Day 12 回顾
Day 13 男生视角
Great. Just great. The day was doomed before it had started. But then at school when I told Garrett about what had happened, he just shrugged and said,“Well, she lives right across the street from you, right?"
“Yeah, so?”
“So just go look over the fence."
“You mean spy?”
"But... how can I tell if one of them's a rooster or not?"
“Roosters are... I don't know... bigger. And they have more feathers.”
“Feathers? Like I've got to go and count feathers?”
“No, stupid! My mom says that the male's always brighter." Then he laughs and says, “Although in your case I'm not so sure.”
“Thanks. You are giving me big-time help here, buddy. I really appreciate it.”
“不,笨蛋!我妈妈说,雄性的羽毛更鲜艳。” 然后他笑着说:“尽管从你这看来,我不确定。”
“Look, a rooster's going to be bigger and have brighter feathers. You know, those long ones in the back? They're redder or blacker or whatever. And don't roosters have some rubbery red stuff growing off the top of their head? And some off their neck, too? Yeah, the rooster's got all sorts of rubbery red stuff all around its face."
“So you're saying I'm supposed to look over the fence for big feathers and rubbery red stuff.”
“Well, come to think of it, chickens have that rubbery red stuff, too. Just not as much of it.”
I rolled my eyes at him and was about to say, Forget it, I'll just ask Juli, but then he says, “I'll come with you if you want.”
“Yeah, dude. Seriously.”
And that, my friend, is how I wound up spying over the Bakers'back fence with Garrett Anderson at three-thirty that afternoon. Not my choice of covert(偷偷摸摸的) operations, but a necessary one in order to report back to my dad that night at dinner.
We got there fast, too. The bell rang and we basically charged off campus because I figured if we got to the Bakers’quick enough, we could look and leave before Juli was anywhere near her house. We didn't even drop off our backpacks. We went straight down the alley and started spying.
It's not really necessary to look over the Bakers’fence. You can see almost as well looking through it. But Garrett kept sticking his head up, so I figured I should too, although in the back of my mind I was aware that Garrett didn't have to live in this neighborhood -I did.
The backyard was a mess. Big surprise. The bushes were out of control, there was some kind of hodgepodge(大杂烩) wood-and-wire coop off to one side, and the yard wasn't grass, it was highly fertilized dirt.
Garrett was the first to notice their dog, sacked out on the patio between two sorry-looking folding chairs. He points at him and says, “You think he's going to give us trouble?"
“We're not going to be here long enough to get in trouble! Where are those stupid chickens?”
“Probably in the coop," he says, then picks up a rock and throws it at the mess of plywood and chicken wire.
At first all we hear is a bunch of feathers flapping, but then one of the birds comes fluttering out. Not very far, but enough so we can see it's got feathers and rubbery red stuff.
“So?" I ask him. “Is that a rooster?”
He shrugs. “Looks like a chicken to me."
“How can you tell?”
He shrugs again. “Just does.”
We watch it scratching at the dirt for a minute, and then I ask, “What’s a hen, anyway?”
“A hen?”
“Yeah. You got roosters, you got chickens, and then there's hens. What's a hen?"
“It's one of those," he says, pointing into the Bakers’ backyard.
“Then what's a chicken?”
He looks at me like I'm crazy. “What are you talking about?”
“Chickens! What's a chicken?"
He takes a step back from me and says, “Brycie boy, you are losin’ it. That’s a chicken!” He stoops down to pick up another rock, and he's just about to let it fly when the sliding-glass door to the back patio opens up and Juli steps outside.
We both duck. And as we're checking her out through the fence, I say,“When did she get home?”
他后退了一步,说:“布莱西弟弟,你疯了吗?那就是一只小鸡!” 他弯下腰捡起一块石头正要扔,这时通往后院露台的滑动玻璃门开了,朱莉走了出来。
Garrett grumbles, “While you were losing it about chickens." Then he whispers, “But hey, this'll work great. She's got a basket, right? She's probably coming out to collect eggs.”
加勒特抱怨道:“当你抽风问个不停的时候。” 然后他低声说:“但是,这样也不错。她有一个篮子,对吧?她可能来捡鸡蛋的。”
愿大家抛开内心的狭隘 ,世界少一点偏见,多一点尊重,多一点公正公平!愿中国健儿奋力拼搏,再创辉煌!