A poem to my darling on Children's Day

文摘   2024-06-02 21:31   陕西  

On Children's Day, a day so pure and bright,

I write this poem for my wife, my heart's delight.

My dearest love, my partner and my friend,

On this joyful day, I hope to make amends.

For all the times I've been too caught up in life,

Forgetting what truly gives us sweetness and strife.

You are the mother who nurtures with care,

Whose love is a garden, lush and fair.

With every passing year, you make our home,

A place of laughter, where dreams can roam.

Your beauty is not just what the eye can see,

It's in your kind and gentle ministry.

The way you guide our son, with love so true,

Is a gift from the heart, entrusted to you.

You teach him to dream and to dare,

To reach for the stars without any fear.

You show him by example, each single day,

How to live with purpose and find his way.

So on this Children's Day, I take a moment to say,

How grateful I am for the love you bring my way.

For all the little things you do each day,

That make our lives together in such a beautiful way.

May we continue to grow, hand in hand,

Creating memories that will forever stand.

And may we always cherish the child in us,

Living life fully, with love, trust, and lust.

Happy Children's Day, my love, my queen,

Let's celebrate life and all it means.

Together, we'll explore, laugh, and play,

Making every day a beautiful array.

Open the mind, Learn, and Feed the mind | 求真 向善 至美,正心 达人 合一