文中妈妈只有三年级的文化水平,却有长远的眼光。二十年前一天晚上,她强行把上五年级的作者和哥哥两人从每天必看的电视机前拉走,开着她的白色旧汽车带他们去图书馆。从此兄弟两们爱上读书,若干年后如母亲所愿,有所作为(make something of themselves)。
姐姐据理力争,我拉着个长脸(pull a long face),妹妹哭闹不已。三姐妹软磨硬施,就为了爸妈能改变决定。最终无济于事,以失败告终(end in failure)只好乖乖在家睡觉,以便第二天上学不会迟到。直到若干年长大之后,我们才理解了爸妈的良苦用心!
It was a fantastic world where (刚学的定语从句来一个!) wolves struggled to hunt as a group, howling and running freely in the wild. Several hours passed before we realized it. As my mother reminded us it was time to leave, both my elder brother and I tore ourselves away from the amazing world. From then on, even the TV lost its appeal. We began to look forward to the next ride in Mum's old white car(与原文细节协同) to the library. With a lot to share, a report was no longer a big headache(偷一个原范文的好句). To my great joy, as my passion for reading grew, so did my grades. Our changes filled our mother with pride. Twenty years later, I became an animal expert, but I still made reading a daily routine. Looking back, I was full of admiration and gratitude for my mum, a smart woman of vision, despite(此词即将学到) her limited education.
不知不觉:before we knew it/ before we realized it
恋恋不舍离开:tear ourselves away from it
失去吸引力:lose its appeal
随着 ...,我的成绩也提高了:As ....grew, so did my grades.
有远见卓识的女人:a woman of vision
答:既然“我”爱好动物,取得与动物相关的职业更合情合理:如an animal expert;a vet; a productive animal writer等。