天地虽大,其化均也;万物虽多,其治一也;人卒虽众,其主君也。Although Heaven and Earth are vast, their transformation is uniform; although the myriad things are numerous, the principle of their governance is the same; although the people are many, their ruler is the sovereign.
君原于德而成于天。故曰:玄古之君天下,无为也,天德而已矣。The sovereign originates from virtue and attains completion through Heaven. Therefore, it is said that in ancient times, those who ruled the world practiced non-action, simply embodying the virtue of Heaven.
以道观言而天下之君正;以道观分而君臣之义明;Viewing words from the perspective of the Way, the rulers of the world will be upright; viewing divisions from the perspective of the Way, the righteousness between sovereign and subjects will be clear;
以道观能而天下之官治;以道泛观而万物之应备。Viewing abilities from the perspective of the Way, the officials of the world will be well-ordered; viewing all things in general from the perspective of the Way, the responses of all things will be complete.
故通于天地者,德也;行于万物者,道也;上治人者,事也;能有所艺者,技也。Therefore, what penetrates Heaven and Earth is virtue; what operates through the myriad things is the Way; what the superiors do to govern the people are affairs; what enables one to have certain skills is technique.
技兼于事,事兼于义,义兼于德,德兼于道,道兼于天。Technique is subordinate to affairs, affairs are subordinate to righteousness, righteousness is subordinate to virtue, virtue is subordinate to the Way, and the Way is subordinate to Heaven.
故曰:古之畜天下者,无欲而天下足,无为而万物化,渊静而百姓定。Therefore, it is said that in ancient times, those who nurtured the world had no desires, and the world was satisfied; they practiced non-action, and the myriad things transformed; they were as calm as an abyss, and the people were at peace.
《记》曰:“通于一而万事毕,无心得而鬼神服。”The Records say, "Mastering the One, all affairs are accomplished; achieving without intention, even ghosts and spirits submit."
夫子曰:The Master said:
“夫道,覆载万物者也,洋洋乎大哉!君子不可以不刳心焉。"The Way is that which covers and sustains the myriad things. How vast and boundless it is! A gentleman cannot but empty his heart.
无为为之之谓天,无为言之之谓德,爱人利物之谓仁,不同同之之谓大,行不崖异之谓宽,有万不同之谓富。To act without acting is called Heaven; to speak without speaking is called virtue; to love people and benefit things is called benevolence; to make the different the same is called greatness; to act without being extreme is called leniency; to have all kinds of differences is called wealth.
故执德之谓纪,德成之谓立,循于道之谓备,不以物挫志之谓完。Therefore, to uphold virtue is called order; to achieve virtue is called establishment; to follow the Way is called completeness; not to be frustrated by things in one's will is called integrity.
君子明于此十者,则韬乎其事心之大也,沛乎其为万物逝也。If a gentleman clearly understands these ten aspects, then he is profound in the vastness of his mind in handling affairs, and abundant in his letting the myriad things pass by.
若然者,藏金于山,藏珠于渊;不利货财,不近贵富;不乐寿,不哀夭;不荣通,不丑穷。If so, one may hide gold in the mountains and pearls in the abyss; not seek after goods and wealth, not approach honor and wealth; not be happy about longevity, not be sad about early death; not take pride in success, not feel ashamed of poverty.
不拘一世之利以为己私分,不以王天下为己处显。显则明。万物一府,死生同状。”One does not seize the benefits of the whole world as one's own private share, nor takes ruling the world as a means to become prominent. Prominence means being bright. All things are in one storehouse, and life and death have the same form."
夫子曰:The Master said:
“夫道,渊乎其居也,漻乎其清也。金石不得无以鸣。故金石有声,不考不鸣。万物孰能定之!"The Way dwells deep and is clear and pure. Metal and stone would not make sounds without it. Thus, though metal and stone have the potential to sound, they will not sound without being struck. Who can determine all this!
夫王德之人,素逝而耻通于事,立之本原而知通于神,故其德广。A person of kingly virtue simply goes along with the natural course and regards being involved in affairs as shameful. Standing on the fundamental source, he knows and is in touch with the spiritual. Therefore, his virtue is extensive.
其心之出,有物采之。故形非道不生,生非德不明。存形穷生,立德明道,非王德者邪!When his mind goes out, there are things that attract it. Thus, the body cannot be born without the Way, and life cannot be made manifest without virtue. To preserve the body, exhaust life, establish virtue, and make the Way clear-isn't this what a person of kingly virtue does!
荡荡乎!忽然出,勃然动,而万物从之乎!此谓王德之人。How vast! Suddenly emerging, bursting into action, and the myriad things follow! This is called a person of kingly virtue.
视乎冥冥,听乎无声。冥冥之中,独见晓焉;无声之中,独闻和焉。Looking into the obscure, listening to the soundless. In the obscure, one alone can see the dawn; in the soundless, one alone can hear harmony.
故深之又深而能物焉;神之又神而能精焉。Therefore, being profound upon profound, one can give birth to things; being spiritual upon spiritual, one can achieve refinement.
故其与万物接也,至无而供其求,时骋而要其宿,大小、长短、修远。”Therefore, when interacting with the myriad things, being utterly empty, one can meet their demands; constantly galloping, one can meet their needs. Whether big or small, long or short, far or near."
黄帝游乎赤水之北,登乎昆仑之丘而南望。还归,遗其玄珠。The Yellow Emperor traveled to the north of the Red Water, climbed the Kunlun Mountains, and looked south. On his return, he lost his Dark Pearl.
使知索之而不得,使离朱索之而不得,使喫诟索之而不得也。He sent Zhi to search for it, but Zhi could not find it. He sent Li Zhu to search for it, but Li Zhu could not find it. He sent Chi Gou to search for it, but Chi Gou could not find it either.
乃使象罔,象罔得之。黄帝曰:“异哉,象罔乃可以得之乎?”Then he sent Xiang Wang, and Xiang Wang found it. The Yellow Emperor said, "How strange! How could Xiang Wang be the one to find it?"
Yao's teacher was Xu You, Xu You's teacher was Nie Que, Nie Que's teacher was Wang Ni, and Wang Ni's teacher was Bei Yi.
尧问于许由曰:“啮缺可以配天乎?吾藉王倪以要之。”Yao asked Xu You, "Can Nie Que be worthy of ruling the world? I want to invite him through Wang Ni."
许由曰:Xu You said:
“殆哉,圾乎天下!啮缺之为人也,聪明叡知,给数以敏,其性过人,而又乃以人受天。"Alas, the world is in danger! Nie Que's character is such that he is intelligent, wise, quick-witted, and agile in response. His nature surpasses that of ordinary people, and he uses human means to receive the influence of Heaven.
彼审乎禁过,而不知过之所由生。与之配天乎?彼且乘人而无天。He is strict in preventing mistakes, but he doesn't understand the origin of mistakes. Is he worthy of ruling the world? He will rely on human power and ignore Heaven.
方且本身而异形,方且尊知而火驰,方且为绪使,方且为物絯;He will exalt himself and alienate others, he will esteem knowledge and pursue it frantically, he will be driven by trifles, he will be fettered by things;
方且四顾而物应,方且应众宜,方且与物化而未始有恒。He will look around and respond to things, he will try to meet everyone's needs, and he will change with things without constancy.
夫何足以配天乎!虽然,有族有祖,可以为众父而不可以为众父父。How can he be worthy of ruling the world! However, he can be a clan leader, a patriarch. He can be a father to the people, but not the father of all fathers.
治,乱之率也,北面之祸也,南面之贼也。”Governance is the cause of chaos, a disaster for those who serve, and a bane for those who rule."
尧观乎华,华封人曰:“嘻,圣人!请祝圣人,使圣人寿。”尧曰:“辞。”Yao visited Hua. The border-guard of Hua said, "Ah, a sage! Let me offer my congratulations to the sage. May the sage live a long life." Yao said, "I decline."
“使圣人富。”尧曰:“辞。”"May the sage be wealthy." Yao said, "I decline."
“使圣人多男子。”尧曰:“辞。”"May the sage have many sons." Yao said, "I decline."
封人曰:“寿,富,多男子,人之所欲也。女独不欲,何邪?”The border-guard said, "Long life, wealth, and many sons are what people desire. Why do you alone not want them?"
尧曰:“多男子则多惧,富则多事,寿则多辱。是三者,非所以养德也,故辞。”Yao said, "Many sons bring many fears, wealth brings many troubles, and long life brings many humiliations. These three things are not conducive to cultivating virtue, so I decline."
封人曰:The border-guard said:
“始也我以女为圣人邪,今然君子也。天生万民,必授之职。"At first, I thought you were a sage, but now you seem to be just a gentleman. Heaven gives birth to all people and must assign them tasks.
多男子而授之职,则何惧之有?富而使人分之,则何事之有?If there are many sons and they are assigned tasks, what is there to fear? If one is wealthy and shares it with others, what troubles are there?
夫圣人,鹑居而鷇食,鸟行而无彰。A sage lives like a quail, eats like a fledgling, travels like a bird without leaving a trace.
天下有道,则与物皆昌;天下无道,则修德就闲。When the world follows the Way, he thrives with all things; when the world does not follow the Way, he cultivates virtue and leads a leisurely life.
千岁厌世,去而上仙,乘彼白云,至于帝乡。After a thousand years, tired of the world, he leaves and ascends to immortality, rides the white clouds, and reaches the abode of the Emperor.
三患莫至,身常无殃,则何辱之有?”The three troubles do not befall him, and his body is always free from disaster. What humiliation is there?"
封人去之,尧随之曰:“请问。”封人曰:“退已!”The border-guard left. Yao followed and said, "May I ask you something?" The border-guard said, "Go back!"