
文摘   2024-11-04 18:37   中国香港  


我们的实验室位于弗吉尼亚大学医学院的生物化学与分子遗传学系,由杰出的助理教授唐上明博士领导。唐老师的卓越研究成果,发表在Nature、Cell、Molecular Cell、PLOS Genetics等多个顶级学术期刊上,详见主页(

我们所在的弗吉尼亚大学(University of Virginia, UVA)是一所位于夏洛茨维尔的公立研究型大学,由美国前总统托马斯·杰斐逊于1819年创立,被誉为“公立常春藤”,在2025年美国新闻与世界报道的美国大学排名中位列第24位(2025年),公立大学中排名第4。

夏洛茨维尔地理位置优越,距离美国首都华盛顿仅两个半小时车程,紧邻仙纳度国家公园(Shenandoah National Park),拥有四季分明、气候宜人的自然环境。




1. 博士后研究员,我们期待您:

  • 已拥有或即将获得生物学、化学、药学或医学相关领域的博士学位。

  • 能够独立开展相关课题研究,具有分子生物学、细胞生物学、肿瘤生物学、基因组学和生物信息学等相关背景者优先。

  • 以第一作者身份发表或接受至少一篇高水平研究论文。

2. 研究助理,我们期待您:

  • 已拥有或即将获得基础医学、检验医学、生物学、生物化学、药学或医学相关领域的本科或硕士学位。

  • 具有科研热情、团队精神和独立科研能力。

  • 具有较强的英语读写能力和基本的日常交流能力。


Research Description

The Tang laboratory applies a wide range of approaches such as live-cell imaging, single-cell genomics, and biochemistry to study the mechanisms of complex genome rearrangements in cancers, developmental disorders, and other human diseases.

Genome instability, characterized by both DNA mutations and chromosomal rearrangements, is a hallmark of cancer. In contrast to classical models that propose these mutational processes occur gradually, recent studies have identified catastrophic mutational phenomenon that extensively alter the genome “all-at-once”. One such process is termed chromothripsis. Chromothripsis is characterized by massive chromosomal rearrangements on one or a few chromosomes within a single cell cycle. Comprehensive genomic analysis indicates that chromothripsis is prevalent across cancer types and can cause human developmental disorders.

Chromothripsis was recently shown to occur in abnormal nuclear structures called micronuclei, but how DNA contained in micronuclei underwent breakage remained unknown. We demonstrated that aberrant processing of transcriptional intermediates in micronuclei leads to DNA break formation in micronuclei, and likely contributes to chromothripsis. We continue to be interested in dissecting the molecular mechanism of how DNA breaks are formed in micronuclei, how they are processed, and their contribution to genome instability.

We are also more broadly interested in DNA damage from transcriptional intermediates. R-loops, composed of DNA paired with RNA as well as a displaced DNA strand, have been shown to be involved in many important physiological functions, including regulating transcription, immunoglobulin genes rearrangement, mitochondria DNA replication. However, the aberrant accumulation of R-loops can also lead to DNA damage and genome instability. Therefore, another interest of the lab is to study the regulation of R-loop formation, resolution, and its function in different cellular contexts, particularly focused on the roles of R-loops in DNA damage and repair in somatic and meiotic cells.

Selected Publications

  1. Tang, S., Stokasimov, E., Cui, Y., & Pellman, D. (2022). Breakage of cytoplasmic chromosomes by pathological DNA base excision repair. Nature, 606(7916), 930-936. doi:10.1038/s41586-022-04767-1.

  2. Tang, S., Wu, M. K. Y., Zhang, R., & Hunter, N. (2015). Pervasive and essential roles of the Top3-Rmi1 decatenase orchestrate recombination and facilitate chromosome segregation in meiosis. Molecular cell, 57(4), 607-621. doi:10.1016/j.molcel.2015.01.021.
  3. Copsey, A., Tang, S., Jordan, P. W., Blitzblau, H. G., Newcombe, S., Chan, A. C. -H., . . . , Hoffmann, E. (2013). Smc5/6 coordinates formation and resolution of joint molecules with chromosome morphology to ensure meiotic divisions.. PLoS genetics, 9(12), e1004071. doi:10.1371/journal.pgen.1004071.
  4. Zakharyevich, K., Tang, S., Ma, Y., & Hunter, N. (2012). Delineation of joint molecule resolution pathways in meiosis identifies a crossover-specific resolvase. Cell, 149(2), 334-347. doi:10.1016/j.cell.2012.03.023.
  5. Zakharyevich, K., Ma, Y., Tang, S., Hwang, P. Y. -H., Boiteux, S., & Hunter, N. (2010). Temporally and biochemically distinct activities of Exo1 during meiosis: double-strand break resection and resolution of double Holliday junctions.. Molecular cell, 40(6), 1001-1015. doi:10.1016/j.molcel.2010.11.032.
