近日,由瑞典乌普萨拉大学、美国Dana-Farber癌症研究院和麻省理工学院联合研究团队在《Nature Communications》上发表了一篇突破性的研究论文,揭示了神经系统癌症中细胞状态的复杂调控机制。通过创新算法“scRegClust”,研究人员成功解码了神经癌症中多种细胞状态的转录调控程序,为抗癌治疗提供了全新的方向。
研究人员利用scRegClust算法对多种神经系统癌症的数据集进行了深入分析。结果显示,在GBM和DMG中,肿瘤细胞的多种转录状态与正常脑发育过程中的细胞状态有显著重叠。例如,他们发现SPI1和IRF8这两个转录因子在调控免疫介导的间质样状态(mesenchymal-like state)中发挥关键作用。这一发现表明,肿瘤细胞可能通过模仿免疫细胞的特征来逃避宿主的免疫监视,从而增强对治疗的抵抗力。
Cite this article
Larsson, I., Held, F., Popova, G. et al. Reconstructing the regulatory programs underlying the phenotypic plasticity of neural cancers. Nat Commun 15, 9699 (2024).
# install.packages("devtools")
title: "Demonstration of workflow"
output: rmarkdown::html_vignette
vignette: >
%\VignetteIndexEntry{Demonstration of workflow}
```{r, include = FALSE}
collapse = TRUE,
comment = "#>"
The methods below are described in our article
> Larsson I & Held F, et al. (2023) Reconstructing the regulatory programs
> underlying the phenotypic plasticity of neural cancers. Preprint available
> at [bioRxiv](https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2023.03.10.532041v1);
> 2023.03.10.532041.
Here we demonstrate the scregclust workflow using the PBMC data from
10X Genomics (available [here](https://www.10xgenomics.com/resources/datasets/pbmc-from-a-healthy-donor-granulocytes-removed-through-cell-sorting-3-k-1-standard-2-0-0)).
This is the same data used in an [introductory vignette](https://satijalab.org/seurat/articles/pbmc3k_tutorial)
for the Seurat package. We use [Seurat](https://satijalab.org/seurat/) for
pre-processing of the data.
```{r load-packages, results='hide', message=FALSE}
# Load required packages
# Download the data
We are focusing here on the filtered feature barcode matrix available as an
HDF5 file from the website linked above. The data can be downloaded manually
or using R.
However you obtain the data, the code below assumes that the HDF5 file
containing it is placed in the same folder as this script with the name
```{r download-data}
url <- paste0(
path <- "pbmc_granulocyte_sorted_3k_filtered_feature_bc_matrix.h5"
download.file(url, path, cacheOK = FALSE, mode = "wb")
# Load the data in Seurat and preprocess
To perform preprocessing use Seurat to load the data. The file ships with
two modalities, "Gene Expression" and "Peaks". We only use the former.
```{r load-h5}
pbmc_data <- Read10X_h5(
use.names = TRUE,
unique.features = TRUE
)[["Gene Expression"]]
We create a Seurat object and follow the Seurat vignette to subset the
cells and features (genes).
```{r create-seurat-object}
pbmc <- CreateSeuratObject(
counts = pbmc_data, min.cells = 3, min.features = 200
pbmc[["percent.mt"]] <- PercentageFeatureSet(pbmc, pattern = "^MT.")
pbmc <- subset(pbmc, subset = percent.mt < 30 & nFeature_RNA < 6000)
[SCTransform](https://satijalab.org/seurat/articles/sctransform_vignette) is
used for variance stabilization of the data and Pearson residuals for the
6000 most variable genes are extracted as matrix `z`.
```{r apply-var-stabilization}
pbmc <- SCTransform(pbmc, variable.features.n = 6000)
z <- GetAssayData(pbmc, layer = "scale.data")##直接提就行
# Use scregclust for clustering target genes into modules
We then use `scregclust_format` which extracts gene symbols from the
expression matrix and determines which genes are considered regulators.
By default, transcription factors are used as regulators. Setting `mode`
to `"kinase"` uses kinases instead of transcription factors. A list of the
regulators used internally is returned by `get_regulator_list()`.
```{r prep-scregclust}
out <- scregclust_format(z, mode = "TF")
The output of `scregclust_format` is a list with three elements.
1. `genesymbols` contains the rownames of `z`
2. `sample_assignment` is initialized to be a vector of `1`s of length `ncol(z)`
and can be filled with a known sample grouping. Here, we do not use it and
just keep it uniform across all cells.
3. `is_regulator` is an indicator vector (elements are 0 or 1) corresponding to
the entries of `genesymbols` with 1 marking that the genesymbol is selected
as a regulator according to the model of `scregclust_format` (`"TF"` or
`"kinase"`) and 0 otherwise.
```{r extract-scregclust-arguments}
genesymbols <- out$genesymbols
sample_assignment <- out$sample_assignment
is_regulator <- out$is_regulator
Run `scregclust` with number of initial modules set to 10 and test
several penalties. The penalties provided to `penalization` are used during
selection of regulators associated with each module. An increasing penalty
implies the selection of fewer regulators.
`noise_threshold` controls the minimum $R^2$ a gene has to achieve across
modules. Otherwise the gene is marked as noise.
The run can be reproduced with the command below. A pre-fitted model can be
downloaded from [GitHub](https://github.com/sven-nelander/scregclust/raw/main/datasets/pbmc_scregclust.rds)
for convenience.
```{r run-scregclust}
# set.seed(8374)
# fit <- scregclust(
# z, genesymbols, is_regulator, penalization = seq(0.1, 0.5, 0.05),
# n_modules = 10L, n_cycles = 50L, noise_threshold = 0.05
# )
# saveRDS(fit, file = "pbmc_scregclust.rds")
url <- paste0(
path <- "pbmc_scregclust.rds"
download.file(url, path)
fit <- readRDS("pbmc_scregclust.rds")
# Analysis of results
Results can be visualized easily using built-in functions.
Metrics for helping in choosing an optimal penalty can be plotted by calling
`plot` on the object returned from `scregclust`.
```{r viz-metrics, fig.width=7, fig.height=4, fig.dpi=100}
The results for each penalization parameter are placed in a list, `results`,
attached to the `fit` object. So `fit$results[[1]]` contains the results
of running `scregclust` with `penalization = 0.1`. For each penalization
parameter, the algorithm might end up finding multiple optimal configurations.
Each configuration describes target genes module assignments and which
regulators are associated with which modules.
The results for each such configuration are contained in the list `output`.
This means that `fit$results[[1]]$output[[1]]` contains the results for
the first final configuration. More than one may be available.
```{r n-configs}
sapply(fit$results, function(r) length(r$output))
In this example, at most two final configurations were found for each
penalization parameters.
To plot the regulator network of the first configuration for
`penalization = 0.1` the function `plot_regulator_network` can be used.
```{r viz-reg-network, fig.width=7, fig.height=7, fig.dpi=100}