十过 Ten Faults
一曰行小忠,则大忠之贼也。Ten Faults: Acting on petty loyalty is harmful to great loyalty.
二曰顾小利,则大利之残也。Pursuing petty profits ruins great benefits.
三曰行僻自用,无礼诸侯,则亡身之至也。Acting perversely, being self-willed, and showing disrespect to vassal states will lead to one's downfall.
六曰耽于女乐,不顾国政,则亡国之祸也。Indulging in female entertainment and ignoring state affairs is the disaster of national subjugation.
七曰离内远游而忽于谏士,则危身之道也。Leaving the capital for a long journey and ignoring admonishing officials is a dangerous path for one's own safety.
八曰过而不听于忠臣,而独行其意,则灭高名为人笑之始也。Failing to listen to loyal officials after making mistakes and acting solely according to one's own will is the beginning of losing a good reputation and being laughed at.
九曰内不量力,外恃诸侯,则削国之患也。Overestimating one's own strength internally and relying on other vassal states externally is the cause of the weakening of the state.
十曰国小无礼,不用谏臣,则绝世之势也。A small state showing disrespect and not using admonishing officials will lead to its extinction.
奚谓小忠?What is meant by petty loyalty?
昔者楚共王与晋厉公战于鄢陵,楚师败,而共王伤其目。In the past, King Gong of Chu fought against Duke Li of Jin at Yanling. The Chu army was defeated, and King Gong was wounded in the eye.
酣战之时,司马子反渴而求饮,竖穀阳操觞酒而进之。During the intense battle, Sima Zifan was thirsty and asked for a drink. The young servant Guyang brought a goblet of wine to him.
子反曰:“嘻!,退,酒也。”阳曰:“非酒也。”子反受而饮之。子反之为人也,嗜酒,而甘之,弗能绝于口,而醉。Zifan said, "Hey! Step back. It's wine." Guyang said, "It's not wine." Zifan took it and drank it. Zifan was fond of wine. He found it delicious and couldn't stop drinking it, and finally got drunk.
战既罢,共王欲战,令人召司马子反,司马子反辞以心疾。After the battle, King Gong wanted to continue the fight. He sent someone to call Sima Zifan, but Zifan excused himself, saying he had a heart disease.
共王驾而自往,入其幄中,闻酒臭而还,曰:King Gong drove there himself, entered Zifan's tent, smelled the odor of wine, and then returned, saying:
“今日之战,不谷亲伤。所恃者,司马也,而司马又醉如此,是亡楚国之社稷而不恤吾众也。不穀无复战矣。”"In today's battle, I was wounded. What I relied on was the Sima. But the Sima is so drunk. This is to abandon the state of Chu and not care about my people. I will not fight anymore."
于是还师而去,斩司马子反以为大戮。So he led the army back and executed Sima Zifan as a severe punishment.
故竖阳之进酒,不以仇子反也,其心忠爱之而适足以杀之。故曰:行小忠,则大忠之贼也。Therefore, Guyang's offering of wine was not out of enmity towards Zifan. His loyalty and love for Zifan actually led to Zifan's death. Thus, it is said that acting on petty loyalty is harmful to great loyalty.
奚谓顾小利?What is meant by pursuing petty profits?
昔者晋献公欲假道于虞以伐虢。In the past, Duke Xian of Jin wanted to borrow a passage through Yu to attack Guo.
荀息曰:“君其以垂棘之璧与屈产之乘,赂虞公,求假道焉,必假我道。”Xun Xi said, "Your Majesty, use the Bi of Chuiji and the horses from Qu to bribe Duke Yu of Yu. Request to borrow a passage, and he will surely lend it to us."
君曰:”垂棘之璧,吾先君之宝也;屈产之乘,寡人之骏马也。若受吾币不假之道,将奈何?”The duke said, "The Bi of Chuiji is the treasure of our late monarch. The horses from Qu are my fine steeds. What if he accepts our gifts but doesn't lend us the passage?"
荀息曰:“彼不假我道,必不敢受我。Xun Xi said, "If he doesn't lend us the passage, he surely won't dare to accept our gifts.
若受我,而假我道,则是宝犹取之内府而藏之外府也,马犹取之内厩而著之外厩也。君勿尤。”If he accepts them and lends us the passage, then the treasure is like taking it from the inner treasury and storing it in the outer treasury, and the horses are like taking them from the inner stable and putting them in the outer stable. Your Majesty, don't worry."
君曰:“诺。”乃使荀息以垂棘之璧与屈产之乘赂虞公而求假道焉。虞公贪利其璧与马而欲许之。The duke said, "All right." So he sent Xun Xi to bribe Duke Yu of Yu with the Bi of Chuiji and the horses from Qu and request to borrow a passage. Duke Yu of Yu was greedy for the jade and the horses and wanted to agree.
宫之奇谏曰:“不可许。夫虞之有虢也,如车之有辅。Gong Zhixi remonstrated, "Don't agree. The relationship between Yu and Guo is like that between a cart and its side-boards.
辅依车,车亦依辅,虞、虢之势正是也。The side-boards rely on the cart, and the cart also relies on the side-boards. Such is the situation of Yu and Guo.
若假之道,则虢朝亡而虞夕从之矣。不可,愿勿许。”If you lend them the passage, Guo will perish in the morning, and Yu will follow in the evening. It's not advisable. I hope you don't agree."
虞公弗听,遂假之道。荀息伐虢克之,还反处三年,与兵伐虞,又克之。Duke Yu of Yu didn't listen and lent the passage. Xun Xi attacked Guo and conquered it. Three years later, he led the army to attack Yu and conquered it again.
荀息牵马操璧而报献公,献公说曰:“璧则犹是也。虽然,马齿亦益长矣。”Xun Xi led the horses and held the jade to report to Duke Xian. Duke Xian was pleased and said, "The jade is still the same. However, the horses have grown older."
故虞公之兵殆而地削者,何也?爱小利而不虑其害。故曰:顾小利,则大利之残也。So why did the army of Duke Yu of Yu become weak and its territory be reduced? Because he loved petty profits without considering the harm. Thus, it is said that pursuing petty profits ruins great benefits.
奚谓行僻?What is meant by acting perversely?
昔者楚灵王为申之会,宋太子后至,执而囚之;狎徐君;拘齐庆封。In the past, King Ling of Chu held a meeting at Shen. The crown prince of Song arrived late. King Ling arrested and imprisoned him. He also insulted the Duke of Xu and detained Qing Feng of Qi.
中射士谏曰:“合诸侯不可无礼,此存亡之机也。A palace archer remonstrated, "When gathering vassal states, one cannot be disrespectful. This is a crucial moment for the survival or extinction of the state.
昔者桀为有戎之会而有婚叛之,纣为黎丘之蒐而戎狄叛之,由无礼也。君其图之。”In the past, Jie held a meeting with Yourong, and Yourong rebelled. Zhou held a hunting event at Liqiu, and the Rong and Di tribes rebelled. This was due to disrespect. Your Majesty, please consider this."
The king didn't listen and acted according to his own will. Less than a year later, King Ling made a southern tour. His ministers followed him and rebelled against him.
灵王饿而死乾溪之上。故曰:行僻自用,无礼诸侯,则亡身之至也。King Ling starved to death on the Ganxi River. Thus, it is said that acting perversely, being self - willed, and showing disrespect to vassal states will lead to one's downfall.
奚谓好音?What is meant by being fond of music?
昔者卫灵公将之晋,至濮水之上,税车而放马,设舍以宿。In the past, Duke Ling of Wei was on his way to Jin. When he reached the bank of the Pushui River, he unharnessed the horses and set up a camp to stay overnight.
夜分,而闻鼓新声者而说之。他人问左右,尽报弗闻。At midnight, he heard someone playing a new melody and was delighted. He asked his attendants, but they all said they didn't hear it.
乃召师涓而告之,曰:“有鼓新声者,使人问左右,尽报弗闻。其状似鬼神,子为我听而写之。”So he summoned Shi Juan and told him, "There is someone playing a new melody. I asked my attendants, and they all said they didn't hear it. It seems like the work of ghosts and gods. Listen to it and write it down for me."
师涓曰:“诺”。因静坐抚琴而写之。Shi Juan said, "All right." Then he sat quietly, played the qin, and wrote down the melody.
师涓明日报曰:“臣得之矣,而未习也,请复一宿习之。”灵公曰:“诺。”因复留宿。The next day, Shi Juan reported, "I've got it, but I haven't practiced it yet. Please allow me to stay another night to practice it." Duke Ling said, "All right." So he stayed another night.
明日而习之,遂去之晋。晋平公觞之于施夷之台。酒酣,灵公起。The next day, after practicing, they left for Jin. Duke Ping of Jin entertained him on the Shiyi Terrace. When they were drunk, Duke Ling stood up.
公曰:“有新声,愿请以示。”平公曰:“善”。乃召师涓,令坐师旷之旁,援琴鼓之。Duke Ling said, "I have a new melody. I'd like to present it to you." Duke Ping said, "Good." Then he summoned Shi Juan, asked him to sit beside Shi Kuang, and play the qin.
未终,师旷抚止之,曰:“此亡国之声,不可遂也。”平公曰:“此道奚出?”Before he finished playing, Shi Kuang stopped him, saying, "This is the music of a doomed state. It shouldn't be played to the end." Duke Ping asked, "Where does this music come from?"
师旷曰:“此师延之所作,与纣为靡靡之也。及武王伐纣,师延东走,至于濮水而自投。Shi Kuang said, "This was composed by Shi Yan for King Zhou to play the licentious music. When King Wu attacked King Zhou, Shi Yan fled eastward. When he reached the Pushui River, he threw himself into it.
故闻此声者,必于水之上。先闻此声者,其国必削,不可遂。”So those who hear this music must be by the river. The state of the one who hears this music first will surely be weakened. It shouldn't be played to the end."
平公曰:“寡人所好者,音也,子其使遂之。”师涓鼓动究之。Duke Ping said, "What I like is music. Let him finish playing." Shi Juan continued playing until the end.
平公问师旷曰:“此所谓何声也?“师旷曰:“此所谓清商也。”Duke Ping asked Shi Kuang, "What kind of music is this?" Shi Kuang said, "This is called Qing Shang."
公曰:“清商固最悲乎?”师旷曰:“不如清徵。”公曰:“清徵可得而闻乎?”Duke Ping asked, "Is Qing Shang the most sorrowful music?" Shi Kuang said, "It's not as sorrowful as Qing Zheng." Duke Ping said, "Can I hear Qing Zheng?"
师旷曰:“不可。古之听清徵者,皆有德义之君也。今吾君德薄,不足以听。”Shi Kuang said, "No. In ancient times, those who could hear Qing Zheng were all virtuous and righteous monarchs. Now, Your Majesty, your virtue is shallow. You're not worthy of hearing it."
平公曰:“寡人之所好者,音也,愿试听之。”Duke Ping said, "What I like is music. I hope to listen to it."
师旷不得已,援琴而鼓。一奏之,有玄鹤二八,道南方来,集于郎门之垝;Shi Kuang had no choice but to play the qin. When he played the first time, sixteen black cranes came from the south and gathered on the ridge of the palace gate.
再奏之,而列。三奏之,延颈而鸣,舒翼而舞,音中宫商之声,声闻于天。When he played the second time, they lined up. When he played the third time, they stretched their necks and sang, spread their wings and danced. The sounds were in harmony with the notes of Gong and Shang, and the sound could be heard in the sky.
平公大说,坐者皆喜。平公提觞而起为师旷寿,反坐而问曰:“音莫悲于清徵乎?”Duke Ping was very happy, and all the people sitting there were pleased. Duke Ping picked up a goblet, stood up to toast Shi Kuang, and then sat back and asked, "Is there no music more sorrowful than Qing Zheng?"
师旷曰:“不如清角。“平公曰:“清角可得而闻乎?”Shi Kuang said, "There is Qing Jiao, which is more sorrowful." Duke Ping said, "Can I hear Qing Jiao?"
师旷曰:“不可。昔者黄帝合鬼神于泰山之上,驾象车而六蛟龙;Shi Kuang said, "No. In the past, the Yellow Emperor gathered ghosts and gods on Mount Tai. He rode an elephant - drawn chariot with six dragons.
毕方并鎋,蚩尤居前,风伯进扫,雨师洒道;Bi Fang was beside the chariot, and Chi You was in front. The Wind God swept the way, and the Rain God sprinkled water on the road.
虎狼在前,鬼神在后,腾蛇伏地,凤皇覆上,大合鬼神,作为清角。Tigers and wolves were in front, ghosts and gods were behind. The flying snake lay on the ground, and the phoenix covered the top. He grandly gathered ghosts and gods and created Qing Jiao.
今吾君德薄,不足听之。听之,将恐有败。”Now, Your Majesty, your virtue is shallow. You're not worthy of hearing it. If you hear it, there may be disasters."
平公曰:“寡人老矣,所好者音也,愿遂听之。”Duke Ping said, "I'm old. What I like is music. I hope to hear it."
师旷不得已而鼓之。一奏之,有玄云从西北方起;Shi Kuang had no choice but to play it. When he played the first time, a dark cloud rose from the northwest.
再奏之,大风至,大雨随之,裂帷幕,破俎豆,隳廊瓦。When he played the second time, a strong wind came, followed by heavy rain. The curtains were torn, the sacrificial vessels were broken, and the tiles on the corridor were knocked down.
坐者散走,平公恐惧伏于廊室之间。晋国大旱,赤地三年。The people sitting there scattered and fled. Duke Ping was so frightened that he lay down between the corridor and the room. There was a severe drought in the state of Jin, and the land was barren for three years.
平公之身遂癃病。故曰:不务听治,而好五音不已,则穷身之事也。Duke Ping also became ill. Thus, it is said that neglecting governance and being overly fond of music will bring about personal ruin.