道者,万物之所然也,万理之所稽也。The Tao is that by which all things come into being, and that to which all principles converge.
理者,成物之文也;道者,万物之所以成也。故曰:“道,理之者也。”Principle is the pattern that makes a thing what it is; the Tao is that by which all things come into existence. Thus it is said, "The Tao is that which gives form to principles."
物有理,不可以相薄;物有理不可以相薄,故理之为物之制。Each thing has its own principle, and things cannot interfere with one another. Since things cannot interfere with one another due to their respective principles, principle serves as the regulation of things.
万物各异理,万物各异理而道尽。All things have different principles, and with the diversity of these principles, the Tao is manifested in all.
稽万物之理,故不得不化;不得不化,故无常操。As the Tao examines and encompasses the principles of all things, it has to transform. Since it has to transform, it has no fixed mode.
无常操,是以死生气禀焉,万智斟酌焉,万事废兴焉。Having no fixed mode, it is through the Tao that life and death receive their endowment, all wisdom is gauged, and all affairs rise and fall.
天得之以高,地得之以藏,维斗得之以成其威,日月得之以恆其光;The sky attains through it its height, the earth attains through it its capacity for concealment, the Big Dipper attains through it its imposing presence, the sun and moon attain through it the constancy of their light;
五常得之以常其位,列星得之以端其行,四时得之以御其变气;The Five Constants (Five Elements or Five Virtues) attain through it the constancy of their positions, the stars attain through it the correctness of their courses, and the four seasons attain through it the ability to control their changing vital forces;
轩辕得之以擅四方,赤松得之与天地统,圣人得之以成文章。The Yellow Emperor attained through it the rule over the four directions, Chi Songzi attained through it harmony with Heaven and Earth, and sages attained through it the creation of culture and institutions.
道,与尧、舜俱智,与接舆俱狂,与桀、纣俱灭,与汤、武俱昌。The Tao is as wise as Yao and Shun, as mad as Jieyu, as perishing as Jie and Zhou, and as prosperous as Tang and Wu.
以为近乎,游于四极;以为远乎,常在吾侧;If you think it is near, it travels to the four extremes; if you think it is far, it is always by our side;
以为暗乎,其光昭昭;以为明乎,其物冥冥;If you think it is obscure, its light is resplendent; if you think it is manifest, the things it pertains to are veiled in mystery;
而功成天地,和化雷霆,宇内之物,恃之以成。It accomplishes the work of Heaven and Earth, harmonizes and generates thunder and lightning, and all things within the universe depend on it for their existence.
道之情,不制不形,柔弱随时,与理相应。The nature of the Tao is that it neither restricts nor takes on form. It is soft and yielding, adapting to the times, and in accordance with principles.
万物得之以死,得之以生;万事得之以败,得之以成。All things may obtain it and die, or obtain it and live; all affairs may obtain it and fail, or obtain it and succeed.
道譬诸若水,溺者多饮之即死,渴者适饮之即生;The Tao can be compared to water. A drowning person who drinks too much of it will die, while a thirsty person who drinks an appropriate amount will live;
譬之若剑戟,愚人以行忿则祸生,圣人以诛暴则福成。It can also be compared to a sword or halberd. A fool who uses it to vent anger will bring about misfortune, while a sage who uses it to suppress violence will achieve blessings.
故得之以死,得之以生,得之以败,得之以成。So, things may obtain it and die, or obtain it and live, affairs may obtain it and fail, or obtain it and succeed.
人希见生象也,而得死象之骨,案其图以想其生也,故诸人之所以意想者皆谓之“象”也。People rarely see a live elephant. But when they obtain the bones of a dead elephant, they can imagine its living form according to the bones. Therefore, all things that people imagine are called "images".
今道虽不可得闻见,圣人执其见功以处见其形,故曰:“无状之状,无物之象”。Now, although the Tao cannot be heard or seen, sages can, by observing its manifested achievements, perceive its form. Thus it is said, "The form without form, the image of no - thing."
凡理者,方圆、短长、粗靡、坚脆之分也,故理定而后可得道也。故定理有存亡,有死生,有盛衰。All principles involve distinctions such as square or round, short or long, coarse or fine, hard or brittle. Only after principles are determined can one understand the Tao. Thus, determined principles involve existence and extinction, life and death, prosperity and decline.
夫物之一存一亡,乍死乍生,初盛而后衰者,不可谓常。A thing that alternately exists and perishes, now dies and now lives, first flourishes and then declines cannot be called constant.
唯夫与天地之剖判也俱生,至天地之消散也不死不衰者谓“常”。Only that which is born simultaneously with the separation of Heaven and Earth, and does not die or decline until the dissolution of Heaven and Earth can be called "constant".
而常者,无攸易,无定理。无定理,非在于常所,是以不可道也。And the constant has no change, no fixed principle. Having no fixed principle, it is not in a fixed place, and thus cannot be put into words.
圣人观其玄虚,用其周行,强字之曰“道”,然而可论。Sages observe its profound emptiness, utilize its all - pervading operation, and tentatively name it "Tao", and then it can be discussed.
故曰:“道之可道,非常道也”。So it is said, "The Tao that can be spoken of is not the eternal Tao."
人始于生而卒于死。始之谓出,卒之谓入。故曰:“出生入死”。People begin with birth and end with death. Beginning is called emergence, and end is called entry. Thus it is said, "Out of life, into death."
人之身三百六十节,四肢、九窍其大具也。The human body has three hundred and sixty joints, and the four limbs and nine orifices are its major components.
四肢九窍十有三者,十有三者之动静尽属于生焉。The four limbs and nine orifices, thirteen in all, and the movements of these thirteen parts are all related to life.
属之谓徒也,故曰:“生之徒也十有三者。至死也,十有三具者皆还而属之于死,死之徒亦有十三。”"Related" means belonging. So it is said, "Those belonging to life number thirteen. At death, these thirteen parts all return to and belong to death, and those belonging to death also number thirteen."
故曰:“生之徒十有三,死之徒十有三。”So it is said, "Those belonging to life number thirteen, those belonging to death number thirteen."
凡民之生生而和固动,动尽则损也;而动不止,是损而不止也。In general, people live and are born with a natural harmony and constant movement. But when movement is excessive, it causes damage. And if the movement does not stop, the damage will not stop either.
损而不止则生尽,生尽之谓死,则十有三具者皆为死死地也。If the damage does not stop, life will be exhausted. The exhaustion of life is called death, and then these thirteen parts all become instruments of death.
故曰:“民之生,生而动,动皆之死地,亦十有三。”So it is said, "People are born, live and move, and this movement leads them to the realm of death, and this also accounts for thirteen."