
科技   2024-08-21 18:23   越南  





















In less than 10 months, 1,795 Chinese-funded enterprises poured into Viet Nam, what kind of enterprises are they?

Editor: Lucien

According to the analysis of Viet Nam's industrial and commercial registration data, from October 2023 last year to August 2024, in less than 10 months, Chinese enterprises have registered a total of 1,795 enterprises in Viet Nam, covering 36 provinces and cities in Viet Nam, with Bac Ninh, Ho Chi Minh City and Binh Duong Province having the most.

Among the new Chinese-funded enterprises, 505 chose Bac Ninh Province, 354 chose Ho Chi Minh City, and 283 chose Binh Duong Province.

Among the 1,795 Chinese-funded enterprises, there are 1,198 enterprises with an investment scale of more than 3 billion VND (about RMB 85~860,000) (inclusive).

According to the Ministry of Planning and Investment of Viet Nam, as of July 20, 2024, Chinese investors have invested in 19 sectors in Viet Nam, of which the 10 sectors with the highest capital, led by technological processing and manufacturing, reached US$22.7 billion. The capitalization of the electricity, gas, water and air conditioning production and supply industry exceeded 2.2 billion US dollars, and the real estate business exceeded 1.3 billion US dollars. Other sectors such as wholesale and retail, auto repair, accommodation and food services, construction, transportation and warehousing, mining and professional activities, mining, etc., have seen investment capital fluctuate from $140 million to more than $520 million.

Chinese investors have invested in Xining and other places, with more than 104 projects and more than US$4.8 billion in capital. Bac Giang province exceeded US$2.2 billion; Binh Thuan province exceeds US$2 billion; Binh Duong, Hai Phong, Quang Ninh, Tien Giang, Bac Ninh, Nghe An, Dong Nai, Binh Phuoc and other provinces have invested more than US$1 billion. It is worth mentioning that although Binh Thuan province has only 9 Chinese investment projects, the investment amount exceeds 2 billion US dollars, with an average of more than 220 million US dollars per project (more than 5.5 trillion Viet Nam per project).

With the ever-changing global economic situation, Chinese enterprises are constantly adjusting their overseas expansion strategies to seek coexistence, symbiosis and mutual benefit. Viet Nam has signed free trade agreements with many economies, and the large tax difference in the process of trade activities has attracted Chinese and foreign-funded enterprises to increase Viet Nam.

Among them, Viet Nam, which is close to the Chinese market, has become the first choice to attract foreign investment in terms of economic vitality and young labor force. According to data from the Viet Nam Bureau of Statistics, in 2023, Viet Nam's GDP will reach US$430 billion, ranking 35th in the world, with an actual growth rate of 5.1%, ranking eighth in the world and second in the ASEAN region.

Since last year, waves of enterprises have begun to pour into Viet Nam for field visits and factory investment, and according to the Vietnam News Agency, Singapore will lead investment in Vietnam in 2023, but China is the largest source of investment in Vietnam in terms of the number of new investment projects in Viet Nam.

In fact, starting from 2023, foreign investors' investment activities in Viet Nam will be mainly supported by manufacturers in Korea, Singapore, Chinese mainland, Hong Kong and Taiwan, while the original European and American companies are in the process of divestment due to the impact of geopolitical conflicts on shipping and capital. Many enterprises from Singapore and Hong Kong investing in Viet Nam are actually local subsidiaries of Chinese mainland enterprises, and the final source of funds is still Chinese mainland.

In 2023, the investment of Chinese-funded enterprises in Viet Nam is quite different from the past, mainly from clothing and textiles, furniture, air conditioning, color TVs, etc., to small mechanical and electrical products and consumer electronics products, such as from last year, more than ninety percent of Chinese mainland enterprises have set up subsidiaries or factories in Viet Nam to conduct business and export their products to the global market.

In addition, although China's PV companies have slowed down in the global market, PV supply chain companies are still continuing to invest in Viet Nam.

In addition, driven by ASEAN's electrification policy, Chinese electric vehicle parts companies, electric two-wheeler companies and supply chain companies have also entered the Viet Nam market.

However, from 2023 onwards, a significant focus that really keeps Viet Nam still attracting the attention of global investors is the hardware manufacturing layout driven by AI. Due to the United States and neighboring countries of United States, which mainly consume AI server resources, it is difficult to assemble the manufacturing system of AI servers, and there is not enough cash compensation policy for these supply chain companies to relocate to the North American market, so driven by orders from Europe and the United States, Taiwan companies that mainly undertake AI servers and data center hardware basically use Viet Nam as their production bases

Among them, Foxconn (Hongteng Precision), which is responsible for the main manufacturing force, in addition to deploying its own AI server production capacity in Viet Nam, also makes suggestions for supply chain enterprises, the best in Viet Nam nearby support, hoping that these enterprises will set up new production capacity or add equipment to cooperate.

In addition, affected by Apple's orders, Apple's wearable, computer and other production capacity has also partially moved to Viet Nam, and related supply chain companies have also accelerated the speed of supporting in Viet Nam.

Another important point is that Chinese mobile phone supply chain companies that could not do business in India during the epidemic have also adjusted their overseas strategies after the epidemic was relaxed, giving up their investment in India, and re-looking for new production capacity landing bases in Southeast Asia to carry out production and trade activities for the global market.

Therefore, most of the enterprises investing in Viet Nam have an investment scale of 3 billion VND (about RMB 85~860,000), in addition to a large number of power tool enterprises, vacuum cleaner companies, and sweeping robot companies that do not require high investment scale, many mobile phone supply chain companies that have invested in India have poured into Viet Nam to find opportunities, which also accounts for a large part.

From the perspective of the development trend of the Viet Nam market, green economy and digital economy have become an important driving force and breakthrough point for cooperation between China and Vietnam, the Viet Nam government welcomes Chinese enterprises to expand investment in Vietnam in the fields of innovation and development, green transformation, renewable energy, transportation infrastructure, smart city, etc., and is willing to actively carry out human resource training and management experience exchange to help Viet Nam achieve green and sustainable development.




