You are not lazy,... | Ted20

文摘   2024-09-16 08:02   陕西  
You are not lazy, you are not bored,and you are not unmotivated.
You are afraid.
The best advice for overcoming it is just 
a three-word sentence...
The three-word sentence is JUST DO IT.
If we follow the rule JUST DO IT, we will take action, we will have motivation, we will have inspiration, we will find more energy and above all, we will find fear nowhere.
As Marcus Aurelius said, “You must build up your life action by action, and be content if each one achieves its goal as far as possible–and no one can keep you from this." People are afraid. Fear accompanies everybody every day.Focus on your goalignoring anything unimportant or unrelated to you. Just get down to it and JUST DO IT. 
Only in this way can we move Forward.

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