《黑神话:悟空》影神图中英文对照版(辰龙 Chen Loong)

文摘   2024-10-03 12:51   广东  

辰龙 Chen Loong



Craving fortune's smile, but met with bitter strife,
Toiling by dark waters, in a grumpy life.
In that realm of paint, the last hopes retreat,
The green one brought him sweetness, a long-awaited treat.
















A scroll lay spread out on the desk, surrounded by four figures: a skinny monkey, a mangy dog, an old loong, and a fierce tiger.

The old loong asked, "The Sacred Divinity sent us such a treasure. Do you know his intent?"

The skinny monkey laughed strangely, "I don't know. Maybe it's meant to be hung up for decoration. If you don't want it, I'll trade it for wine."

The mangy dog, holding a palm fan, paced around the desk twice and said, "We were banished to the mortal realm because of the Great Sage's affair. Undoubtedly, it must be related to this. However, he..." His voice trailed off, unsure how to proceed.

The fierce tiger, frustrated by the dog's hesitation, asked, "Do you mean to say, is he here to help or to harm?"

The mangy dog fanned himself and retorted, "Such profound matters cannot be spoken of so crudely."

The old loong asked, "What's on your minds?"

The skinny monkey lounged in his seat and said, "Not to help, not to help. I'm just a drunkard. What good can I do but earn some wine money? The rest is none of my concern." With that, he closed his eyes and pretended to sleep, saying no more.

The fierce tiger chuckled and added, "I only know how to smith. If someone comes seeking my help, I assist them, and that's all."

The mangy dog, growing anxious, exclaimed, "Why are you all cowering in fear? We used to act justly. Look at us now, as if things could possibly get any worse. I will lend my aid, I will lend my aid!"

The old loong quickly intervened, "Brother, patience. We understand your intentions. We need a plan, so if the Sacred Divinity reprimand us, we have a response."

He paused, and the other three nodded in agreement. He continued, "Since we are of the same plan, let's proceed accordingly. Each of us should prepare and set off on an appointed day."


