1. 背景与研究问题(Background and Problem Statement)目的:描述研究领域的重要性,并简要指出现有文献中的研究空白或争议。常用句式:Over the past years, [领域/问题] has garnered increasing attention due to [原因].However, [具体挑战或空白] remains underexplored, posing challenges in [具体领域].Existing studies suggest that [概括已有研究], but few have addressed [研究空白].示例:Over the last years, public engagement has become a topic of scholarly and policy debate, particularly in biomedicine, a field that increasingly centres around collecting, sharing and analysing personal data. However, the use of big data in biomedicine poses specific challenges related to gaining public support for health data usage in research and clinical settings.2. 研究目的(Research Objective)目的:明确研究目标,说明论文希望解决的问题或填补的学术空白。常用句式:This study aims to [研究目的], focusing on [研究重点].To address this gap, the study explores [研究具体内容].示例:The improvement of public engagement practices in health data governance is widely recognised as critical to address this issue. Based on OECD guidance, public engagement serves to enhance transparency and accountability, and enable citizens to actively participate in shaping what affects their lives.3. 方法与框架(Methods and Theoretical Framework)目的:概述研究方法和理论框架,表明研究的技术路径或分析角度。常用句式:This paper adopts [方法/框架], focusing on [研究内容].The analysis is guided by [理论框架], which highlights [关键概念].示例:This paper seeks to address this gap by analysing both the approaches and methods of argumentation used in two visual public engagement campaigns. Based on Gottweis’ analytical framework of argumentative performativity, this paper explores how two European public engagement facilitators construct contending narratives in efforts to make sense of and grapple with the challenges of health data sharing.4. 主要发现(Key Findings or Results)目的:总结研究的主要发现或结论,突出研究的核心贡献。常用句式:The findings reveal that [主要发现].This study demonstrates that [关键结论], offering [理论或实践意义].示例:Specifically, we analyse how their campaigns employ the three rhetorical elements logos, ethos and pathos, proposed by Gottweis to assess communicative practices, intermediated and embedded in symbolically rich social and cultural contexts.5. 讨论与贡献(Discussion and Implications)目的:强调研究对理论或实践的贡献,指出研究意义和可能的应用方向。常用句式:These findings contribute to [领域] by [具体贡献].The study provides insights into [意义/应用], which could inform [政策/实践].示例:Moreover, drawing on digital and visual anthropology, we reflect on how the digitalisation of communicative practices impacts visual power.(Sleigh, J., Vayena, E. Public engagement with health data governance: the role of visuality. Humanit Soc Sci Commun 8, 149 (2021).https://doi.org/10.1057/s41599-021-00826-6)参考文献