
文摘   2024-09-05 11:11   四川  

Nupserha variabilis Gahan, 1894


220. Nupserha variabilis, sp.n. Capite prothoraceque rufo-fulvis, sat dense punctatis; prothorace quam longiori fere sesqui-latiori, lateribus in medio fortiter rotundalis vel sub-luberosis; elytris, postice exceptis, sat dense sublineatimque punctatis, lateraliter unicarinatis, dorso utrinque uni-costato; dimidio antico elytrorum nigrescente, griseo sat dense pubescente, dimidio postico (fascia transversa apicali nigra excepta) testaceo, sub-glabro; apicibus truncatis, angulis leviter dentatis; corpore sublus pedibusque fulvis, his tibiis posticis apice et larsis omnibus nigrescentibus; antennis nigris, articulo 3° quam 4° vix longiori. 

Variat. Dimidio basali elytrorum plus minusve testaceo.

Long. 12-15. Lat. 3-4.5 mm. 


Head and thorax reddish-yellow, quite densely punctate; thorax nearly one and a half times wider than long, with sides strongly rounded or somewhat swollen in the middle; elytra, except for the posterior part, quite densely and finely punctate, laterally with a single ridge, with a single costate on each side of the back; the anterior half of the elytra darkening to black, rather densely pubescent gray, the posterior half (except for the black transverse apical band) tawny, somewhat glabrous; apices truncated, with slightly dentate angles; body somewhat yellowish with yellow legs, the latter with all tibiae and tarsi blackening at the tips; antennae black, the 3rd segment barely longer than the 4th.

Varies. Basal half of the elytra more or less tawny.

Stibara apicalis Pic, 1925d: 188. TL Vietnam: Tonkin. TD IRSNB

Stibara apicalis Pic, 1925

PIC Maurice, 1925
Séance du 24 juin 1925. Nouveaux Longicornes asiatiques
Bulletin de la Société Entomologique de France, Paris [1925]: 188-189.
20 août 1925

Stibara apicalis Aurivillius, 1925: 21 (= 523). 

发表日期:17 Nov. 1925,迟于Pic的1925年8月20日

Stibara apicalis n.sp. - ♀. Fulvo-testacea, antennis, tarsis, apice tibiarum posticarum maculaque apicali elytrorum nigris, elytris a basi ultra medium pube albidogrisea dense vestitis. Caput sparsim punctatum; frons lata subquadrata. Prothorax valde transversus utrinque in medio obtuse tuberculatus et supra in medio leviter elevatus. Elytra a basi ultra medium seriato-punctata, deinde sublaevia, apice oblique truncata angulo exteriore dentato; costa humeralis prope apicem ad maculam nigram desinens, costa discalis obtusa et obsoleta maculam nigram apicalem haud attingens.


Fulvo-testaceous, with antennas, tarsi, the tips of the hind tibiae, and an apical spot on the elytra black, the elytra densely covered with white-gray pubescence from the base beyond the middle. Head sparsely punctate; forehead broad and subquadrate. Prothorax very transverse, obtusely tuberculate in the middle on both sides and slightly elevated in the middle above. Elytra serially punctate from the base beyond the middle, then somewhat smooth, obliquely truncated at the apex with a dentate outer angle; the humeral costa ends near the apex at the black spot, the discal costa is blunt and obsolete, not reaching the apical black spot.

Stibara apicalis v. latetestacea Pic, 1942



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