
科技   2024-09-05 20:03   越南  





Wingtech Technology's ODM increased by 26.68%, and AIPC made efforts to get out of the trough   
Editor: Lucien
Wingtech Technology recently released the semi-annual financial report data that the industry is concerned about, the main content is revenue of 33.589 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 15.01%. net profit attributable to shareholders of listed companies was 140 million yuan, down 88.78% year-on-year. Basic earnings per share was 0.11 yuan/share, down 89.11% year-on-year. Among them, the revenue of semiconductor business was 7.04 billion yuan, a year-on-year decrease of 7.90%, and the gross profit margin of the business was 34.95%; net profit was 1.08 billion yuan, down 22.40% year-on-year; The integrated business achieved revenue of 26.12 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 26.68%, a gross profit margin of 2.49%, and a net loss of 850 million yuan; R&D investment was 874 million yuan, compared with 809 million yuan in the same period last year, a year-on-year increase of 8.03%.
From the data performance of the semi-annual report, it can be found that in the first half of 2024, the revenue and profit of Wingtech Technology's semiconductor business in the second quarter increased quarter-on-quarter, and the gross profit margin level improved significantly compared with the first quarter, driving the rapid recovery of net profit. In the first half of 2024, Wingtech Technology's semiconductor business revenue from automobiles, industry and power accounted for 63% and 21% respectively, and other consumer electronics such as mobile and wearable devices, computer equipment, and consumer fields accounted for 16% of the total revenue.   
In the first half of the year, Wingtech Technology's semiconductor business achieved operating income of 3.42 billion yuan and 3.62 billion yuan in the first and second quarters, an increase of 5.8% from the previous quarter, and a gross profit margin of 31% and 38.2% respectively. Gross margin in the second quarter increased by nearly 7 percentage points sequentially, exceeding the average for the second quarter of 2023. Net profit in the first and second quarters was RMB520 million (including investment income of RMB170 million from the sale of NWF shares) and RMB560 million respectively, with a quarter-on-quarter increase of 60% in business profit after deducting investment income.
Wingtech Technology recently said in an investor survey that in the past two or three years, the growth of semiconductors has mainly come from good market demand. With the subsequent semiconductor market entering a cyclical adjustment, from the second quarter of this year, the company's growth has come more from the cultivation of internal strength, from the company's new customer expansion and efficiency improvement. The company's semiconductor business has clearly bottomed out in the fourth quarter of 2023 and the first quarter of 2024, and has achieved a rapid rebound in the second quarter. In this cycle, it can be seen that the company's semiconductor business has entered a downward cycle late, with a small cycle adjustment, a short bottoming time, and can recover quickly, fully reflecting the characteristics of strong resilience and great potential.   
Among them: (1) Relying on the advantages of MOSFET, logic and other products, we continued to make efforts in the automotive field, accelerated the market development of domestic new energy head enterprises, and increased the penetration rate among new energy vehicle customers, and steadily increased the product supply and the value of single vehicles. (2) The industrial and consumer electronics markets are gradually recovering, and the growth rate of AI data centers, servers and other application fields is relatively fast. (3) The market performance of semiconductors in the Asia-Pacific region has better offset the weakness of market demand in Europe and the United States. (4) Through management efficiency, factory cost reduction, and improvement of utilization rate, the gross profit margin rebounded rapidly, which further highlighted the management level and business resilience.
At the same time, Wingtech Technology has strengthened its investment in semiconductors, announcing an investment plan of 200 million US dollars in June to develop the next generation of modern semiconductor products and establish production infrastructure in the Hamburg factory. At present, the SiC diode and high-voltage GaN production line has been put into production, and the follow-up focus is on the construction of an 8-inch SiCMOS production line.   
In the ODM foundry integration business with fierce competition and relatively difficult profits, Wingtech Technology achieved revenue of 12.42 billion yuan and 13.70 billion yuan in the first and second quarters respectively, and net profit of -350 million yuan (including 100 million yuan of convertible bond financial expenses) and -500 million yuan (including 100 million yuan of convertible bond financial expenses) respectively.
Wingtech Technology said that the product integration business has still laid a good customer foundation, and the shipments of major customers in Korea and North America increased in the second quarter. The business revenue in the second quarter increased by 10% quarter-on-quarter and 30% year-on-year, mainly because the company actively explored new projects of overseas major customers and home appliances, automobiles and other customers, and the demand of overseas major customers improved significantly, of which the demand of large customers in Korea and North America increased significantly, the company promoted the ASP of various products under the weak recovery of total market demand, and the average ASP of products increased by more than 20% in the second quarter compared with the first quarter, and increased by more than 50% year-on-year, and the product value of the company's product integration business increased significantly, the business foundation is better.   
In the second quarter, Wingtech Technology's ODM foundry business accounted for more than 50% of the revenue structure, of which due to the recovery of market demand, the company's shipments of Korea major customer business in the second quarter increased by more than 20% month-on-month, and the new mobile phone and tablet projects cooperated with customers were successfully increased. At the same time, the North American key customer business, accounting for about 40% of the revenue, the company cooperated with the North American major customers to produce AIPC has been sold globally in early 2024, the market demand feedback is positive, and the volume is rapidly increasing in the second quarter, while the new generation of projects is being promoted cooperatively.
In other businesses such as home appliances, automotive electronics and smart wearable businesses, automotive electronics has achieved a certain scale of revenue, and the gross profit margin of products has increased in the second quarter, realizing the expansion from a single customer to multiple automotive customers; In terms of home appliances, it has cooperated with global home appliance giants to successfully expand from a single project to multiple projects, and a number of projects have been successfully implemented, and achieved rapid growth and profitability in the second quarter.   
Wingtech said that the ODM generation business has changed from mainly relying on mobile phone and tablet business in the past to a more optimized and focused business structure. While maintaining long-term and in-depth cooperative relations with leading customers in various segments, we promote cooperation projects "from one to many", and the scope of cooperation is "deeper and wider", laying a better customer foundation.
Overall, Wingtech Technology's semiconductor and ODM foundry businesses have begun to come out of the trough and show signs of slow recovery. Wingtech Technology's sales in the first half of 2024 increased by 15% year-on-year to 33.6 billion yuan, and the strong ODM foundry business increased by 27% year-on-year; However, the semiconductor business as a whole fell by 8% year-on-year in the first half of the year.
However, in terms of profitability, Wingtech Technology's net profit in the first half of the year fell by 89% year-on-year to 140 million yuan, and the gross profit margin fell to 9.5%, from 17.6 in the first half of 2023 to 14.7% in the second half of 2023, and to 9.5% in the first half of this year, indicating that the competition in the industry is still very fierce. In addition to the signs of recovery in the gross profit margin of semiconductors, which increased by 7.7% in the second quarter, the gross profit margin of ODM foundry in the first half of 2024 is only about 2.5%.   
According to the data of Oriental Fortune Choice financial terminal, the semi-annual reports of 94 companies in the A-share consumer electronics sector have been disclosed, and 73 companies have achieved profits, accounting for 77.66%; There were 57 companies that achieved a year-on-year increase in net profit.
Most people in the industry believe that global smartphone shipments will exceed 1.2 billion units in 2024, an increase of about 50 million units over 2023. In addition, in addition to the gradual penetration of the application of the end-side AI model in the mobile phone, it will also accelerate the purchase of spare models by some heavy users of mobile phones, and it is inferred from past experience that after the global real economic recession offsets the demand for smartphone replacement in developing countries, it will still increase at a scale of about 50 million units per year, and may reach 1.3 billion units by 2017.
At the same time, after 8 consecutive quarters of decline, other consumer electronics markets represented by PCs have also been driven by AI applications and have begun to pick up, and some users have begun to purchase new models to use AI for secondary creation and entrepreneurship, and related terminal products have also achieved growth for two consecutive quarters. Industry data shows that global PC shipments in the second quarter of this year were around 65 million units, a year-on-year increase of 3%.   
From the perspective of global economic trends, the semiconductor industry and the consumer electronics industry have returned to the inventory adjustment stage after a short period of replenishment of inventory, and the consumer electronics industry, despite the blessing of the AI concept, does not really have the user stickiness of the AI function explosion applicationIt is still unknown whether it can truly increase the overall sales of consumer electronics and increase the sales unit price and profit premium of terminal products. Therefore, the market is worried that with the release of the industry's mature production capacity, the industry's product prices will continue to decline, and under the price competition with abundant production capacity, the industry's profitability has limited room for improvement.
Wingtech Technology, which has transformed high-end customers and products and has a heavy position in semiconductors, is still in the throes of transformation. In view of the current situation of Wingtech Technology, industry analysts believe that from the short-term situation, Wingtech Technology's ODM foundry business has increased due to new orders from overseas customers, but the average OEM unit price of mobile-related products is still declining, and market challenges are still not optimistic. In response to this problem, the management of Wingtech Technology said that it is expected to break even in the third quarter and turn positive in the fourth quarter, showing confidence in high-end customers and high-end AI products.   
With the further focus of the business strategy, with the follow-up business volume, the company will rely on traditional advantageous businesses such as mobile phones and tablets to continue to increase the share of laptops for specific customers, and grow rapidly in new businesses such as vehicle and AIoT and home appliances to achieve performance improvement in the company's product integration business. Wingtech Technology will continue to actively capture more market opportunities during the recovery period of the industry and achieve long-term sustainable development of the enterprise.


