23届温州三模,原文 sink or swimsink or swim
背景故事:我擅长仰泳(backstroke),教练却把我分在我最不擅长的蛙泳(breaststroke)队。怎样逼迫自己走出舒适区(push myself out of the comfort zone),突破自我,故事由此展开。
故事以语言对话为主,其中一些人物的动作和肢体语言(body language)生动地反映了人物角色的情感和情绪,很值得学习。
19. 当等待蛙泳比赛时,我的身体像弹簧一样绷紧了。我的心砰砰直跳。
I crouched on my block in line with the rest of the swimmers, waiting. My body tensed up like a spring. My heart pounded in my ears.
20. 比赛开始,蜂鸣器响了。我一跃而起,像海豚一样跳进水里。
The buzzer sounded. I sprung forward, diving into the water like a dolphin.
Then my head broke free of the water.
21. 我的眼睛一直盯着前方的黑线,忽略了两边溅起的水花。
I kept my eyes focused on the black line in front of me, ignoring the splashes of movement on either side.
22. 我的第一个转弯。我吸了一口气,翻转身,用力推着墙,从来时的路上冲了回去。我的腿开始火辣辣的疼,但我一直在踢腿,数着划水的次数。
I hit the end of the pool, and my first turn. I sucked in a breath and flipped, pushing hard against the wall and bursting back the way I came. My legs started to burn, but I kept kicking and counting strokes.
23. 瞥见前面和两边都是游泳者,但我把视线又回到了线上。
Glimpses of swimmers ahead of me and on either side filled my periphery(外围), but I brought my sight back to the line.
Pull. Breathe. Kick.
24. 我的手臂抗议着,我的肺在灼烧,但我还是游完了第一圈。我翻了个身向前推。我游泳的时候,我的护目镜深深地扎进了我的眼睛里,像鱼雷一样在水里推进。我还没反应过来,那堵墙就出现了。我又快速转身。
My arms protested and my lungs burned, but I reached the end of the first lap. I flipped and pushed forward. My goggles(护目镜) dug into my eyes as I swam, pushing through the water like a torpedo. The wall appeared before I knew it. I flipped again.
25. 只剩下一段了。当我开始最后一次伸展时,我的心砰砰地敲打着我的胸腔。
Just one length to go. My heart hammered against my rib cage as I started the last stretch.
I'm doing it!
Then everything crashed.
My legs were pillars of lead. I kicked but it felt like I was moving through cement(水泥). My arms were on fire and my lungs were bursting.
Splashes of swimmers gained distance ahead of me. The wall was so far away.
28. 我咬紧牙关拼命往前划,数着划数,盯着那条黑线,直到它断了,墙出现在眼前。
I gritted my teeth and pushed myself forward, counting strokes and staring at the black line until it broke and the wall came into sight.
To be continued