
文摘   2024-11-22 13:51   北京  




肺癌作为全球癌症死亡的主要原因之一,其治疗和研究一直面临复杂挑战。然而,近日发表于《Cell》杂志的一项开创性研究指出,一种名为纤维母细胞网状细胞(Fibroblastic Reticular Cells, FRCs)的特殊细胞,可能在增强抗肿瘤免疫中扮演关键角色,为非小细胞肺癌(NSCLC)的治疗提供了新思路。



研究团队发现,肿瘤中的FRCs与传统的淋巴器官中的FRCs具有相似的功能,能够通过组织特异性分化和复杂的分子网络,与CD8+ T细胞等免疫细胞紧密互动,形成了由三级淋巴结构(TLS)和T细胞轨道组成的互联网络。这种网络不仅增强了抗肿瘤T细胞的浸润深度,还大大提升了肿瘤的免疫控制能力。





为了验证FRCs在肿瘤免疫中的实际作用,研究团队使用了特定基因敲除的小鼠模型,在剔除肿瘤中FRCs的情况下观察到了显著的抗肿瘤免疫减弱现象。这不仅表现为肿瘤浸润的CD8+ T细胞数量减少,也导致了肿瘤的进一步扩展。






### Load packages```{r libraries}suppressPackageStartupMessages({  library(here)  library(purrr)  library(dplyr)  library(stringr)  library(patchwork)  library(Seurat)  library(Matrix)  library(dittoSeq)  library(gridExtra)  library(gsubfn)  library(ggsci)})```
## **Stroma cells in NSCLC**
## Set directory```{r set directory}basedir <- here()```
### Read Stroma cell data```{r read stroma cell data}data <- readRDS(paste0(basedir,"/data/Human/NSCLC_stroma_total.rds"))```
### Define color palette```{r color vector}cols<- pal_igv()(51)names(cols) <- c(0:50)```
### NSCLC Stroma cells (Supplementary Figure 1K-1L){.tabset}#### Patients
```{r umap per patient}# Total fibroblasts and endothelial cells across NSCLC patientscolors_pID <-c("#F8766D","#00C08B","#00B4F0","#0ADD08","#B79F00")names(colors_pID) <-c("NSCLC#2","NSCLC#3","NSCLC#4","NSCLC#6","NSCLC#7")
DimPlot(data, reduction = "tsne", group.by = "patient", cols=colors_pID)+ theme_bw() + theme(axis.text = element_blank(), axis.ticks = element_blank(), panel.grid.major = element_blank(), panel.grid.minor = element_blank()) + xlab("tSNE1") + ylab("tSNE2") + ggtitle("Patients")
#### Origin```{r umap per origin}# Total fibroblasts and endothelial cells isolated from SM, CM and unaffected lung (LU)colors_origin <-c("red","blue" ,"#33CC00FF") names(colors_origin) <- c("Subpleural Margin","Lung (unaffected)","Central Margin")
DimPlot(data, reduction = "tsne", group.by = "origin", cols=colors_origin )+ theme_bw() + theme(axis.text = element_blank(), axis.ticks = element_blank(), panel.grid.major = element_blank(), panel.grid.minor = element_blank()) + xlab("tSNE1") + ylab("tSNE2") + ggtitle("Origin")```
#### COL1A2```{r feature plot COL1A2}FeaturePlot(data, reduction = "tsne", features = get_full_gene_name('COL1A2',data),raster=FALSE, cols=c("lightgrey", "darkred")) + ggtitle("CAF/FB(COL1A2)")```
#### PECAM1```{r feature plot PECAM1}FeaturePlot(data, reduction = "tsne", features = get_full_gene_name('PECAM1',data),raster=FALSE, cols=c("lightgrey", "darkred")) + ggtitle("EC(PECAM1)")```
#### Cell type```{r umap per cell type}palet <- cols[4:10]names(palet) <- c("CAF2","CAF1", "EC", "FB" ,"Meso","SMC/PC")
DimPlot(data, reduction = "tsne", group.by = "cell_type", cols= palet)+ theme_bw() + theme(axis.text = element_blank(), axis.ticks = element_blank(), panel.grid.minor = element_blank(), panel.grid.major = element_blank()) + xlab("TSNE1") +ylab("TSNE2") ```
### Dotplots (Supplementary Figure 1M and 1P) {.tabset}#### Cell type assignment ```{r dotplot stroma}data_conv <-datadata_conv <-Remove_ensebl_id(data_conv)
Idents(data_conv) <- data_conv$cell_typelevels(data_conv)<-levels(data_conv)[order(match(levels(data_conv),c("CAF2","FB","CAF1","SMC/PC","Meso","EC")))]data_conv$cell_type <- factor(as.character(data_conv@active.ident), levels = rev(c("CAF2","FB","CAF1","SMC/PC","Meso","EC")))
gene_list <-c("COL1A2","POSTN","MMP2","PDPN","PDGFRA","PDGFRB","ACTA2","RGS5","KRT19","PECAM1")
gg <- dittoDotPlot(data_conv, vars = gene_list, group.by = "cell_type", size = 9,legend.size.title = "% expressed",scale = FALSE,summary.fxn.color = mean, max = 6.5, min = 0 , min.color = "#D1E5F0" , max.color = "#631879FF")
gg + ggtitle("Celltype assignment")```
#### Chemokines```{r dotplot chemokines}gene_list <-c("CCL19","CCL21","CCL3","CCL5","CCL8","CXCL10","CXCL3","CXCL9")
gg <- dittoDotPlot(data_conv, vars = gene_list, group.by = "cell_type", size = 9,legend.size.title = "% expressed",scale = FALSE,summary.fxn.color = mean, min.percent = 0.02, max.percent = 0.7, max = 1.6, min = 0 ,min.color = "#D1E5F0" , max.color = "#631879FF")
gg + ggtitle("Chemokines")```
### Stacked Barplots (Supplementary Figure 1N and 1O) {.tabset}#### Number of cells per patient ```{r stacked barplot cells per patient}df <-data@meta.data %>% count(patient, cell_type) %>% # Group by patient and cell_type, then count number in each group mutate(pct=n/sum(n)) # Calculate percent within each patient
df$cell_type <- factor(df$cell_type, levels=names(palet))df$patient <- factor(df$patient, levels=c("NSCLC#2", "NSCLC#3" ,"NSCLC#4" ,"NSCLC#6" ,"NSCLC#7"))
ggplot(df, aes(patient, n, fill=cell_type)) + geom_bar(stat="identity") + theme( axis.line = element_line(), panel.grid.major = element_blank(), panel.grid.minor = element_blank(), panel.background = element_blank()) + scale_y_continuous(expand = c(0, 0))+ labs(y= "Cells", x= " ") + scale_fill_manual(values = palet)
#### Number of cells per origin```{r stacked barplot cells per origin}df <-data@meta.data %>% count(origin, cell_type) %>% # Group by orign and cell_type, then count number in each group mutate(pct=n/sum(n)) # Calculate percent within each patient
df$cell_type <- factor(df$cell_type, levels=names(palet))df$origin <- factor(df$origin, levels=c("Lung (unaffected)", "Subpleural Margin", "Central Margin"))
ggplot(df,aes(origin, n, fill=cell_type)) + geom_bar(stat="identity") + theme( axis.line = element_line(), panel.grid.major = element_blank(), panel.grid.minor = element_blank(), panel.background = element_blank()) + scale_y_continuous(expand = c(0, 0))+ labs(y= "Cells", x= " ") + scale_fill_manual(values = palet)```
```{r deallocate memory NSCLC stroma data, include=FALSE}remove(data)```
## **CCL19`r knitr::asis_output("\U207A")` FRCs in NSCLC**
### Read CCL19`r knitr::asis_output("\U207A")` FRC data```{r read CCL19 FRC data}NSCLC_CCL19_data <- readRDS(paste0(basedir,"/data/Human/NSCLC_CCL19_FRCs_CAFs.rds"))```
### CCL19`r knitr::asis_output("\U207A")` fibroblasts (Figure 1K)```{r umap CCL19 FRCs)}#Define color paletpalet_CCL19_FRC <- c("#1B9E77", "#54B0E4","#E3BE00", "#E41A1C")names(palet_CCL19_FRC) <- c("CAF2/TRC","CAF1/PRC","AdvFB" ,"SMC/PC")
palet_CCL19_FRC <- palet_CCL19_FRC[names(palet_CCL19_FRC) %in% unique(NSCLC_CCL19_data$cell_type)]
DimPlot(NSCLC_CCL19_data, reduction = "umap", group.by = "cell_type",cols = palet_CCL19_FRC)+ theme_bw() + theme(axis.text = element_blank(), axis.ticks = element_blank(), panel.grid.minor = element_blank(), panel.grid.major = element_blank()) + xlab("UMAP1") + ylab("UMAP2") + ggtitle(paste0("CCL19", "\U207A ", "fibroblasts"))
### Dotplot (Figure 1L)```{r dotplot}data_conv <-NSCLC_CCL19_data
data_conv <-Remove_ensebl_id(data_conv)
Idents(data_conv) <- data_conv$cell_typelevels(data_conv)<-levels(data_conv)[order(match(levels(data_conv),c("SMC/PC","CAF1/PRC","AdvFB","CAF2/TRC")))]data_conv$cell_type <- factor(as.character(data_conv@active.ident), levels = rev(c("SMC/PC","CAF1/PRC","AdvFB","CAF2/TRC")))
gene_list <-c("CCL19","CCL21","PDPN","FAP","POSTN","CLU","LEPR","CD34","SULF1","DPT","ICAM1","VCAM1","ACTA2","MYH11","MCAM","NOTCH3","RGS5","DES","AIFM2")
dittoDotPlot(data_conv, vars = gene_list, group.by = "cell_type", size = 8,legend.size.title = "Expression (%)",scale = FALSE) + ylab(" ") + ggtitle(paste0("CCL19", expression("\u207A"), " fibroblasts"))
### Signatures {.tabset}#### SLO-PRC (Figure 1M)```{r sign SLO-PRC}SLO_PRC <-list("CCL19","CCL21","ITGA1","ITGA7","MCAM","CNN1","NOTCH3","ACTA2","PDGFRB","ANGPT2")object <- AddModuleScore(object = data_conv, features = SLO_PRC, name = "SLO_PRC_signature",ctrl = 20)FeaturePlot(object = object, features = "SLO_PRC_signature10",min.cutoff = -1, max.cutoff = 2.5) + ggtitle("SLO-PRC signature")```
#### SLO-TRC (Figure 1N)```{r sign SLO-TRC}SLO_TRC <-c("CCL19","CCL21","PDPN","ICAM1","VCAM1","LUM","PDGFRA","TNFSF13B")object <- AddModuleScore(object = data_conv, features = SLO_TRC, name = "SLO_TRC_signature",ctrl = 20)FeaturePlot(object = object, features = "SLO_TRC_signature8",min.cutoff = -1, max.cutoff = 2.5) + ggtitle("SLO-TRC signature")```
### Signatures (Supplementary Figure 1Q) {.tabset}#### CCL21```{r feature plot CCL21}FeaturePlot(NSCLC_CCL19_data, reduction = "umap", features = get_full_gene_name('CCL21',NSCLC_CCL19_data),raster=FALSE, cols=c("lightgrey", "darkred"), min.cutoff = 0, max.cutoff = 4.5) + ggtitle("CCL21")```
#### ACTA2```{r feature plot ACTA2}FeaturePlot(NSCLC_CCL19_data, reduction = "umap", features = get_full_gene_name('ACTA2',NSCLC_CCL19_data),raster=FALSE, cols=c("lightgrey", "darkred"), min.cutoff = 0, max.cutoff = 4.5) + ggtitle("ACTA2")```
#### ITGA1```{r feature plot ITGA1}FeaturePlot(NSCLC_CCL19_data, reduction = "umap", features = get_full_gene_name('ITGA1',NSCLC_CCL19_data),raster=FALSE, cols=c("lightgrey", "darkred"), min.cutoff = 0, max.cutoff = 4.5) + ggtitle("ITGA1")```
#### NOTCH3```{r feature plot NOTCH3}FeaturePlot(NSCLC_CCL19_data, reduction = "umap", features = get_full_gene_name('NOTCH3',NSCLC_CCL19_data),raster=FALSE, cols=c("lightgrey", "darkred"), min.cutoff = 0, max.cutoff = 4.5) + ggtitle("NOTCH3")```
#### MCAM```{r feature plot MCAM}FeaturePlot(NSCLC_CCL19_data, reduction = "umap", features = get_full_gene_name('MCAM',NSCLC_CCL19_data),raster=FALSE, cols=c("lightgrey", "darkred"), min.cutoff = 0, max.cutoff = 4.5) + ggtitle("MCAM")```
#### CCL19```{r feature plot CCL19}FeaturePlot(NSCLC_CCL19_data, reduction = "umap", features = get_full_gene_name('CCL19',NSCLC_CCL19_data),raster=FALSE, cols=c("lightgrey", "darkred"), min.cutoff = 0, max.cutoff = 4.5) + ggtitle("CCL19")```
#### PDPN```{r feature plot PDPN}FeaturePlot(NSCLC_CCL19_data, reduction = "umap", features = get_full_gene_name('PDPN',NSCLC_CCL19_data),raster=FALSE, cols=c("lightgrey", "darkred"), min.cutoff = 0, max.cutoff = 4.5) + ggtitle("PDPN")```
#### ICAM1```{r feature plot ICAM1}FeaturePlot(NSCLC_CCL19_data, reduction = "umap", features = get_full_gene_name('ICAM1',NSCLC_CCL19_data)[2],raster=FALSE, cols=c("lightgrey", "darkred"), min.cutoff = 0, max.cutoff = 4.5) + ggtitle("ICAM1")```
#### VCAM1```{r feature plot VCAM1}FeaturePlot(NSCLC_CCL19_data, reduction = "umap", features = get_full_gene_name('VCAM1',NSCLC_CCL19_data),raster=FALSE, cols=c("lightgrey", "darkred"), min.cutoff = 0, max.cutoff = 4.5) + ggtitle("VCAM1")```
#### LUM```{r feature plot LUM}FeaturePlot(NSCLC_CCL19_data, reduction = "umap", features = get_full_gene_name('LUM',NSCLC_CCL19_data),raster=FALSE, cols=c("lightgrey", "darkred"), min.cutoff = 0, max.cutoff = 4.5) + ggtitle("LUM")```
### Extract NSCLC TRC and PRC```{r subset NSCLC TRC PRC}NCLS_FRCS <- subset(NSCLC_CCL19_data, cell_type %in% c("CAF2/TRC","CAF1/PRC"))
#Preprocessingresolution <- c(0.1, 0.25, 0.4, 0.6,0.7, 0.8, 0.9, 1.0, 1.2, 1.4, 1.6, 1.8, 2.0)NCLS_FRCS <- FindVariableFeatures(NCLS_FRCS, selection.method = "vst", nfeatures = 2000)NCLS_FRCS <- ScaleData(NCLS_FRCS)NCLS_FRCS <- RunPCA(object = NCLS_FRCS, npcs = 30, verbose = FALSE,seed.use = 8734)NCLS_FRCS <- RunTSNE(object = NCLS_FRCS, reduction = "pca", dims = 1:20, seed.use = 8734)NCLS_FRCS <- RunUMAP(object = NCLS_FRCS, reduction = "pca", dims = 1:20, seed.use = 8734)NCLS_FRCS <- FindNeighbors(object = NCLS_FRCS, reduction = "pca", dims = 1:20, seed.use = 8734)for(k in 1:length(resolution)){ NCLS_FRCS <- FindClusters(object = NCLS_FRCS, resolution = resolution[k], random.seed = 8734)}
```{r deallocate memory CCL19 data, include=FALSE}remove(NSCLC_CCL19_data)```
### CCL19`r knitr::asis_output("\U207A")` TRC and PRC```{r umap CCL19 TRC PRC, include=FALSE}#Define color palettepalet <- palet_CCL19_FRC[names(palet_CCL19_FRC) %in% unique(NCLS_FRCS$cell_type)]
DimPlot(NCLS_FRCS, reduction = "umap", group.by = "cell_type",cols = palet)+ theme_bw() + theme(axis.text = element_blank(), axis.ticks = element_blank(), panel.grid.minor = element_blank(), panel.grid.major = element_blank()) + xlab("UMAP1") + ylab("UMAP2")```
### Save NSCLC CCL19`r knitr::asis_output("\U207A")` TRC PRC data```{r save CCL19 TRC PRC}#saveRDS(NCLS_FRCS, paste0(basedir,"/data/Human/NSCLC_CCL19_TRC_PRC_CAFs.rds"))```
### Session info```{r session info}sessionInfo()date()```

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Onder L, Papadopoulou C, Lütge A, Cheng HW, Lütge M, Perez-Shibayama C, Gil-Cruz C, De Martin A, Kurz L, Cadosch N, Pikor NB, Rodriguez R, Born D, Jochum W, Leskow P, Dutly A, Robinson MD, Ludewig B. Fibroblastic reticular cells generate protective intratumoral T cell environments in lung cancer. Cell.
