夫兕虎有域,动静有时。避其域,省其时,则免其兕虎之害矣。Rhinos and tigers have their own territories, and their activities occur at certain times. By avoiding their territories and being cautious about the times, one can avoid the harm from rhinos and tigers.
民独知兕虎之有爪角也,而莫知万物之尽有爪角也,不免于万物之害。People only know that rhinos and tigers have claws and horns, but they don't realize that all things essentially have their "claws and horns" in a sense, and thus they can't avoid the harm from various things.
事上不忠,轻犯禁令,则刑法之爪角害之。If one is unfaithful to the superiors and casually violates the prohibitions, the "claws and horns" of criminal laws will harm them.
处乡不节,憎爱无度,则争斗之爪角害之。If one is unrestrained in the community, with immoderate likes and dislikes, the "claws and horns" of disputes will harm them.
爱子者慈于子,重生者慈于身,贵功者慈于事。Those who love their children are kind to their children, those who value life are kind to their own bodies, and those who value achievements are kind to their affairs.
慈母之于弱子也,务致其福;务致其福,则事除其祸;A kind mother, in regard to her young child, is dedicated to bringing it good fortune. Dedicated to bringing it good fortune, she will remove the misfortunes for it.
事除其祸,则思虑熟;思虑熟,则得事理;When removing the misfortunes, her thoughts are well-considered. When her thoughts are well-considered, she understands the principles of things.
得事理,则必成功;必成;工,则其行之也不疑;不疑之谓勇。When she understands the principles of things, she will surely succeed. When she surely succeeds, she acts without hesitation. Acting without hesitation is called courage.
圣人之于万事也,尽如慈母之为弱子虑也,故见必行之道。The sage, in dealing with all things, is just like a kind mother thinking for her young child. Thus, they can see the path that must be taken.
见必行之道则其从事亦不疑;不疑之谓勇。不疑生于慈,故曰:“慈,故能勇。”Seeing the path that must be taken, they also act without hesitation in handling affairs. Acting without hesitation is called courage. The lack of hesitation is born from kindness. Therefore, it is said, "Because of kindness, one can be brave."
周公曰:“冬日之闭冻也不固,则春夏之长草木也不茂。”The Duke of Zhou said, "If the freezing in winter is not solid, the growth of plants in spring and summer will not be lush."
天地不能常侈常费,而况于人乎?Heaven and Earth cannot always be in a state of extravagance and waste, let alone human beings?
故万物必有盛衰,万事必有弛张,国家必有文武,官治必有赏罚。Therefore, all things must have their prosperity and decline, all affairs must have their relaxation and tension, a country must have both civil and military aspects, and official governance must have rewards and punishments.
是以智士俭用其财则家富,圣人爱宝其神则精盛,人君重战其卒则民众,民众则国广。Therefore, when a wise person uses their wealth frugally, their family will become wealthy. When a sage treasures and cherishes their spirit, their essence will be abundant. When a monarch values and takes good care of his soldiers in battles, the population will increase. When the population increases, the territory of the country will expand.
是以举之曰:“俭,故能广。”Therefore, it is said, "Because of frugality, one can expand."
凡物之有形者易裁也,易割也。何以论之?All things with forms are easy to cut and shape. How can this be explained?
有形,则有短长;有短长,则有小大;有小大,则有方圆;If there is a form, there is length and shortness; if there is length and shortness, there is smallness and largeness; if there is smallness and largeness, there is squareness and roundness;
有方圆,则有坚脆;有坚脆,则有轻重;有轻重,则有白黑。If there is squareness and roundness, there is hardness and brittleness; if there is hardness and brittleness, there is heaviness and lightness; if there is heaviness and lightness, there is whiteness and blackness.
短长、大小、方圆、坚脆、轻重、白黑之谓理。理定而物易割也。Length and shortness, smallness and largeness, squareness and roundness, hardness and brittleness, heaviness and lightness, whiteness and blackness are called principles. Once the principles are determined, things are easy to cut.
故议于大庭而后言则立,权议之士知之矣。Therefore, if one discusses and then makes a statement in a grand hall, the statement can stand. Those who weigh and deliberate know this.
故欲成方圆而随其规矩,则万事之功形矣。Therefore, if one wants to form squares and circles and follows the compass and square, the achievements of all things will take shape.
而万物莫不有规矩,议言之士,计会规矩也。All things have their rules. Those who discuss and deliberate calculate according to these rules.
圣人尽随于万物之规矩,故曰:“不敢为天下先。”The sage completely follows the rules of all things. Thus, it is said, "Dare not be the first in the world."
不敢为天下先,则事无不事,功无不功,而议必盖世,欲无处大官,其可得乎?Daring not to be the first in the world, then all things can be accomplished, all achievements can be achieved, and the deliberations will surely surpass the world. If one wants not to hold a high position, is it possible?
处大官之谓为成事长。是以故曰:“不敢为天下先,故能为成事长。”Holding a high position means being a leader in achieving things. Therefore, it is said, "Dare not be the first in the world, so one can be a leader in achieving things."