Q&A With Antonia, Top Alumna of the German School Shanghai

文摘   2024-07-23 17:00   上海  

Antonia Schuster

Class of 2023 Valedictorian


While at DSS, what was most memorable?

I was a student at the German School Shanghai Hongqiao (DSS) for three years, until my graduation in 2023. The event that stands out the most was the class trip to Yangshuo, Guilin. We went kayaking, rock climbing, and did a bike tour, but it is safe to say that our highlight was taking a mud bath in a cave that we were only able to get to through an underground river. This experience was a valuable bonding experience for my class before graduation, after that, we continued our own world journeys.

Antonia and her family in front of the Shanghai skyline


What class at DSS was your favorite?

My favorite class was physics. Besides my affinity for the content, the material was always presented in an interesting way. In the last year of school, we all participated in a science fair. A group of students in my class built a particle detector with help  from our physics teacher and we have all gone on to study physics. In my opinion, this is the best example of delighting students in a subject, letting them discover it in an explorative way and finally guiding them to their future studies, this is core at DSS, and this is why physics is such an exceptional subject at DSS.

Antonia with her family at the Highschool prom


What makes DSS stand out?

I was immediately accepted into the classroom community. The students are used to the frequent exchange of their classmates, but despite this, or perhaps because of it, they were very welcoming. The teachers were also very supportive.

For me, DSS stands out for the school community and opportunities. I have been proud to represent the school at Model United Nations conferences and in the volleyball team. And now, as an alumna, I always search for possibilities to contribute to this outstanding school.

The German curriculum with its core principles prepared me for studying at one of Germany’s top universities. The school requires students to take a variety of classes. This is done to create well-rounded individuals. Through this experience, I was able to identify my strengths and interests. This allowed me to make a successful decision about what to study in college.


What are your future plans?

At the moment I am studying civil engineering at the Technical University of Munich. Additionally, I was able to get a position as a working student for the Munich RE Group in the Real Estate Development department.

Antonia at a construction project as an intern prior to university

In the future, I hope to spend a semester abroad. I want to diversify the location-based focus of my studies, as I hope to return to being an expat one day. After, I hope to continue my studies and obtain a Master's degree, if not more.

German School Shanghai


350 Gaoguang Road, Qingpu (Hongqiao Campus)

758 Jiangwancheng Road, Yangpu

(Yangpu Campus)


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