
文摘   科学   2024-09-17 00:01   北京  

 Pidonia (Cryptopidonia) luna Chou et Wu, 2005 


Holotype male. Body small, relatively rounded, slightly tapering apically, and furnished with pale fulvous pubescence.


Length: 6.9 mm; width:1.8mm.

Color. ] Body brown to black; head black; mouthparts brown except for black apices of mandibles; eyes black; antenna dark reddish brown; pronotum black; scutellum black; coxae and trochanters brown; femora dark reddish brown except for black apical 2/3 of hind legs; tibiae dark reddish brown; tarsi blackish brown; claws brown. Elytra dull metallic blue, provided with two pairs of arcuate whitish yellow markings. Venter of head, prosternum, meso- and metasterna black; abdomen in 1st-3rd seg- ments black, apical margins of 3rd segment dark reddish brown,4th segment reddish brown, 5th segment dark brown.


Structure. Head across eyes broader than the basal width of pronotum (1.2: 1), narrowed posteriorly and abruptly constricted at neck; terminal segment of maxillary palpus broadened apically, with convex outer margin and truncate apex; tempora well developed, finely punctulate and clothed with dense setae on surface; frons subvertical and transverse, finely punctulate; vertex weakly convex above, densely punctulate with fine sculptures and densely with fine pubescence; gula shining, sparsely covered with some short pubescence. Eyes relatively prominent, moderately faceted, shallowly emarginate at middle of internal margins.Antenna long and slender, inserted just behind the level of frontal margins of eyes, slightly longer than body; first segment dis- tinctly dilated towards apex, sparsely covered with fine erect pubescence; last segment 5.2 times as long as wide; comparative length of each antennal segment formulated as follows: 5th>1st+2nd>3rd>4th=6th.


Prothorax equal in length to the basal width, shallowly constricted both behind apex and before base, roundly expanded laterad just before middle and equal in width to base which is distinctly broader than apex (1.42 : 1); disc of pronotum convex above, finely punctulate and densely clothed with fine pubescence; posterior lateral setae long; prosternum sparsely covered with very short pubescence; meso- and metasterna finely punctulate, densely with fine appressed pubescence. Scutellum small and triangular, 0.34 times as long as wide, and bearing relatively fine setae on surface. Elytra 2.38 times as long as the basal width, gradually narrowed posteriorly and separately rounded at apices; surface sparsely and coarsely punctulate, and sparsely clothed with suberect pubescence, the diameter of each puncture being less than the distance between punctures.


Legs relatively slender, finely punctulate and clothed with short pubescence; femora not reaching elytral apices; tibiae linear, with suberect pubescence; tarsi densely with short pubescence on under surface, with third segment strongly dilated apically and deeply emarginate at middle of apex, first segment of metatarsus longer than the following two segments combined.

Abdomen elongate and gradually narrowed apically, densely covered with fine pubescence on surface; apical margin of last sternite shallowly triangularly emarginate at middle; last tergite round at apex.






Pidonia (Cryptopidonia) albomaculata (Matsushita, 1931)


Chou, W.-I., Wu, W.-J. 2005. Studies on Cerambycidae of Taiwan and adjacent regions. II. Two new lepturine species of the genus Pidonia Mulsant (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) from the subalpine zone of southern Taiwan. Elytra 33 (2), 403-411.



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