Heung Shan Shekki,S. China 是哪里?
搜到这样一段话:An educated, refined young Chinese man seeking a better life, joins his fellow sojourners, making the perilous journey to Australia. Chinese born Fong Mon How 方文厚 — AKA: Fong Kum Moon 方金滿 — was born in Canton — Shekki, Heung Shan, in 1869. He first arrived in Australia in 1881.
OpenL翻译:一位受过教育、文雅的年轻中国男子寻求更好的生活,他与其他旅人一起踏上了前往澳大利亚的危险旅程。出生于中国的方文厚(Fong Mon How)——又名方金满(Fong Kum Moon)——于1869年出生在广东省——石基(石岐),香山。他于1881年首次抵达澳大利亚。
香山 Heung Shan was the former county name for Zhongshan (renamed in honor of Dr Sun Yat-sen), so the address was Chong Chow village in Shekki section of Heung Shan district.
Shekki 石岐
the Heung Shan Benevolent Hospital at Shekki, Heung Shan District, Kwang Tung Province, China.
所以,Heung Shan Shekki,S. China是广东省中山市石岐区