韩非子·孤愤 1

文摘   2025-01-20 17:45   重庆  

孤愤 Solitary Indignation

智术之士,必远见而明察,不明察,不能烛私;Those who are versed in wisdom and strategy are surely far - sighted and perceptive. Without perceptiveness, they cannot expose private misdeeds.

能法之士,必强毅而劲直,不劲直,不能矫奸。Those who are capable of upholding the law are surely firm-willed and upright. Without uprightness, they cannot correct evil.

人臣循令而从事,案法而治官,非谓重人也。When ministers carry out their duties in accordance with the decrees and manage their official affairs in line with the law, this is not what is meant by powerful officials.

重人也者,无令而擅为,亏法以利私,耗国以便家,力能得其君,此所为重人也。Powerful officials are those who act arbitrarily without decrees, undermine the law for personal gain, deplete the state for the benefit of their families, and have the power to influence their rulers. This is what makes them powerful officials.

智术之士明察,听用,且烛重人之阴情;Those versed in wisdom and strategy are perceptive. If their advice is heeded and they are employed, they will expose the hidden secrets of powerful officials. 

能法之士劲直,听用,矫重人之奸行。Those capable of upholding the law are upright. If their advice is heeded and they are employed, they will correct the evil deeds of powerful officials.

故智术能法之士用,则贵重之臣必在绳之外矣。Therefore, when those versed in wisdom and strategy and those capable of upholding the law are employed, the powerful and honored ministers will surely be outside the bounds of the law. 

是智法之士与当涂之人,不可两存之仇也。Thus, those who uphold wisdom and law and those in power are enemies who cannot co-exist.

当涂之人擅事要,则外内为之用矣。Those in power monopolize important affairs, so both those inside and outside the court work for them.

是以诸候不因,则事不应,故敌国为之讼;Therefore, if the feudal lords do not rely on them, their affairs will not be responded to, so enemy states will speak in their praise.

百官不因,则业不进,故群臣为之用;If the various officials do not rely on them, their careers will not progress, so the court officials will work for them.

郎中不因,则不得近主,故左右为之匿;If the attendants do not rely on them, they cannot get close to the ruler, so those around the ruler will conceal things for them.

学士不因,则养禄薄礼卑,故学士为之谈也。If the scholars do not rely on them, their stipends will be meager and their status low, so the scholars will speak in their favor.

此四助者,邪臣之所以自饰也。These four groups of supporters are what the evil ministers use to adorn themselves.

重人不能忠主而进其仇,人主不能越四助而烛察其臣,故人主愈弊而大臣愈重。Powerful officials cannot be loyal to the ruler and will promote their enemies. The ruler cannot see through the four groups of supporters and clearly observe his ministers. Therefore, the more the ruler is deceived, the more powerful the ministers become.

凡当涂者之于人主也,希不信爱也,又且习故。Generally, those in power are almost always trusted and loved by the ruler, and they are also familiar with the ruler's ways.

若夫即主心,同乎好恶,因其所自进也。They conform to the ruler's mind, share the ruler's likes and dislikes, and thus advance themselves.

官爵贵重,朋党又众,而一国为之讼。They hold high-ranking official positions, have numerous partisans, and the whole state speaks in their praise.

则法术之士欲干上者,非有所信爱之亲,习故之泽也。As for those who uphold the law and strategy and want to present their ideas to the ruler, they do not have the intimacy of being trusted and loved, nor the favor of being familiar with the ruler. 

又将以法术之言矫人主阿辟之心,是与人主相反也。Moreover, they will use the words of law and strategy to correct the ruler's biased mind, which is contrary to the ruler's will.

处势卑贱,无党孤特。They are in a humble and low - status position, without partisans and alone.

夫以疏远与近爱信争,其数不胜也;以新旅与习故争,其数不胜也;When those who are distant and alienated compete with those who are close, trusted, and loved, the odds of winning are slim. When newcomers compete with those who are familiar with the situation, the odds of winning are slim.

以反主意与同好恶争,其数不胜也;When those who oppose the ruler's ideas compete with those who share the ruler's likes and dislikes, the odds of winning are slim. 

以轻贱与贵重争,其数不胜也;以一口与一国争,其数不胜也。When those of low status compete with those of high status, the odds of winning are slim. When one person speaks against the whole state, the odds of winning are slim.

法术之士操五不胜之势,以岁数而又不得见;当涂之人乘五胜之资,而旦暮独说于前。Those who uphold the law and strategy are in a situation of five disadvantages, and for years they may not get to see the ruler. Those in power, taking advantage of the five advantages, can speak alone in front of the ruler morning and evening.

故法术之士奚道得进,而人主奚时得悟乎?So, by what means can those who uphold the law and strategy advance, and when can the ruler come to realize the truth?

故资必不胜而势不两存,法术之士焉得不危?Since their resources are surely insufficient and their positions are incompatible, how can those who uphold the law and strategy not be in danger?

其可以罪过诬者,以公法而诛之;其不可被以罪过者,以私剑而窃之。Those who can be framed with crimes will be executed according to the public law. Those who cannot be incriminated will be secretly assassinated with private swords.

是明法术而逆主上者,不戮于吏诛,必死于私剑矣。Those who clarify the law and strategy and oppose the ruler will either be killed by the officials or surely die by a private sword.

朋党比周以弊主,言曲以使私者,必信于重人矣。Those who form cliques and collude to deceive the ruler and use false words for personal gain will surely be trusted by the powerful officials.

故其可以攻伐借者,以官爵贵之;其不可借以美名者,以外权重之。Therefore, those who can be used for attacks will be given high official positions and noble titles. Those who cannot be given a good reputation will be made powerful with external influence.

是以弊主上而趋于私门者,不显于官爵,必重于外权矣。Thus, those who deceive the ruler and work for private interests will either become prominent through official positions and noble titles or gain power through external influence.

今人主不合参验而行诛,不待见功而爵禄。Nowadays, rulers carry out executions without verification and grant titles and emoluments without waiting to see achievements. 

故法术之士安能蒙死亡而进其说?奸邪之臣安肯乘利而退其身?So, how can those who uphold the law and strategy risk death to present their ideas? And how would the treacherous ministers be willing to retreat when they can gain benefits?

故主上愈卑,私门益尊。Therefore, the lower the status of the ruler becomes, the more respected the private powers become.
