Big Dreams Built on Higher Education Sour Worldwide for Jobless Graduates
There aren’t enough white-collar jobs in developing countries; ‘What the heck do I do now?’
Over the past two decades, an education revolution swept large parts of the developing world. Colleges popped up, by the thousands, across cities and small towns alike. Farmers, laborers and herders poured their wages into higher education for their children, who nursed dreams of becoming lawyers, engineers and diplomats.
It didn’t quite pan out. The avalanche of graduates is overwhelming emerging economies, which aren’t producing white-collar jobs on anywhere near the same scale. Legions of newly minted bearers of degrees and diplomas are jobless and frustrated, stunting the growth of this emerging middle class.
The unemployment rate in the developing world for young people with higher-education qualifications is two to three times the rich-world figure, according to an August report by the United Nations International Labor Organization. In low-income and lower-middle-income countries—groupings that include nations across South and Southeast Asia, North Africa and the Middle East—more than a fifth of those under age 30 who have such postsecondary qualifications are unemployed.
根据联合国国际劳工组织(United Nations International Labor Organization) 8月份的一份报告,如果看拥有高等教育学历的年轻人的失业率,发展中国家是发达国家的两到三倍。在低收入和中等偏下收入国家(包括南亚、东南亚、北非和中东的国家),30岁以下拥有此类高等教育学历的年轻人中,超过五分之一处于失业状态。
In these countries, young people who have completed college are more likely to be jobless than those with a basic education.
Exacerbating the mismatch is the fact that many of the new colleges are of poor quality, according to experts in higher education. They produce students who line up for prestigious jobs, but who often don’t have the skills companies seek.
“Expectations for a white-collar job have gone up, but in a way that is not commensurate with their skills,” said Karthik Muralidharan, an economics professor at the University of California San Diego.
加州大学圣地亚哥分校(University of California San Diego)经济学教授Karthik Muralidharan表示,年轻人对白领工作的期望已提高,但他们的技能不能与之相称。
Disenchanted graduates are migrating abroad, sometimes illegally. In 2022, 36% of recent immigrants who entered the U.S. illegally and are between the ages of 25 and 64 had a bachelor’s degree or higher, up from 17% in 2007, according to an analysis of census data by Jeff Passel, a senior demographer at Pew Research.
失望的毕业生正向海外移民,有时是非法移民。皮尤研究中心(Pew Research)高级人口学家Jeff Passel对人口普查数据进行的分析显示,2022年,年龄在25岁至64岁之间、通过非法途径进入美国的移民中,有36%的人拥有学士或以上学位,高于2007年的17%。
Other disappointed degree-holders are delaying marriage and putting off having children, contributing to a demographic slump that is weighing on global growth. After bouts of unemployment, many graduates settle into low-wage jobs in retail or as taxi drivers, where they contribute relatively little to the global economy.
Youth unemployment is around 15% in China this year, according to government statistics. University graduates in the country joke about becoming “full-time children,” taking care of their parents in exchange for an allowance.
Among the worst-affected countries is India, where an unprecedented expansion of higher education over the past 20 years has tripled the share of young people with college degrees or comparable diplomas. Some of them are highly skilled engineers and technicians who are thriving in the country’s booming southern tech hubs. But many are struggling.
In 2022, 29% of Indian graduates under the age of 30 were unemployed, roughly nine times the jobless rate of Indians who don’t have a primary education, according to a March study by the International Labor Organization.
据国际劳工组织(International Labor Organization)今年3月份的一项研究,2022年,29%的30岁以下印度毕业生没有工作,大约是未接受过小学教育的印度人失业率的九倍。
Manikanta M earned a bachelor’s degree in technology from a college in Bengaluru, India, a year ago, hoping to become an electronics engineer. Over the past year, the 26-year-old has sent out dozens of job applications, which got him interviews but no suitable jobs. Instead, he works as a transport coordinator at a tech firm, where he arranges pickups and dropoffs for company employees for about $350 a month, after tax.
Manikanta M一年前在印度班加罗尔的一所大学获得了技术学士学位,希望成为一名电子工程师。在过去的一年里,这名26岁的年轻人发出了数十份求职申请,虽然获得了一些面试机会,但都没有找到合适的工作。他现在在一家科技公司担任交通协调员,负责安排公司员工的接送,每月工资税后约350美元。
“My family struggled to make me an engineer,” Manikanta said. “Not having a good job is the worst thing for a middle-class family.”
At the dawn of the new millennium, expanding higher education seemed like the surest road to national wealth. The world’s richest nations boasted what are known as knowledge economies, where innovation drove economic growth. Development experts warned governments that if they didn’t boost their ranks of highly educated youngsters, they would be left in the dust.
Parents were likewise determined to send their children to college. By the 2000s, the manufacturing sectors of many developing countries had stagnated or declined, a phenomenon known as premature deindustrialization. That meant that the good jobs were generally found in government, teaching or technology—all of which required a college education.
With space at public universities limited, governments authorized the expansion of private institutions, which typically receive little or no government funding. These colleges couldn’t easily raise tuition rates, because the students they catered to were often poor. Instead, many of them earned money by lowering entrance standards and boosting enrollment.
From 2006 to 2018 the number of students in developing countries enrolled in higher education nearly doubled, from 79 million to 150 million, according to a 2022 report by Higher Education Strategy Associates, a consulting firm based in Toronto. By 2018, around three-quarters of the students enrolled in higher education lived in emerging economies—up from about half in 2006.
总部位于多伦多的咨询公司Higher Education Strategy Associates 2022年的一份报告显示,从2006年到2018年,发展中国家接受高等教育的学生人数几乎增长一倍,从7,900万增至1.5亿。到2018年,全球约四分之三的高校学生生活在新兴经济体,而2006年这一比例约为一半。
The higher-education push made it to the Mongolian steppe, where herders dreamed of an easier life for their children. After Communism ended in the early 1990s, for-profit universities sprouted. By 2022, Mongolia had one of the highest number of higher-education institutes per capita in the world, according to Orkhon Gantogtokh, a Mongolian researcher on the subject who is pursuing a Ph.D. at the University of British Columbia.
高等教育的热潮甚至蔓延到了蒙古草原,那里的牧民梦想着自己的孩子能过上更舒适的生活。上世纪90年代初,蒙古结束了共产主义制度,营利性大学如雨后春笋般涌现。正在不列颠哥伦比亚大学(University of British Columbia)攻读博士学位的蒙古问题研究员Orkhon Gantogtokh表示,到了2022年,蒙古的人均高等教育机构数量已位居世界前列。
Mongolian colleges engaged in price wars, seeking to lower fees to attract more students. “Diploma mills are everywhere,” Orkhon said.
Although Mongolia’s economy is centered on natural resources, such as coal and gold mining, many students got degrees in areas such as journalism and law, for which there aren’t many jobs. Meanwhile, law firms struggled to find qualified trainees, because the quality of legal education was often poor.
Azjargal Demberel, 37 years old, grew up in a herding family, toughing out a childhood that involved getting blisters from milking cows in the freezing mornings. Moving to the capital, Ulaanbaatar, in her teens, she earned a journalism degree from a local university. Two of her younger siblings graduated with degrees in medicine and law.
37岁的登贝雷尔(Azjargal Demberel)在一个牧民家庭中长大,童年时生活艰苦,经常在寒冷的早晨挤牛奶,手上磨出水泡。十几岁时,她搬到了首都乌兰巴托,并在当地一所大学获得了新闻学学位。她的两个弟弟/妹妹分别获得了医学和法律学位。
Today, none are employed in their chosen field. Azjargal has bounced in and out of journalism and currently earns money selling Amway home products. Her siblings left for South Korea after struggling to gain a professional foothold in Mongolia. They are pursuing further degrees while working odd jobs, cleaning houses and at a moving company, Azjargal said.
Their experience resonates across different corners of the developing world. Even in Latin America, where youth unemployment had dropped 4.5 percentage points to 13.4% last year, compared with 2019, many university graduates find themselves stuck.
Like Camila Ortiz Caram, who studied industrial design at the University of Buenos Aires in Argentina and graduated in 2023 after six years of study. With few jobs in her field, the 26-year-old put off moving out of her parents’ home, and ultimately found work at a perfume shop. She also holds a résumé-boosting position as an unpaid adjunct lecturer at the university.
Camila Ortiz Caram就是其中之一,她在阿根廷布宜诺斯艾利斯大学(University of Buenos Aires)学习工业设计,经过六年的学习后她于2023年毕业。由于本专业工作机会少之又少,这位26岁的女孩推迟了从父母家搬出去的计划,最终在一家香水店找到了工作。她还在大学里担任无薪的兼职讲师,以提升自己的履历。
“After finishing school, I said to myself, ‘What the heck do I do now?’” she said.
In South Africa, college graduates are much less likely to be unemployed than the overall population, but graduate unemployment is on the rise, doubling since 2012 to 12%. Rea Mokhoantle, 27, has been unable to use her human-resources degree, and is instead working for an online platform that gives her one-time administrative tasks.
在南非,相比总人口的失业率,大学毕业生失业的可能性要低得多,但毕业生失业率正在上升,自2012年以来已经增长了一倍,达到12%。27岁的Rea Mokhoantle拿着人力资源学位但找不到相关的工作,她就职于一家在线平台,该平台会给她分派一些一次性的行政事务。
“It just blew my mind that there are these degrees that are being offered, but you can’t do anything with them,” Mokhoantle said. “Nobody told us this when we were in school.”
Some scholars say that a slower, more deliberate expansion of higher education would have been better for developing countries.
“The door was opened too wide and too indiscriminately, too quickly,” said Philip Altbach, professor emeritus at Boston College’s Center for International Higher Education. “The idea of maintaining standards was not kept in force properly, and once the genie is out of the bottle, it’s very, very hard to put it back.”
“当时这扇门开得太大、太不加选择、太快了,”波士顿学院(Boston College)国际高等教育中心(Center for International Higher Education)名誉教授Philip Altbach说。“保持水准的理念没有得到妥善执行,而一旦开了口子,就很难再堵上。”
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