《黑神话:悟空》影神图中英文对照版(蚂蜂精 Wasp Guai)

文摘   2024-10-02 23:04   广东  

蚂蜂精 Wasp Guai



When the victory comes, it flies low, and when the power is exhausted, it flees far away.
Work hard and wash away the dye, and use the power to soar into the sky.







A young man once lived in the Webbed Hollow. You may wonder how he found himself living among the yaoguais. The tale begun in the Kingdom of Zhuzi, where he was born into a family of weavers, their craft passed down through generations. One day, his father left home in search of a jade shuttle but never returned. His mother searched for him, only to be told he had abandoned them to marry into the Zhu family. Consumed by grief and convinced that a yaoguai had ensnared her husband, she wept day after day. Thus, in his boyhood, the son vowed to slay the yaoguais and avenge his father.

Years later, he heard merchants speak of the Zhu's Estate on the Webbed Ridge, home to women of unearthly beauty. He ventured there alone to exact vengeance. But as soon as he entered the mountains, lesser yaoguais captured him. Terrified he was, before a little girl in yellow rescued him by commanding the yaoguais to stop. The girl, barely ten, had a sweet, rosy face-hardly an evil yaoguai as he imagined. The young man was at a loss.

To his surprise, the young girl, lonely with few companions her age, brought him to the Webbed Hollow to play. He stayed, and she visited often to lift her spirits. Conflicted, he spent nights vowing by lamplight to slay the yaoguais and avenge his father come morning. One night, a small wasp flew in and heard his oath, but he paid it no mind.

The next day, the girl didn't come. Instead, a woman in green, adorned with an elaborate bun and possessing a fierce yet beautiful face, arrived with an entourage of insect guards. Among them was a wasp yaoguai who, with practiced ease, deftly searched the young man's trunk, pulling out his hidden stash of travel money and the dagger intended for murder hidden within his porcelain pillow, before relaying his nightly vow of vengeance to its mistress.

The green-clad woman addressed the young man, "No mortal shall reside in Webbed Hollow, yet we spared you to be a companion for my younger sister. But, in return, you plot to harm her, and you shall be punished for this. That being said, your quest for vengeance is understandable; which is why I shall leave your fate to the Bonevault." At her command, the guards seized him, casting him into the abyss, his fate uncertain in the darkness below.
