
科技   2024-08-17 18:10   越南  





上个月ASML Holding NV现公布了2024年第二季度财务业绩,本季度净销售额62.4亿欧元(约合495亿元人民币),预期为60亿欧元;毛利率51.5%;净利润15.78亿欧元(约合125亿元人民币)。数据显示销售额同比下滑9.57%,净利润同比下滑15.79%。

















Chinese mainland semiconductor companies stockpiled lithography machines, and AMSL business plans were disrupted


Last month, ASML Holding NV announced its second-quarter 2024 financial results, with net sales of 6.24 billion euros (about 49.5 billion yuan) for the quarter, compared with an expected 6 billion euros; gross profit margin of 51.5%; net profit of 1.578 billion euros (about 12.5 billion yuan). The data showed that sales fell 9.57% year-on-year, and net profit fell 15.79% year-on-year.

In addition, ASML's second-quarter pre-orders reached 5.57 billion euros (about 44.2 billion yuan), which was expected to be 4.41 billion euros, of which 2.5 billion euros were for EUV lithography machines. During the same period, ASML's R&D expenses reached 1.101 billion euros (about 8.7 billion yuan).

ASML's results for the first quarter of 2024 showed a 61% quarter-on-quarter decline in order volume, which exceeded market expectations. New orders in the first quarter amounted to EUR 3.6 billion, of which EUR 656 million were orders for EUV lithography machines.

ASML expects third-quarter sales in the range of €6.7 billion to €7.3 billion, with gross margins in the range of 50% to 51%; Sales in 2024 are expected to be similar to the 27.56 billion euros reported in 2023.

In addition, ASML delivered 100 machines during the quarter, including 89 new and 11 used lithography machines.

Among the new lithography machines, shipments of other types of lithography machines, such as ArFi, ArF, and KrF, all showed an increase in shipments, although the number of EUV lithography machines decreased slightly to 8 from 11 in the previous quarter.

Among them, Chinese mainland has been among ASML's largest customer regions for four consecutive quarters, and the proportion has always remained at a high level of 40% or more, and the lithography revenue of Chinese mainland customers reached 49% in this quarter.

According to the news from the industry, because the global semiconductor equipment industry is controlled by military policies, the advanced process equipment and materials sold to Chinese mainland are at risk of not being traded at any time, so many semiconductor companies in Chinese mainland have begun to purchase advanced process equipment and materials in the global market in advance under capital operation, and there is a phenomenon of hoarding.

AMSL's lithography machines are the main stockpiling objects of mainland semiconductor manufacturers and Chinese capital. This has caused AMSL to spend a lot of time and resources to organize the production of both new and second-hand machines, resulting in the progress of the most advanced EUV lithography machines being slower than originally planned.

In recent years, Chinese mainland semiconductor manufacturers have also actively expanded production capacity on mature process digital chips, and have also invested rapidly in the field of power semiconductor chips, and the industry expects that the wafer manufacturing capacity in Chinese mainland will reach 8.85 million (wpm) in 2024, a year-on-year increase of 15%; It will climb further to 10.1 million (wpm) in 2025 and will still grow at a rate of 14%, when Chinese mainland's wafer production capacity will account for one-third of the total capacity of the global chip industry.

For the rapid expansion of semiconductor production capacity in Chinese mainland, the global semiconductor market, including ASML, is somewhat worried, and at present, Chinese mainland has overcapacity in the field of power semiconductors.

However, from the recent semiconductor industry trends in Chinese mainland, overseas markets have found that many Chinese mainland semiconductor companies are using mature processes to expand memory chip production capacity and HBM advanced memory packaging capacity, and the industry background logic is that Chinese mainland semiconductor manufacturers believe that the development of AI artificial intelligence requires a large amount of data storage and computing cache to support, so it will quickly eat up the existing memory chip production capacity in the market.

The increase in AI computing chip shipments will continue to make the HMB advanced memory packaging capacity in the market continue to be in short supply, and in the case of limited advanced manufacturing processes, HMB advanced memory packaging will also be an important part of Chinese mainland's comprehensive computing strength.

At present, ASML and global photoresist manufacturers are studying how to carry out the mass production process of lithography + self-assembly below 1 nanometer, but these studies also need to be assisted by the current mass production process experience of 3 nanometer and 2 nanometer processes.

Therefore, for the slowdown in the production speed and installation speed of ASML's EUV lithography machine, and the current 3nm and 2nm process fab construction speed is not as expected, the global semiconductor market for the expansion of mature process capacity in Chinese mainland, on the one hand, believes that it has alleviated the negative impact of the entire industry recession, but on the other hand, it also feels that these capacities will also excessively consume industry resources for advanced process research, once there is a large number of mature overcapacity in the industry in the future, It is easy to research and develop advanced production capacity, resulting in the impact of insufficient R&D investment caused by excessive consumption of industry resources.

At present, the world's major economies are still strengthening subsidies for the semiconductor industry to attract investment in semiconductor manufacturing capacity in order to achieve the so-called industrial security purpose. However, the news from the supply chain shows that whether it is Chinese mainland or the European and American markets, there has been a phenomenon that the construction progress of existing fab construction projects has slowed down or suspended due to the lack of investment capital, and even some projects have entered the "unfinished" stage, and if no new capital injection can be found, the project is likely to be terminated.

ASML is also very worried about the emergence of a new crisis in the industry, after all, if the construction progress of the project is not as expected, some of the machines that have been shipped for installation, and the machines that have been installed but have not been mass-produced, will have a huge impact on the subsequent operation of ASML. In addition to the inability to collect the payment in time, the production order arrangement process will also be disrupted. 




