Step I Greetings and self-introduction
1. Nice to meet you. It has been my great honour to be your English teacher this term.2. First of all, I would like to give you a brief introduction.Personality: A responsible, kind, helpful, patient, humorous but strict teacherHobbies: reading, writing, eating, jogging; check out some videos on douyin/browse through Tiktok3. Ask several students to introduce themselves to the class.
Step 2. About the new textbook and English learning一共10本书:必修3本, 选择性必修4本, 选修3本Welcome to the unit, Reading, Grammar and usage, Integrated skills, Extended Reading, Project听说看读写,五大技能,缺一不可,忌哑巴英语;忌眼高手低;忌厚此薄彼;词汇记忆是学好英语的前提和基础(Wordlist P101 + vocabulary)(艾宾浩斯遗忘曲线);提升阅读是重中之重;写作能力是高分保障。默写过关,朗读和默读要求,听力,写作等具体事项以后教学中一点一点提要求,讲注意点。Reading aloud helps memorize words you read while silent reading helps understand what you learn.Step 3. Class rules and great expectationsGet your learning materials organized so that you won't waste time on them.书写工整流畅;字母饱满;大小一致;间隔一致;倾斜度一致。Pay attention to your handwriting and make it flowing and graceful 1.积极思维,举手提问,积极参加小组讨论。不怕犯错,贵在积极参与。take an active part in class activities / group work2.认真记笔记,在课本上标记重点内容,随时抽查。(准备记号笔一支)Take notes and mark key points feel confident asking / challengingdon't hesitate to ask questions Never let your mind wander in class.
Complete and hand in your assignment on time.Say no to procrastination.5.课堂需要上厕所等特殊情况,请举手前门进出。(礼貌教育而已)Raise your hands when the need arises.
Snacks and drinks are not allowed.make good use of ... if necessarymake the most of a dictionaryAfter class
1.课堂不懂内容及时提问(老师承诺不拖堂,但延迟一到两分钟离开教室)。My classes never overrun.
Make it a habit to review what you have learnt in time.图片:小区里盛开的凌霄花
Wish you a fruitful academic year!
As Lao-Tzu wisely said, “A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.