《黑神话:悟空》影神图中英文对照版(灵狐 The Fox)

文摘   2024-10-02 22:18   广东  

灵狐 The Fox



A fox beside the mountain stands, in sorrow deep and long,
With caring heart and hopeful wish, for her savior to belong.
With steadfast heart, it seeks the path, to rise and journey far,
Yet fate unknown, her end draws near, before it sees the star.








According to ancient texts, a fox that lives for a hundred years can transform into a human and gain knowledge of happening a thousand miles away. After a thousand years, it can communicate with the ones above and become a fox immortal.

There was once a young fox who harbored a deep aspiration to become a fox immortal from a very young age. Driven by this dream, it practiced diligently and tirelessly, never allowing itself to rest. In its quest for knowledge, the young fox frequently sought advice from its kin, asking, "How can I become a fox immortal?" Some experienced fox guais responded with cautionary wisdom, saying, "Becoming a fox immortal is no easy feat. Each year, the Lady of Mount Tai holds a rigorous examination. Only those who demonstrate exceptional skill in both arts and philosophy can ascend to immortality. Those who fail the examination are destined to remain as ordinary wild foxes, forever barred from achieving immortality."

The young fox asked, "But how can I excel in arts and philosophy? I don't even have anything to write with."

The fox guai replied, "Once you can transform, you can take the form of a beautiful woman or a handsome man and go to human towns to study and learn. But remember this: the Lady of Mount Tai oversees all foxes and despises those who seduce and consume humans. You must know that absorbing human essence is the quickest way for yaoguais to become powerful. If you wish to become a fox immortal, this path is forbidden, and you must set off on much more perilous and arduous path."

The young fox said, "I understand now, but I am not afraid of the perils and ordeals. I will discipline myself and follow the path to true immortality."

From then on, the young fox relied solely on the essence of the sun and moon for cultivation. Decades passed in the mountains. As she gradually accquired the ability to transform, she often approached human villages to observe their way of life. One day, it accidentally stepped into a hunter's trap and was rescued by a young scholar who took it home...








