
科技   2024-08-19 19:39   越南  








首颗1.8亿像素全画幅CIS的成功试产,既标志着光刻拼接技术在大靶面传感器领域的成功运用,也为未来更多大靶面全画幅、中画幅传感器的开发铺平了道路。同时,该产品具备1.8亿超高像素8K 30 fps Pix Gain HDR模式高帧率及超高动态范围等多项领先性能,创新优化光学结构,可兼容不同光学镜头,提升产品在终端灵活应用的适配能力,打破了日本索尼在超高像素全画幅CIS领域长期垄断地位,为本土产业发展贡献力量。




思特微的核心团队技术背景深厚,在美光、Aptina、豪威等全球知名企业具有任职经历。在安防领域储备了SFC Pixel®专利技术、近红外感度NIR+技术等核心技术,客户包括大华股份、海康威视、萤石网络等国内外知名企业;在机器视觉领域是国内最早研发GS系列CIS产品的企业之一,也是全球唯三拥有全局快门CIS大规模量产能力的企业之一,公司独特的BSI产品,配合三维堆栈等技术,已具备单帧HDR功能和超高的快门效率和感光性能;在智能手机领域运用于安防侧的核心技术进行复制推广,客户包括三星、小米、联想、荣耀等手机主流品牌客户,而高端旗舰5000万像素系列产品也已开始与相关品牌厂商展开合作;在汽车电子领域已经建立起符合功能安全最高等级“ASILD”级别的产品开发流程体系,成为国内少数能够提供车规级CIS解决方案的厂商,已开发360度全景影像、行车记录仪、舱内监控等多款车载CIS产品,与比亚迪、海康汽车、广汽丰田、岚图等主流厂商达成合作关系。




而单反全画幅CIS芯片也是与手机摄像头CIS的APS-C芯片区别的关键,不过为了跟手机拍照体验类似,很多CIS芯片厂商也在单反相机推出了120 APS-C芯片。



The industry's first 180 million pixel full-frame CIS chip made in China, ST Micro entered the SLR camera market


According to the content released by the official WeChat 688249 today, Jinghe Integration and SmartSens-W (688213), a domestic advanced design company, jointly launched the industry's first 180 million pixel full-frame (2.77-inch) CIS, providing more options for image sensors for high-end SLR camera applications and promoting full-frame CIS to enter a new stage of development.

Based on the self-developed 55nm process platform, the new technology adopted this time is the successful application of lithography splicing technology in the field of large-format sensors, and the joint development of lithography splicing technology with SmartSens has overcome the difficulties of splicing accuracy control and yield improvement in the pixel column, and successfully broke through the limit of a conventional photomask in a single chip size, and at the same time ensured that in the nanoscale manufacturing process, The spliced chip still ensures consistent electrical and optical performance.

The successful trial production of the first 180 million pixel full-frame CIS not only marks the successful application of lithography splicing technology in the field of large-format sensors, but also paves the way for the development of more large-format full-frame and medium-format sensors in the future. At the same time, the product has a number of leading performances such as 180 million ultra-high pixel 8K 30 fps Pix Gain HDR mode, high frame rate and ultra-high dynamic range, innovative and optimized optical structure, compatible with different optical lenses, improving the adaptability of products in terminal flexible applications, breaking the long-term monopoly of Sony Japan in the field of ultra-high pixel full-frame CIS, and contributing to the development of local industries.

Crystal Integration is mainly engaged in 12-inch wafer foundry business; According to TrendForce's 23Q2 global foundry revenue ranking, the company ranks tenth in the world and third among Chinese mainland companies.

Jinghe Integrated Circuit mainly engages in 12-inch wafer foundry business. In terms of process platform, Jinghe Integrated Circuit focuses on DDIC, PMIC, CIS, and MCU, and continues to promote the development of new process platforms such as logic, E-tag, and Mini-LED chips. The process nodes cover 150nm-55nm, and the research and development of 40nm and 28nm process platforms are underway. 55nm has achieved large-scale mass production.

According to the semi-annual report recently released by Jinghe Integration, the company will achieve operating income of 4.398 billion yuan in the first half of 2024, an increase of 48.1% over the same period in 2023; Net profit attributable to shareholders of listed companies was RMB187 million, an increase of 528.8% over the same period in 2023. Operating income increased by 1.428 billion yuan over the same period of last year, a year-on-year increase of 48.09%, mainly due to the gradual recovery of the industry's prosperity and the rapid growth of overall sales in the first half of the year. The net profit attributable to shareholders of listed companies and the net profit attributable to shareholders of listed companies after deducting non-recurring gains and losses increased by 230 million yuan and 240 million yuan respectively over the same period last year, mainly due to the year-on-year increase in the company's operating income during the reporting period, as well as the continuous improvement of capacity utilization, the decrease in unit cost of goods sold, and the increase in product gross profit margin.

The main products of STWEI are high-performance CIS chips, which are deployed in many high-tech application fields such as security monitoring, machine vision, and intelligent vehicle electronics. In addition to the investment of production and investment companies such as the National Integrated Circuit Fund and Hubble Innovation, Stepmicro has invested in upstream and downstream customers such as Samsung, Hynix, Xiaomi, Haikang, etc., and is regarded as the main manufacturer of Chinese substitution in the CIS market in the industrial chain of Chinese mainland.

The core team of STVW has a deep technical background and has worked in world-renowned companies such as Micron, Aptina, and OmniVision. In the field of security, it has reserved core technologies such as SFCPixel® patented technology and NIR+ technology for near-infrared sensitivity, and its customers include well-known domestic and foreign enterprises such as Dahua Co., Ltd., Hikvision, and EZVIZ Network; In the field of machine vision, it is one of the earliest enterprises to develop GS series CIS products in China, and it is also one of the only three enterprises in the world with the large-scale mass production capacity of global shutter CIS. In the field of smart phones, the core technology used in the security side is replicated and promoted, and customers include mainstream mobile phone brand customers such as Samsung, Xiaomi, Lenovo, and Honor, and the high-end flagship 50 million pixel series products have also begun to cooperate with related brand manufacturers; In the field of automotive electronics, it has established a product development process system that meets the highest level of functional safety "ASILD", and has become one of the few manufacturers in China that can provide automotive-grade CIS solutions, and has developed a variety of on-board CIS products such as 360-degree panoramic images, driving recorders, and cabin monitoring, and has reached cooperative relations with mainstream manufacturers such as BYD, Hikvision Automobile, GAC Toyota, and VOYAH.

CMOS (Complementary Metal Oxide Conductor) has been used in the computer field for a long time, and the CPU and memory are composed of CMOS, and CMOS has only been used in the field of CIS image sensors since 1998.

The CIS image sensor, lens, and image processor form the imaging iron triangle of the camera, and CMOS is known as the retina of the digital camera, and the CMOS technology in the field of SLR digital cameras determines the quality of the product to a large extent.

The format refers to the size of the camera's sensor, which is used to collect light signals. The larger the sensor, the better the ability to collect light and the better the image quality. Full format is also called 135 format or small format, mainly relative to medium format 120 format, and large format, their size relationship is as follows: large format size is 100x130mm; Medium format is 54×40mm, 48×36mm, 44×33mm, and small format is 24×36mm.

The SLR full-frame CIS chip is also the key to the difference from the APS-C chip of the mobile phone camera CIS, but in order to be similar to the mobile phone camera photo experience, many CIS chip manufacturers have also launched the 120APS-C chip in the SLR camera.

The shipment of the first 180 million pixel full-frame CIS chip shows that ST Micro has also begun to make efforts in the field of SLR cameras. The launch of domestic SLR camera chips will directly challenge the current high-end photography market dominated by foreign brands, greatly enhance the international competitiveness of domestic photographic equipment, and let the world see the strength of Chinese brands in the field of high technology.

In addition to Smart, it was previously revealed in the industry that HiSilicon Chip will also launch its SLR camera chip, and cooperate with drone giant DJI to jointly launch SLR cameras.




