Day 11 “Flipped"《怦然心动》中英文对照版

文摘   2024-07-29 10:32   江苏  

Day 10 回顾


Day 11 Brawk-Brawk-Brawk (呸-呸-呸,快走开)



Day 11 男生视角

Eggs scare me. Chickens, too. And buddy, you can laugh at that all you want, but I'm being dead serious here.


It started in the sixth grade with eggs.

And a snake.

And the Baker brothers.




The Baker brothers’ names are Matt and Mike, but even now I can't tell you which one's which. You never see one without the other. And even though they're not twins, they do look and sound pretty much the same, and they're both in Lynetta's class, so maybe one of them got held back.


Although I can't exactly see a teacher voluntarily having either of those maniacs two years in a row.


Regardless, Matt and Mike are the ones who taught me that snakes eat eggs. And when I say they eat eggs, I'm talking they eat them raw and shell-on whole.


I probably would've gone my entire life without this little bit of reptilian trivia if it hadn't been for Lynetta. Lynetta had this major-league thing for Skyler Brown, who lives about three blocks down, and every chance she got, she went down there to hang out while he practiced the drums. Well, boom- boom-whap, what did I care, right? But then Skyler and Juli's brothers formed a band, which they named Mystery Pisser.


When my mom heard about it, she completely wigged out. “What kind of parents would allow their children to be in a band named Mystery Pisser? It's vile. It's disgusting!"


That’s the whole point, Mom," Lynetta tried to explain. “It doesn't mean anything. It's just to get a rise out of old people.”


“Are you calling me old, young lady? Because it's certainly getting a rise out of me!” 

Lynetta just shrugged, implying that my mom could draw her own conclusion.

“Go! Go to your room,” my mother snapped.



“去,到你的房间去!” 我妈妈厉声说

“For what?" Lynetta snapped back. “I didn't say a thing!”

“You know perfectly well what for. Now you go in there and adjust your attitude, young lady!”

So Lynetta got another one of her teenage time-outs, and after that any time Lynetta was two minutes late coming home for dinner, my mother would messenger me down to Skyler's house to drag her home. It might have been embarrassing for Lynetta, but it was worse for me. I was still in elementary school, and the Mystery Pisser guys were in high school. They were ripe and ragged, raging power chords through the neighborhood, while I looked like I'd just gotten back from Sunday school.

什么? 莱内塔没好气回了一句可啥也没说



I'd get so nervous going down there that my voice would squeak when I'd tell Lynetta it was time for dinner. It literally squeaked. But after a while the band dropped Mystery from their name, and Pisser and its entourage got used to me showing up. And instead of glaring at me, they started saying stuff like,“Hey, baby brother, come on in!”“Hey, Brycie boy, wanna jam?”

我紧张要命,当我喊莱内塔该回去吃晚饭了,我的声音变得短促尖利。真的,一点儿不夸张。但不久,乐队把乐队名字里的神秘去掉了,“尿尿”和他们的一帮家伙习惯了我的出现。他们不再怒目而视,而是对我说嘿,弟弟,进来吧! 嘿,布莱西小娃娃,想吃果酱吗?

This, then, is how I wound up in Skyler Brown's garage, surrounded by high school kids, watching a boa constrictor swallow eggs. Since I'd already seen it down a rat in the Baker brothers’ bedroom, Pisser had lost at least some of the element of surprise. Plus, I picked up on the fact that they'd been saving this little show to freak me out, and I really didn't want to give them the satisfaction.


This wasn't easy, though, because watching a snake swallow an egg is actually much creepier than you might think. The boa opened its mouth to an enormous size, then just took the egg in and glub! We could see it roll down its throat.


But that wasn't all. After the snake had glubbed down three eggs, Matt-or-Mike said, “So, Brycie boy, how's he gonna digest those?”

I shrugged and tried not to squeak when I answered, “Stomach acid?”

He shook his head and pretended to confide, “He needs a tree. Or a leg.” He grinned at me. “Wanna volunteer yours?"

I backed away a little. I could just see that monster try to swallow my leg whole as an after-egg chaser. “N-no!”





He laughed and pointed at the boa slithering across the room. “Aw, too bad. He's going the other way. He's gonna use the piano instead!”


The piano! What kind of snake was this? How could my sister stand being in the same room as these dementos? I looked at her, and even though she was pretending to be cool with the snake, I know Lynetta - she was totally creeped out by it.


The snake wrapped itself around the piano leg about three times, and then Matt-or-Mike put his hands up and said, “Shhh! Shhh! Everybody quiet. Here goes!"


The snake stopped moving, then flexed. And as it flexed, we could hear the eggs crunch inside him. “Oh, gross!” the girls wailed. “Whoa, dude!” the guys all said. Mike and Matt smiled at each other real big and said, “Dinner is served!”

I tried to act cool about the snake, but the truth is I started having bad dreams about the thing swallowing eggs. And rats. And cats.

And me.










