今天读到一篇关于“学生是否应该喂食校园流浪狗stray dogs”的英语作文,深有感触。赞成和反对皆有其理由。相对于集万千宠爱于一身的家养宠物狗来说,它们或因年迈或疾病或因其他原因流落街头或野外,世界之大,竟无它们容身之地。满怀一颗热爱世间生灵的善心,我曾喂养过流浪狗,最后却因为种种原因不得不放弃。最主要原因还是出于安全考虑,一旦喂养,责任在身,万一出现安全事故,脱不了干系。说到底还是怕担当责任,这样一想,不免心怀愧疚,甚至不敢再面对,再见时选择绕道而行,可怜可叹!
图片:杜宾犬(Doberman Pinscher 德国短毛犬)
Of course, she realized there were risks involved. Well, the obvious risks from bringing a large, potentially dangerous animal to her young baby, Catherine pushed them aside.当然,她意识到这其中存在的风险。嗯,把一只巨大的,潜在危险的动物带给她的孩子,凯瑟琳暂时不去想。
原文结尾:(谁想到是这样的结尾呢?我们老师在教学中都刻意注意首尾呼应,痕迹很重,是不是?但是只要高考中能够骗到分数那就是值得的!It’s all worth it!
Saving life is indeed the most powerful thing one can do to prove how much they love and what you mean to them. Khan left a story behind to be told by generations of the family.
It had been a few months since our beloved boxer(拳师犬) Bama had passed away. He'd lived a good, long life. Alan and I didn't have children. Our boxer was our baby. After Bama's death, we couldn't bring ourselves to go through his toys to decide what to keep-so we put them all in the basement. I told myself I'd do it when I was ready. Apparently, I still wasn't.
Now I sat in my yard and wept. Friends and family had suggested we get another dog, but Alan and I dismissed the idea. We couldn't go through that kind of heartbreak again.
I gazed out over the yard. Across the street was a dog. A boxer. I wiped the tears from my eyes, heart beating wildly. Was he real or just my wishful imagination? I took a second look. The boxer was still there. We locked eyes. He ran across the street, straight toward me. I offered my hand. He sniffed it eagerly, bushy tail wagging. He licked me. This dog was younger than Bama, smaller. He was well- fed and clean. He wore a collar but had no ID. I knew he must belong to someone in the neighborhood, but I'd never seen another boxer around.
The dog lay down beside my feet, his tongue lolling in a doggie smile. He didn't seem lost, just as if he were dropping by for a visit.
“Alan! ”I called. “You have to come see this!”
Alan joined me, and we sat together silently for a moment. Then the boxer got up and walked off. In the following days, he'd sometimes appear in the backyard when Alan and I were outside. Other times, he'd wait for us on the front porch.
With each visit, I could feel the ache in my heart lessen. Seeing him was helping me work through my deep sorrow.
At work one day, a young man and an older woman I'd never seen before came in. I took down the man's address to complete some paperwork and noticed he lived up the street from me.
His name was Tanner. The woman with him was his grandmother. He and his family had recently moved from Georgia.
Paragraph 1“Do you happen to have a dog?” I asked. Tanner nodded and explained that the dog is his. When they arrived, the boxer always went out, which they thought for playing. However, yesterday they were shocked to find that he came to my house. “ I'm so sorry. He must bring much trouble to you.” Tanner apologized.
Paragraph 2
“Not at all! Actually, he was a big help.” I said. “We had a boxer, but it had passed away. It's him who help us get through the sorrow.” I smiled. Tanner said that he was glad to hear that his boxer helped us. He then said that they would take the boxer to buy some toys. At that moment, an idea hit me. I rushed to the basement and took out Bama's toys. “If you don't mind, take our boxer's toys as our appreciation.” Tanner accepted without hesitation and hoped that this could relief our sorrow. The toys were full of our love to both Bama and Tanner's now.
1.第一小节整体情节构思有问题。从原文可知I 和Tanner应该是第一次见面,所以后面的构思和此相互矛盾。
思维导图:Tanner听到问话惊讶困惑---I 做出解释---Tanner道歉,担心狗给我们带来麻烦。
I said. “We had a boxer, but it had passed away. It's him who help us get through the sorrow.” ,
此句可改成间接引语: I explained to them what had happened to my Bama and it was their boxer, a frequent visitor to our house, that helped us through the sorrow.
Paragraph 1
“Do you happen to have a dog?” I asked. “Yeah, actually we keep a boxer called Butt.” Tanner nodded, looking somewhat surprised. I asked whether their Butt wore a collar but had no ID, which was confirmed by the old woman. Mystery solved! Meeting their confused look, I told them that Butt dropped by my house for a visit . “ I'm so sorry. We had little time for him since we just moved here. I hope Butt didn’t cause you any trouble.” Tanner apologized, scratching his head.
Paragraph 2
“Not at all! Actually, he was a big help.” I said. I shared with them what happened to our beloved Bama and how we suffered after his death. Butt’s visits turned out to be a cure for our deep sorrow. At this, Tanner felt relieved to know his boxer could bring us comfort. And he also mentioned they would buy some toys for lonely Mutt. Right away, I realized that’s when I was ready. “Take our boy’s toys if you don’t mind.” I handed them some of the toys I picked out in the basement. With gratitude, Tanner accepted them and promised to visit us regularly. The toys had got their new owner, connecting us and our late Bama.
Possible version 2
“Do you happen to have a dog?” I asked tentatively and abruptly. ‘’We do,” the man replied with a confused look, “We adopted Poppy--a boxer several years ago.” That explained a lot! I told them about Poppy’s regular visits to my family. After hearing what I said, they were kind of uneasy and apologized for the dog’s disturbance, “I am terribly sorry. He must have escaped from the hole in the fence that we haven’t fixed. I hope he didn’t bring any inconvenience to you.”
“Not at all! Actually, he was a big help.” I said. Sensing his confusion, I shared with them the stories of my beloved Bama and the comfort Alex brought to us. I added that we had been thrown into a world of darkness for the loss of Bama. However, it was their boxer that brightened our gloomy days. Relieved and amazed, they decided to visit us with boxer frequently in the following days. From then on, a happy figure barked and jumped cheerfully in our backyard, surrounded by piles of toys.
Every dog has its days.