夫越虽国富兵强,中国之主皆知无益于己也,曰:"非吾所得制也。"Although the state of Yue was rich and its military strong, the rulers of the Central Plains all knew that it was of no benefit to them, saying, "It is not under my control."
今有国者虽地广人众,然而人主壅蔽,大臣专权,是国为越也。Now, although some rulers have vast territory and a large population, yet the ruler is isolated and deceived, and the ministers monopolize power. Such a state is like Yue.
智不类越,而不智不类其国,不察其类者也。People are aware that the state of Yue is different from their own, but they fail to realize that their own state is in a similar situation when they don't examine the similarities.
人之所以谓齐亡者,非地与城亡也,吕氏弗制而田氏用之;The reason people say Qi perished is not that its land and cities were lost, but that the Lü clan could no longer control it and the Tian clan took over;
所以谓晋亡者,亦非地与城亡也,姬氏不制而六卿专之也。The reason people say Jin perished is not that its land and cities were lost, but that the Ji clan could no longer control it and the six noble families monopolized power.
今大臣执柄独断,而上弗知收,是人主不明也。Now, if ministers hold power and make decisions alone, while the ruler doesn't know to take it back, this shows that the ruler is not discerning.
与死人同病者,不可生也;与亡国同事者,不可存也。Those who have the same illness as the dying cannot survive; those who follow the same path as the perishing state cannot endure.
今袭迹于齐、晋,欲国安存,不可得也。Now, if a state follows the footsteps of Qi and Jin, it is impossible to keep the state safe and stable.
凡法术之难行也,不独万乘,千乘亦然。Generally, the difficulty in implementing laws and strategies is not limited to large states with ten - thousand - chariot armies; it is the same for states with a thousand - chariot army.
人主之左右不必智也,人主于人有所智而听之,因与左右论其言,是与愚人论智也;The attendants around the ruler are not necessarily wise. When the ruler recognizes someone's wisdom and listens to their advice, and then discusses their words with his attendants, it is like discussing wisdom with fools;
人主之左右不必贤也,人主于人有所贤而礼之,因与左右论其行,是与不肖论贤也。The attendants around the ruler are not necessarily virtuous. When the ruler recognizes someone's virtue and treats them with respect, and then discusses their conduct with his attendants, it is like discussing virtue with the unworthy.
智者决策于愚人,贤士程行于不肖,则贤智之士羞而人主之论悖矣。If the wise have their decisions judged by fools, and the virtuous have their conduct evaluated by the unworthy, then the virtuous and wise will feel ashamed, and the ruler's judgment will be perverse.
人臣之欲得官者,其修士且以精洁固身,其智士且以治辩进业。Among the officials who desire to obtain positions, the virtuous ones will maintain their integrity to keep themselves pure, and the intelligent ones will promote their careers through good governance.
其修士不能以货赂事人,恃其精洁而更不能以枉法为治,则修智之士不事左右、不听请谒矣。The virtuous ones cannot serve others with bribes. Relying on their integrity, they are even more unable to govern by bending the law. So, the virtuous and intelligent officials will not serve the attendants around the ruler or listen to solicitations.
人主之左右,行非伯夷也,求索不得,货赂不至,则精辩之功息,而毁诬之言起矣。The attendants around the ruler do not have the integrity of Boyi. If their demands are not met and no bribes are given, then the achievements of the pure and capable officials will be suppressed, and slanderous words will start to spread.
治辩之功制于近习,精洁之行决于毁誉,则修智之吏废,则人主之明塞矣。The achievements of good governance are controlled by the ruler's favorites, and the integrity of officials is determined by slander and praise. Then the virtuous and intelligent officials will be dismissed, and the ruler's insight will be blocked.
不以功伐决智行,不以叁伍审罪过,而听左右近习之言,则无能之士在廷,而愚污之吏处官矣。If one does not judge wisdom and conduct by achievements, and does not verify crimes through multiple methods, but only listens to the words of the attendants around, then incompetent people will be in the court, and foolish and corrupt officials will hold positions.
万乘之患,大臣太重;千乘之患,左右太信;此人主之所公患也。The trouble of a large state with ten - thousand - chariot army lies in the excessive power of the ministers; the trouble of a state with a thousand - chariot army lies in over - trust in the attendants. This is a common problem for rulers.
且人臣有大罪,人主有大失,臣主之利与相异者也。Moreover, when a minister commits a serious crime, the ruler makes a major mistake, for the interests of the ruler and the minister are different.
何以明之哉?曰:How can this be proven? It can be said that:
主利在有能而任官,臣利在无能而得事;The ruler's interest lies in appointing capable people to official positions, while the minister's interest lies in getting positions without ability;
主利在有劳而爵禄,臣利在无功而富贵;The ruler's interest lies in rewarding those with achievements with titles and emoluments, while the minister's interest lies in obtaining wealth and honor without merit;
主利在豪杰使能,臣利在朋党用私。The ruler's interest lies in enabling the heroes to exert their abilities, while the minister's interest lies in forming cliques for personal gain.
是以国地削而私家富,主上卑而大臣重。As a result, the state's territory is reduced while the private families become wealthy, the ruler's status declines while the ministers become powerful.
故主失势而臣得国,主更称蕃臣,而相室剖符。此人臣之所以谲主便私也。So, the ruler loses power and the minister seizes the state. The ruler is then reduced to a vassal, and the prime minister holds the power. This is how ministers deceive the ruler for their own benefit.
故当也之重臣,主变势而得固宠者,十无二三。Therefore, among the powerful ministers of the present, those who can maintain their favor when the ruler's situation changes are less than two or three out of ten.
是其故何也?人臣之罪大也。臣有大罪者,其行欺主也,其罪当死亡也。What is the reason for this? The ministers' crimes are too great. Ministers who commit serious crimes deceive the ruler in their actions, and their crimes deserve death.
智士者远见而畏于死亡,必不从重人矣;Intelligent people are far - sighted and fear death, so they will surely not follow the powerful ministers;
贤士者修廉而羞与奸臣欺其主,必不从重臣矣,是当涂者徒属,非愚而不知患者,必污而不避奸者也。Virtuous people are upright and ashamed to deceive the ruler with treacherous ministers, so they will surely not follow the powerful ministers. Thus, the followers of those in power are either foolish and unaware of the dangers, or corrupt and unafraid of evil.
大臣挟愚污之人,上与之欺主,下与之收利侵渔;Ministers collude with foolish and corrupt people. They deceive the ruler above and seek profits and oppress the people below;
朋党比周,相与一口,惑主败法,以乱士民,使国家危削,主上劳辱,此大罪也。They form cliques, speak with one voice, deceive the ruler, undermine the law, disrupt the scholars and the common people, endanger and weaken the state, and cause the ruler to toil and be humiliated. This is a serious crime.
臣有大罪而主弗禁,此大失也。If a minister commits a serious crime and the ruler does not stop it, this is a major mistake.
使其主有大失于上,臣有大罪于下,索国之不亡者,不可得也。If the ruler makes a major mistake above and the minister commits a serious crime below, it is impossible to prevent the state from perishing.