School Roundup: Graduation

文摘   2024-07-12 17:01   上海  

The end of the school year has come and gone. Let's take a peek at how the graduating classes of international schools around Shanghai celebrated the big milestone. Congratulations to all of the graduates. We wish you well on your next adventure!

Shanghai American School

On Sunday, May 26th, the class of 2024 donned caps and gowns at the Shanghai International Dance Center for a day they won’t soon forget – their graduation ceremony. In the presence of their teachers, friends, and family, graduates received their diplomas, marking their transition from students to Shanghai American School alumni.

However, as these grads walked off the stage and threw their caps in the air, it was evident they were leaving with more than just a diploma. They also held within them a drive for lifelong learning, a commitment to integrity and compassion, and the courage and confidence to chase their dreams.

The festivities continued well into the evening. Thanks to the generosity of senior parents from Pudong and Puxi, a congratulatory message dedicated to the graduates illuminated the Citigroup building on the Bund. The display lit up the sky throughout the night, creating the perfect photo backdrop for the Eagles.

In the fall, students will be heading off to universities around the world – to Brown, Chapman, Duke, Harvard, NYU, Oxford, Wellesley, and Yale, to name a few. Congratulations Pudong and Puxi class of 2024, you did it! We can’t wait to hear all about the adventures that lie ahead for you.

Dulwich College Shanghai Pudong

On Monday, 20 May Dulwich Pudong held a graduation ceremony for the Class of 2024. Graduation Day was a celebration for the entire Dulwich Pudong community, as Year 13 students completed their time in the College before going onto higher education.  With blessings from our youngest learners in DUCKS, to our Junior and Senior students, to staff, friends and family, everyone shared in the success of the graduating year.


Congratulations Class of 2024, we know you will make a positive difference in the world.

Shanghai French School

On Friday, June 28, Shanghai French School celebrated its 2024 Graduates, known as the "Shanglimites," homophone of "sans limite" (which means "no limit" in French), a name that perfectly encapsulates the intense journey of the past two years.

Thanks to the unwavering commitment of teachers, graduates have achieved remarkable success, embodying the spirit of "no limits" for their future—a beautiful symbol of their potential as they conclude this challenging year on a high note.

This year, 65% of graduates will continue their studies in France, while 35% will pursue their education abroad, heading to countries such as Canada, the United Kingdom, China, the United States, and other European nations.

Congratulations once again on their excellent Baccalaureate results, and best of luck to all our graduates as they embark on this exciting new chapter around the world!

Concordia International School Shanghai

On a bright day on the first of June, the seniors from the Class of 2024 reached a significant milestone. At the commencement ceremony, one by one they crossed the stage, received their diplomas and turned their tassels, surrounded by proud teachers and parents. With confidence and anticipation, they set out from Concordia to pursue their dreams and passions. 

In her address to the graduating class, High School teacher Ms. Kelly Smith emphasized the importance of “eulogy virtues” (a concept defined by writer David Brooks): 

“You are all worthy and capable of great things. No matter what those colleges told you, and no matter where you find yourself in the fall, I encourage you to work on building the other set of virtues [vs. ‘resume virtues’]—the ones that come from forming connections with other people, preferably people different from yourself, from getting outside of your comfort zone, from giving back to the community around you, and from exploring and deepening your spiritual life.”  

Graduation is not just a milestone; it is the start of a new journey. To the Class of 2024, may you pursue your dreams with courage and explore new horizons. And always remember, you will forever be a Phoenix4Life! 

Wellington College International Shanghai

On Friday 31 May, we honoured this year’s Leavers in our ninth annual Speech Day. It was a time for our Class of 2024 to celebrate challenges faced, fears conquered, achievements unlocked, friendships forged, indelible memories made and to look with eager anticipation toward all the great life experiences on the horizon.

This year’s cohort has made us proud with offers from some of the world’s finest universities: Oxford, Cambridge, University College London, Imperial College London, University of Toronto, Vassar College, University of the Arts London and more! We are also confident that their IB scores will be nothing short of impressive.

This milestone is just the first step on an exciting journey ahead. Equipped with the knowledge, skills and values from your time here, we do not doubt that you will all forge incredible paths. Embrace the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead with the same passion, integrity and determination that defined your Wellington experience. Never stop being learners, connectors and changemakers. 

Shanghai Community International School

The SCIS Class of 2024 has blossomed into a remarkable group of global citizens, positive contributors, and leaders of tomorrow. Through their dedicated studies and active involvement in the school community, these exceptional students have developed the knowledge, skills, and character to thrive in the world beyond our campus. As they graduate and embark on the next chapter of their educational journeys, the faculty and staff of SCIS extend our heartfelt congratulations.

We are immensely proud of their numerous university acceptances, which will allow them to continue pursuing their passions as future actors, doctors, artists, and politicians.

SCIS will forever hold a special place in the hearts of the Class of 2024 - a home away from home where they have grown and discovered their true potential. We wish them all the best in their future endeavors and eagerly await the day they return to share their inspiring stories, guiding the next generation of Dragons to follow in their footsteps.

Yew Chung International School

The Class of 2024 walked onto the stage amidst applause from parents and teachers, turned their tassels, and received their diplomas. 

From this day onwards, they will set sail, heading for distant shores, embarking on new adventures and journeys.

The Co-Principals of both campuses also extended their congratulations and blessings. They praised the graduates for their talents demonstrated in academics, arts, sports, and various fields, as well as their contributions to the community. 

They expressed pride in the leadership and initiative shown by the graduates and encouraged the students to remember the values of YCIS, to embrace challenges, diversity, and become responsible global citizens.

Harrow International School Shanghai

Harrow Shanghai held its annual Prize Giving Ceremony on the last day of this year, marking the successful conclusion of another extraordinary academic year. The event was a wonderful occasion, celebrating the remarkable achievements of our students. It embodies the unique and inclusive culture of our school, along with the honorable values we uphold – Courage, Honour, Humility, and Fellowship.

One of the cherished traditions at Harrow Shanghai is the capping ritual during the Prize Giving Ceremony. This symbolic act involves the Head Master reading out each student's name, to which the student responds by “capping.” This ritual signifies the endorsement of each student's journey and accomplishments at Harrow.

This year, the prestigious House Award was presented to Shaftesbury, recognizing their teamwork and successes in various competitions throughout the year. Congratulations to Shaftesbury for their outstanding performance!

The graduates received their memorable certificates for graduation with the Head Master's best wishes, embarking on a new journey towards further studies at the world's top universities.


The Class of 2024 from LUC celebrated their graduation at the Kimpton Hotel, Qiantan. Despite the drizzle, LUC's families gathered for a significant summer farewell. Gathering in the rain made the occasion even more precious!

In the warmth of the LUC family, we have collectively created rich and colorful childhood experiences with every parent, and witnessed the growth and transformation of every child! For the family of LUC, this is an unparalleled beauty, and also an exclusive memory that belongs to us.

During their four years at LUC, the children not only learned the value of friendship, but also continuously enhanced their communication and social skills through interactions with their peers. In life, there are moments when we may feel lonely, but with the companionship and support of friends, we will always find the direction towards a brighter future.

Tiny Tots

To our graduating class, “scorch the earth with your talent and let your light shine!” This community will always be a home.

Julia Gabriel Centre

Julia Gabriel Centre hosted its 2024 Graduation Ceremony at the Shangyin Opera House, celebrating the growth and transformation of every child.

Guided by Julia Gabriel's distinctive EduDrama® methodology and the nurturing support of the dedicated teachers, the children have blossomed into unique, confident, and expressive individuals.

Each performance at the ceremony was a collaborative creation between students and teachers, highlighting Julia Gabriel’s core values: Curiosity, Compassion, Confidence, Courage, Creativity, Cognition, Cooperation and Collaboration.

Parents, alumni, and representatives from various year levels came together, making it a truly magnificent event for the community.

Magnolia Kindergarten

Since its creation 10 years ago, Magnolia Kindergarten has amazed the educational community in Shanghai every year with a nearly three-hour performance, solely thanks to the talents of its students aged 2 to 6 and their fantastic teachers.

This year, the theme was Dreams, Legends, and Wonderful Lands. Each class was named after a legendary character, which the children explored throughout the year with their teachers. It was, therefore, natural to conclude this year by giving each child the pleasure of performing on stage twice and proudly presenting to their parents the results of a year rich in discoveries.

It was a truly impressive finale for all of us, the Magnolia students and their teachers, as we paraded on stage class by class. The audience, including parents and other community members, cheered us with joy and enthusiasm! Under thunderous applause and the song "I Have a Dream" by ABBA, we all realised that the school year for Magnolia children was truly magical. And no matter if the show was a bit long, we could not bring ourselves to cut the talents of our little ones!

Thank you to the entire teaching team for this magnificent gift to the children. There's nothing like an unforgettable show to end a great school year! Thank you all!

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