管仲老,不能用事,休居于家。Guan Zhong grew old and was no longer able to handle affairs, so he retired and lived at home.
桓公从而问之曰:“仲父家居有病,即不幸而不起此病,政安迁之?”Duke Huan went to him and asked, "Father Zhong, now that you are ill at home, if unfortunately this illness doesn't get better, to whom should the governance be transferred?"
管仲曰:“臣老矣,不可问也。虽然,臣闻之,知臣莫若君,知子莫若父。君其试以心决之。”Guan Zhong replied, "I'm old, and this is not something you should ask me. However, I've heard that no one knows a subject better than his lord, and no one knows a son better than his father. Your Majesty might as well try to decide in your heart."
君曰:“鲍叔牙何如?”The duke asked, "What about Bao Shuya?"
管仲曰:“不可。鲍叔牙为人,刚愎而上悍。刚则犯民以暴,愎则不得民心,悍则下不为用。其心不惧,非霸者之佐也。”Guan Zhong said, "He won't do. Bao Shuya is stubborn and fierce. His stubbornness leads him to treat the people violently, his obstinacy makes him lose the people's support, and his fierceness makes his subordinates unwilling to serve him. He has no fear in his heart, so he is not the right assistant for a hegemon."
公曰:“然则竖刁何如?”The duke said, "Then what about Shu Diao?"
管仲曰:“不可。夫人之情莫不爱其身。公妒而好内,竖刁自獖以为治内。其身不爱,又安能爱君?”Guan Zhong said, "He won't do either. By nature, everyone loves their own body. Your Majesty is jealous and fond of women. Shu Diao castrated himself to manage the inner palace. If he doesn't love his own body, how can he love Your Majesty?"
公曰:“然,则术公子开方何如?”The duke said, "Well, then what about Prince Kaifang of Wei?"
管仲曰:“不可。齐、卫之间不过十日之行,开方为事君,欲适君之故,十五年不归见其父母,此非人情也。其父母之不亲也,又能亲君乎?”Guan Zhong said, "He won't do. The journey between Qi and Wei takes no more than ten days. Kaifang, in order to serve Your Majesty and please you, hasn't gone back to see his parents for fifteen years. This is not human nature. If he can't be close to his parents, how can he be close to Your Majesty?"
公曰:“然则易牙何?”The duke said, "Then what about Yi Ya?"
管仲曰:“不可。夫易牙为君主味。君之所未尝食唯人肉耳,易牙蒸其子首而进之,君所知也。人之情莫不爱其子,今蒸其子以为膳于君,其子弗爱,又安能爱君乎?”Guan Zhong said, "He won't do. Yi Ya is in charge of the emperor's food. The only thing Your Majesty has never eaten is human flesh. Yi Ya steamed his son's head and presented it to you, as you know. By nature, everyone loves their children. Now he steamed his son to make a meal for Your Majesty. If he doesn't love his son, how can he love Your Majesty?"
公曰:“然则孰可?”The duke said, "Then who can be used?"
管仲曰:“隰朋可。其为人也,坚中而廉外,少欲而多信。夫坚中,则足以为表;廉外,则可以大任;少欲,则能临其众;多信,则能亲邻国。此霸者之佐也,君其用之。”Guan Zhong said, "Xi Peng can. His character is firm - minded and he is honest on the outside. He has few desires and is trustworthy. His firm - mindedness makes him a good example; his honesty enables him to take on great responsibilities; having few desires allows him to lead the people; and being trustworthy enables him to be on good terms with neighboring states. He is the right assistant for a hegemon. Your Majesty should use him."
君曰:“诺。”The duke said, "All right."
居一年馀,管钟死,君遂不用隰朋而与竖刁。After more than a year, Guan Zhong died. The duke then didn't use Xi Peng but gave power to Shu Diao instead.
刁莅事三年,桓公南游堂阜,竖刁率易牙、卫公子开方及大臣为乱。Shu Diao managed affairs for three years. Duke Huan went on a southern tour to Tangfu. Shu Diao led Yi Ya, Prince Kaifang of Wei, and some ministers to stage a rebellion.
桓公渴馁而死南门之寝、公守之室,身死三月不收,虫出于户。Duke Huan died of thirst and hunger in the south-gate bedroom, in the room guarded by the eunuchs. His body was left unburied for three months, and worms crawled out of the door.
故桓公之兵横行天下,为五伯长,卒见弑于其臣,而灭高名,为天下笑者,何也?So, although Duke Huan's army dominated the world and he was the leader of the Five Hegemons, in the end, he was killed by his ministers, his great reputation was ruined, and he was laughed at by the world. Why?
不用管仲之过也。It was because he didn't follow Guan Zhong's advice.
故曰:过而不听于忠臣,独行其意,则灭其高名为人笑之始也。Therefore, it is said that making mistakes and not listening to loyal ministers, and acting willfully, is the beginning of ruining one's great reputation and being laughed at by others.
奚谓内不量力?What is meant by not assessing one's own strength internally?
昔者秦之攻宜阳,韩氏急。In the past, when the State of Qin attacked Yiyang, the State of Han was in a desperate situation.
公仲朋谓韩君曰:“与国不可恃也,岂如因张仪为和于秦哉!因赂以名都而南与伐楚,是患解于秦而害交于楚也。”Gongzhong Peng said to the Lord of Han, "Allied states cannot be relied upon. Why not make peace with the State of Qin through Zhang Yi? By offering a famous city as a bribe and then joining forces with the Qin to attack the State of Chu to the south, this way, the trouble from the Qin can be resolved and the harm can be shifted to the State of Chu."
王其趣发信臣,多其车,重其币,以奉韩曰:‘不谷之国虽小,卒已悉起,愿大国之信意于秦也。因愿大国令使者入境视楚之起卒也。’”Your Majesty should quickly send trustworthy ministers, with many carriages and generous gifts, to tell the State of Han:‘Although our state is small, our troops have all been mobilized. We hope that your great state will show determination in dealing with the Qin. And we hope that your great state will send envoys to enter our territory to see our mobilized troops.'"
韩使人之楚,楚王因发车骑,陈之下路,谓韩使者曰:The State of Han sent someone to the State of Chu. The King of Chu then dispatched chariots and cavalry and deployed them on the main road. He said to the Han envoy:
“报韩君,言弊邑之兵今将入境矣。”"Tell the Lord of Han that our state's troops are about to enter your territory."
使者还报韩君,韩君大大悦,止公仲。The envoy returned and reported to the Lord of Han. The Lord of Han was very pleased and stopped Gongzhong.
公仲曰:“不可。夫以实害我者,秦也;以名救我者,楚也。Gongzhong said, "This is not advisable. The one who actually harms us is the State of Qin; the one who saves us in name is the State of Chu.
听楚之虚言而轻强秦之实祸,则危国之本也。”If we listen to the empty words of the State of Chu and underestimate the real threat of the powerful State of Qin, this is the root cause of endangering our state."
韩君弗听。The Lord of Han did not listen.
公仲怒而归,十日不朝。Gongzhong angrily returned and did not attend court for ten days.
宜阳益急,韩君令使者趣卒于楚,冠盖相望而卒无至者。The situation in Yiyang became even more urgent. The Lord of Han ordered envoys to urge the arrival of troops from the State of Chu. The carriages and canopies of the envoys could be seen one after another, but no troops arrived in the end.
宜阳果拔,为诸侯笑。Yiyang was indeed captured, and the State of Han was laughed at by the feudal lords.
故曰:内不量力,外恃诸侯者,则国削之患也。So it is said that if a state does not assess its own strength internally and relies on other feudal lords externally, it will face the danger of territorial reduction.
奚谓国小无礼?What is meant by a small state being disrespectful?
昔者晋公子重耳出亡,过于曹,曹君袒裼而观之。In the past, when Prince Chong'er of the State of Jin was in exile, he passed through the State of Cao. The Lord of Cao exposed his body to look at him.
釐负羁与叔瞻侍于前。Xi Fuji and Shu Zhan were in attendance.
叔瞻谓曹君曰:“臣观晋公子,非常人也。Shu Zhan said to the Lord of Cao, "I observe that Prince Chong'er of Jin is no ordinary person.
君遇之无礼,彼若有时反国而起兵,即恐为曹伤,君不如杀之。”If Your Majesty treats him disrespectfully and he someday returns to his state and raises an army, I'm afraid it will bring harm to the State of Cao. Your Majesty might as well kill him."
曹君弗听。The Lord of Cao did not listen.
釐负羁归而不乐,其妻问之曰:“公从外来而有不乐之色,何也?”Xi Fuji returned home feeling unhappy. His wife asked him, "You come back from outside with an unhappy look. Why is that?"
负羁曰:“吾闻之,有福不及,祸来连我。今日吾君召晋公子,其遇之无礼。我与在前,吾是以不乐。”Xi Fuji said, "I've heard that when good fortune doesn't come, misfortune may involve me. Today, our lord summoned Prince Chong'er of Jin, but treated him disrespectfully. I was present, so I'm unhappy."
其妻曰:“吾观晋公子,万乘之主也;其左右从者,万乘之相也。His wife said, "I observe that Prince Chong'er of Jin is a lord destined to rule a large state; his attendants on the left and right are ministers fit to serve a large state.
今穷而出亡过于曹,曹遇之无礼。Now, he is in distress and in exile, passing through the State of Cao, and the State of Cao treats him disrespectfully.
此若反国,必诛无礼,则曹其首也。子奚不先自贰焉。”If he returns to his state, he will surely punish those who were disrespectful, and the State of Cao will be the first. Why don't you distance yourself from this situation first?"
负羁曰:“诺。”Xi Fuji said, "All right."
盛黄金于壶,充之以餐,加璧其上,夜令人遗公子。He put gold in a pot, filled it with food, and placed a jade on top. At night, he sent someone to give it to the prince.
公子见使者,再拜,受其餐而辞其璧。The prince saw the messenger, bowed twice, accepted the food, and declined the jade.
公子自曹入楚,自楚入秦。The prince went from the State of Cao to the State of Chu, and then from the State of Chu to the State of Qin.
入秦三年,秦穆公召群臣而谋曰:Three years after entering the State of Qin, Duke Mu of Qin summoned his ministers to discuss, saying:
“昔者晋献公与寡人交,诸侯莫弗闻。献公不幸离群臣,出入十年矣。 "In the past, Duke Xian of Jin had friendly relations with me, and all the feudal lords knew about it. Unfortunately, Duke Xian passed away, and it has been about ten years.
嗣子不善,吾恐此将仿令其宗庙不祓除而社稷不血食也。His successor is not good. I'm afraid this will lead to the neglect of the ancestral temple and the sacrifice of the state.
如是弗定,则非与人交之道。吾欲辅重耳而入之晋,何如?”If this situation is not resolved, it is not the way to maintain friendly relations. I want to assist Chong'er in returning to the State of Jin. What do you think?"
群臣皆曰:“善。”All the ministers said, "Good idea."
公因起卒,革车五百乘,畴骑二千,步卒五万,辅重耳入之于晋,立为晋君。So the duke mobilized troops, with five hundred war chariots, two thousand elite cavalry, and fifty thousand infantry, to assist Chong'er in returning to the State of Jin and establishing him as the Lord of Jin.
重耳即位三年,举兵而伐曹矣。因令人告曹君曰:“悬叔瞻而出之,我且杀而以为大戮。”Three years after Chong'er ascended the throne, he raised an army to attack the State of Cao. He then sent someone to tell the Lord of Cao, "Hang Shu Zhan up and present him outside the city. I will kill him as a major punishment."
又令人告釐负羁曰:“军旅薄城,吾知子不违也。其表子之闾,寡人将以为令,令军勿敢犯。”He also sent someone to tell Xi Fuji, "When the army approaches the city, I know you will not oppose me. I will mark the entrance of your alley. I will issue an order that the army is not allowed to violate it."
曹人闻之,率其亲戚而保釐负羁之闾者七百馀家。此礼之所用也。When the people of Cao heard this, more than seven hundred families led their relatives to take refuge in the alley where Xi Fuji lived. This is the effect of courtesy.
故曹,小国也,而迫于晋、楚之间,其君之危犹累卵也,而以无礼莅之,此所以绝世也。So, the State of Cao was a small state, caught between the States of Jin and Chu. The position of its lord was as precarious as a pile of eggs. And with such disrespectful behavior, this is why it perished.
故曰:国小无礼,不用谏臣,则绝世之势也。So it is said that if a small state is disrespectful and does not listen to admonishing ministers, it will face the trend of extinction.