
文摘   2024-11-04 18:43   上海  

     11月4日上午,正在上海访问的斯洛伐克共和国文化部部长马丁娜·希姆科维乔娃(Martina Šimkovičová) 一行专程前来上海艺术品博物馆参观访问。

On November 4th, the delegation of Slovak Ministry of Culture led by the Minister of Culture, Martina Šimkovičová, visited Shanghai Art Collection Museum (SACM) to promote cultural exchanges.


     陪同访问的有斯洛伐克国家儿童艺术之家馆长佩特拉·弗拉奇 (Petra Flach),斯洛伐克文化部国际合作办公室主任布拉尼斯拉夫·萨拉特 (Branislav Šalát)、新闻办公室主任佩特拉·巴钦斯卡 (Petra Bačinská), 斯洛伐克驻上海副总领事卡米拉·库科娃(Kamila Kukova)等。

Members of the Slovak delegation also included Petra Flach, Director of Bibiana Museum; Branislav Šalát, Director of International Division, Ministry of Culture; Petra Bačinská, Director of the Press Department, Ministry of Culture;Kamila Kukova, Deputy Consul General of Slovakia in Shanghai and others.



For the past years, SACM has maintained close connections with Slovakia. SACM has signed MoU twice with the Consulate General of Slovakia. In 2019, SACM and the Consulate General of Slovakia in Shanghai jointly organized the “Chinese and Slovak Painting Art Exhibition" to celebrate the 70th Anniversary of the Establishment of Diplomatic Relations between China and Slovakia. In 2023, the International Tour Exhibition of Chinese Traditional Fine Arts held jointly by SACM and National Museum of Slovakia in Bratislava, supported by the Minister of Culture of Slovakia, Shanghai Municipal Administration of Culture and Tourism, Foreign Affairs Office of Shanghai Municipal Government and many other units also achieved great success.



Hu Muqing, President of SACM proposed several potential collaborative progroms including exhibitions, forums, art education, art popularization, book publishing about Slovakia, etc. 


The Minister said that this visit coincided with the 75th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Slovakia, and that it was a pleasure to participate in the meeting between key leaders of the two countries. The Ministry of Culture of Slovakia will actively support a number of events proposed by SACM to promote cultural exchanges.



Petra Flach, Director of Bibiana Museum, introduced the Biennial of Illustrations Bratislava, which would welcome its 60th-year anniversary. The Ministry of Culture and the organizing committee looked forward to Mr. Hu's visit and participation next year. The two sides also dicussed other opportunities for collaboration.



After the meeting, the delegation visited the 7th International Children's Art & Science Exhibition being held in SACM, and highly appreciated the splendor of the exhibition.


     参加访问交流的还有斯洛伐克驻中国大使馆三等秘书托马什·库德拉查克(Tomáš Kudlačák)、上海艺术品博物馆常务副馆长钮金金、上海市人民政府外事办公室领事处代表朱娇和上海艺术品博物馆对外联络部相关人员等。

Tomáš Kudlačák, Third Secretary, Slovak Embassy in China; Niu Jinjin, Deputy Director of SACM; Zhu Jiao, representative from the Consular Department, Foregin Affairs Office of Shanghai Municipal People's Government and the External Liaison Department team of SACM attended the meeting together.









Shanghai Art Collection Museum(国际博物馆协会成员单位、5A级社会组织)(Member of ICOM, 5A Grade Social Organization)

上海艺术品博物馆是积极致力于国际文化交流的探索者,深度融入国际文博圈,与全球60余个国家的重要博物馆和相关文博机构建立了紧密的合作关系。Shanghai Art Collection Museum is an explorer actively engaged in international cultural exchanges cooperating with important museums and related cultural institutions of over 60 countries.  地址:上海市延安西路1731号天山公园内Add: Tianshan Park, No.1731 West Yan'an Road, Shanghai, China交通:地铁三、四号线延安西路站Metro: West Yan'an Road Station, Metro Line 3 and 4参观时间:周二至周日(周一及国定节假日闭馆)9:00-17:00(16:30后停止入场)Visiting time:Open from Tuesdays to Sundays (closed on Mondays and national holidays);9:00-17:00 (Admission closes after 16:30.)咨询电话Tel:021-52069172;52067259电子邮箱E-mail:a-ee@vip.sina.com上海艺术品博物馆官网 www.sh-art.org.cn

上海艺术品博物馆“艺品生活馆”线上交易平台,欢迎识别以下二维码即可进入选购心仪产品。Please scan the QR code below and enjoy your shopping in "Artistic Living Museum" of Shanghai Art Collection Museum. 
