
科技   2024-08-24 19:58   越南  


8月23日上午,金龙汽车顺化股份公司在Chan May - Lang Co经济区(承天顺化省富禄县)举行汽车及发动机制造工厂奠基仪式,签署全面战略合作协议。



8月23日上午,金龙汽车顺化股份公司在Chan May - Lang Co经济区(承天顺化省富禄县)举行汽车及发动机制造工厂奠基仪式,签署全面战略合作协议。总投资2.6亿美元(约6.5万亿越南盾,约合18.5亿人民币),分两期建设。一期用地面积约30公顷。


金龙汽车顺化股份公司总经理Vo Phi Hai先生表示,这是越南首次移交领先的先进技术,积极生产现代汽车发动机和工业车辆用发动机。

位于Chan May - Lang Co经济区的Kim Long Hue发动机制造工厂建成投产后,将为数万名工人创造就业机会。一期重点生产和制造服务于汽车行业的发动机,预计于2025年第二季度初投产,自动化水平高达90%。包括生产和组装内燃机(柴油)、CNG发动机和电动发动机,年产能超过12,000台。



承天顺化省人民委员会副主席Phan Quy Phuong先生表示,金龙汽车顺化生产组装厂是一个生产和组装客车、卡车和轿车的综合厂;汽车零部件生产;预计产能约为 108,800 辆汽车/年。目前,公司一期建设已基本完成,平均产能约500辆/月。客车制造装配工厂投产以来,已生产各类车辆近300辆,向客户交付卧铺车200余辆。
King Long Automobile and Yuchai invested 1.85 billion yuan to build an engine plant in Viet Nam

Editor: Lucien

On the morning of August 23, King Long Automobile Hue Joint Stock Company held a groundbreaking ceremony for its automobile and engine manufacturing plant in Chan May - Lang Co Economic Zone (Phu Loc District, Thua Thien Hue Province) and signed a comprehensive strategic cooperation agreement. The total investment is 260 million US dollars (about 6.5 trillion Viet Nam, about 1.85 billion yuan), and it will be built in two phases. The first phase covers an area of about 30 hectares.

At the same time, King Long Hue officially launched a new generation of King Long 99 brand sleeper buses equipped with a new generation of Yuchai K11 engine; Of these, 60 sleeper buses from the 600 bus contract have been delivered to the customer. Mr. Vo Phi Hai, General Manager of King Long Automobile Hue Joint Stock Company, said that this is the first time that Viet Nam has transferred leading advanced technology to actively produce modern automobile engines and engines for industrial vehicles.

The Kim Long Hue engine manufacturing plant, located in the Chan May-Lang Co economic zone, will create jobs for tens of thousands of workers when it is completed and put into operation. The first phase, which focuses on the production and manufacturing of engines for the automotive industry, is expected to start production in early Q2 2025 with a level of up to 90% automation. This includes the production and assembly of internal combustion engines (diesel), CNG engines and electric engines, with an annual production capacity of more than 12,000 units.

Mr. Hai said that after the above-mentioned engine manufacturing plant is put into operation, it will achieve a breakthrough in production technology, improve the content of science and technology, and most importantly, Viet Nam will master automobile manufacturing and production technology, creating employment opportunities for thousands of workers.

The second phase will focus on the production and manufacturing of automotive bridges, transmissions and transmission systems.

Mr. Phan Quy Phuong, Vice Chairman of the Thua Thien Hue Provincial People's Committee, said that the King Long Automobile Hue Production and Assembly Plant is an integrated plant for the production and assembly of buses, trucks and cars; auto parts production; The estimated production capacity is approximately 108,800 vehicles/year. At present, the first phase of the company's construction has been basically completed, with an average production capacity of about 500 vehicles/month. Since the bus manufacturing and assembly plant was put into operation, nearly 300 vehicles of various types have been produced, and more than 200 sleeper cars have been delivered to customers. In the first seven months of 2024, enterprises paid a budget of about 291 billion Viet Nam dong, and the cumulative amount so far is about 408 billion Viet Nam dong; At the same time, about 1,800 jobs were created, of which about 70% were workers from Thua Thien Hue province. Mr. Phuong said that King Long Motor's Hue production and assembly base is a key project in Thua Thien Hue province. At present, investors are preparing adjustment documents to increase the total investment amount of the project to about 21 trillion Viet Nam (about 6 billion yuan). The project is expected to make a positive contribution to the development of the automobile industry and form a spillover force for investment attraction for the province's automobile supporting industry; Promote economic restructuring, increase local budget revenues, and create employment opportunities for local workers.




