the multitude, it is showy and dangerous!
故曰:“道之华也。”So it is said, "It is the flower of the Way."
尝试释詹子之察,而使五尺之愚童子视之,亦知其黑牛而以布裹其角也。If we set aside Zhan He's meticulous observation and let an ordinary five-foot-tall child look, the child would also know it's a black cow with its horn wrapped in cloth.
故以詹子之察,苦心伤神,而后与五尺之愚童子同功,是以曰:“愚之首也。”So, with Zhan He's painstaking and mind-consuming observation, he finally achieves the same result as an ordinary five-foot-tall child. Therefore, it is said, "It is the beginning of foolishness."
故曰:“前识者,道之华也,而愚之首也。”So it is said, "Foreknowledge is the flower of the Way, and the beginning of foolishness."
所谓“大丈夫”者,谓其智之大也。What is called a "true man" refers to someone with great wisdom.
所谓“处其厚而不处其薄”者,行情实而去礼貌也。What is meant by "residing in the thick and not in the thin" is to follow the true emotions and discard the formalities.
所谓“处其实不处其华”者,必缘理,不径绝也。What is meant by "residing in the substance and not in the flower" is to always follow the principles and not take shortcuts or act arbitrarily.
所谓“去彼取此”者,去貌、径绝而取缘理、好情实也。What is meant by "abandoning that and taking this" is to abandon the outward appearance, arbitrary actions, and choose to follow the principles and value the true emotions.
故曰:“去彼取此。”So it is said, "Abandon that and take this."
人有祸,则心畏恐;心畏恐,则行端直;When a person encounters misfortune, they will be afraid and fearful. When they are afraid and fearful, their actions will be upright.
行端直,则思虑熟;思虑熟,则得事理。When their actions are upright, their thinking will be mature. When their thinking is mature, they will understand the principles of things.
行端直,则无祸害;无祸害,则尽天年。When their actions are upright, there will be no disasters. Without disasters, they can live out their natural lifespan.
得事理,则必成功。尽天年,则全而寿。必成功,则富与贵。Understanding the principles of things ensures success. Living out their natural lifespan means they are complete and long-lived. Ensuring success leads to wealth and honor.
全寿富贵之谓福。而福本于有祸。Completeness, longevity, wealth, and honor are called good fortune. And good fortune is rooted in misfortune.
故曰:“祸兮福之所倚。”以成其功也。So it is said, "Misfortune is the harbinger of good fortune." Thus, misfortune can lead to success.
人有福,则富贵至;富贵至,则衣食美;When a person has good fortune, wealth and honor will come. When wealth and honor come, their food and clothing will be fine.
衣食美,则骄心生;骄心生,则行邪僻而动弃理。When their food and clothing are fine, arrogance will arise. When arrogance arises, their actions will be devious and they will abandon principles.
行邪僻,则身夭死;动弃理,则无成功。When their actions are devious, they will die young. When they abandon principles, they will not succeed.
夫内有死夭之难而外无成功之名者,大祸也。Suffering an early death internally and having no reputation for success externally is a great misfortune.
而祸本生于有福。故曰:“福兮祸之所伏。”And misfortune is born from good fortune. So it is said, "Good fortune is the precursor of misfortune."