资治通鉴·汉纪七 1:苟身无事,畜乱,宿祝,孰视而不定;万年之后,传之老母、弱子,将使不宁,不可谓仁

文摘   2025-01-23 17:23   重庆  

汉纪七 Han Chronicle 7

起玄黓涒滩,尽柔兆阉茂,凡十五年。This period starts from the year Xuntan of the Gengshen cycle and ends at the year Yanmao of the Bingyin cycle, lasting for a total of fifteen years.

太宗孝文皇帝下前十一年(壬申,公元前一六九年)In the eleventh year of the later reign of Emperor Xiaowen of the Taizong period (Ren Shen, 169 BC)

冬,十一月,上行幸代。In winter, in the eleventh month, the emperor made a trip to Dai.

春,正月,自代还。In spring, in the first month, he returned from Dai.

夏,六月,梁怀王揖薨,无子。贾谊复上疏曰:In summer, in the sixth month, Liu Yi, the King of Liang, passed away without an heir. Jia Yi submitted another memorial stating:

“陛下即不定制,如今之势,不过一传、再传,诸侯犹且人恣而不制,豪植而大强,汉法不得行矣。"If Your Majesty does not establish a fixed system, given the current situation, within one or two generations at most, the feudal lords will become unrestrained and uncontrollable. They will become powerful and dominant, and the laws of the Han Dynasty will no longer be enforceable.

陛下所以为籓扞及皇太子之所恃者,唯淮阳、代二国耳。The feudal states that Your Majesty relies on for defense and as support for the Crown Prince are only the states of Huaiyang and Dai.

代,北边匈奴,与强敌为邻,能自完则足矣;Dai, on the northern border facing the Xiongnu, adjacent to a powerful enemy, can merely manage to preserve itself.

而淮阳之比大诸侯,廑如黑子之著面,适足以饵大国,而不足以有所禁御。As for Huaiyang compared to the large feudal states, it is as insignificant as a mole on the face. It is only sufficient to attract the large states, but not enough to defend against them.

方今制在陛下,制国而令子适足以为饵,岂可谓工哉!Now, the power to make decisions lies with Your Majesty. When formulating the state system, if what you do makes your son's state merely a target for others, how can this be considered a wise move!

臣之愚计,愿举淮南地以益淮阳,而为梁王立后,割淮阳北边二、三列城与东郡以益梁。My humble plan is to incorporate the territory of Huainan into Huaiyang, and establish an heir for the King of Liang. Cut two or three cities in the northern part of Huaiyang and the Dong Commandery to expand Liang.

不可者,可徙代王而都睢阳。梁起于新郪而北著之河,淮阳包陈而南揵之江,则大诸侯之有异心者破胆而不敢谋。If this is not feasible, then the King of Dai can be moved to make Suiyang his capital. If Liang extends from Xinqi in the south to the Yellow River in the north, and Huaiyang encompasses Chen and reaches the Yangtze River in the south, then any feudal lord with disloyal intentions will be terrified and dare not plot rebellion.

梁足以扞齐、赵,淮阳足以禁吴、楚,陛下高枕,终无山东之忧矣,此二世之利也。Liang will be sufficient to defend against Qi and Zhao, and Huaiyang will be able to contain Wu and Chu. Your Majesty can then rest easy, and there will be no more worries about the regions east of the mountains. This is beneficial for two generations.

当今恬然,适遇诸侯之皆少;数岁之后,陛下且见之矣。Now everything seems peaceful, merely because the feudal lords are all young. But in a few years, Your Majesty will see the consequences.

夫秦日夜苦心劳力以除六国之祸;Qin painstakingly and laboriously worked day and night to eliminate the threats from the six states. 

今陛下力制天下,颐指如意,高拱以成六国之祸,难以言智,苟身无事,畜乱,宿祝,孰视而不定;Now, Your Majesty has the power to control the whole country, and can do as you please. But if you sit back and allow the emergence of the same kind of threats as the six states, it's hard to say you are wise. If you just seek personal peace, tolerate the brewing of chaos, and ignore the situation without taking action;

万年之后,传之老母、弱子,将使不宁,不可谓仁。”After your passing, leaving this to an old empress and a young heir, it will bring unrest, which cannot be considered benevolent."

帝于是从谊计,徙淮阳王武为梁王,北界泰山,西至高阳,得大县四十馀城。The emperor then followed Jia Yi's plan, and transferred Liu Wu, the King of Huaiyang, to be the King of Liang. The northern border of Liang reached Mount Tai, and the western border extended to Gaoyang, covering more than forty large counties.

后岁馀,贾谊亦死,死时年三十三矣。徙城阳王喜为淮南王。More than a year later, Jia Yi also died at the age of thirty - three. Liu Xi, the King of Chengyang, was transferred to be the King of Huainan.
