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在佛山霍利斯,每个学生都有自己独特的成长经历和成功故事,这令我们感到十分自豪。这篇文章中,我们给大家介绍一位来自西班牙的学生——Mei。她在2021年9月加入我校九年级,是学校的创始学生之一。凭借着她的勤奋与坚持,Mei 成为了我们的榜样,在今年的IGCSE考试中,Mei 在10门课程中取得了A*-A 的优异成绩。这篇文章,我们将分享她在佛山霍利斯的学习旅程,希望从中也能带给大家一些灵感和启发。
当被问及取得如此优异成绩的秘诀时,Mei 的回答真诚而谦逊:“我将课余时间也用来学习,但最重要的是上课时全神贯注,积极参与。” 不仅仅是出席课堂,而是全身心地投入其中——正是这种看似简单却行之有效的方法帮助她打下了坚实的基础,通过参与课堂讨论、提出问题,Mei 为自己的成功奠定了坚固的基石。
不过,这一路并非一帆风顺。Mei 坦言:“我觉得音乐这门学科很有难度。”然而,她从未因此退缩,不断努力,最终在音乐考试中取得了A的好成绩。
她的音乐老师 Mr Hobourn,佛山霍利斯的音乐总监,分享了 Mei 的学习历程:“在两年的IGCSE音乐课程中,Mei 从一位从未在公众面前独奏、音乐理论薄弱的学生,成长为一名在聆听、分析、作曲和表演等方面均取得优异成绩的学生。通过无数个小时的练习和不懈的努力,她最终取得了A的成绩。Mei 的音乐学习经历是坚持和毅力的最好体现。我永远不会忘记她在2024年2月校内IGCSE音乐会上动人的独奏和小组表演!”
2024年 IGCSE 学生音乐会
Mei也对佛山霍利斯的教师团队表达了由衷的感谢:“老师们总是耐心地解答我的问题,如果我有不明白的地方,他们会反复为我讲解,直到我完全理解为止。”在这样支持性的学习环境中,Mei 逐渐掌握了复杂的学术概念,并在不断进步中增强了自信。
12-13年级主任 Mrs Kirk 也赞扬了 Mei 的坚韧和毅力,说:“作为一名非母语的英语学习者,面对陌生的学术环境已经非常不易,而 Mei 在IGCSE中的出色表现正是她适应力与抗压能力的有力体现。尽管面临语言障碍,她依然展现了非凡的学术天赋和卓越的学习能力。”
作为一名自幼就读于国际学校的学生,刚转入佛山霍利斯时,Mei 也曾遇到一些挑战。然而,她很快就融入了这里的多元文化环境,并找到了属于自己的学习节奏。“我非常喜欢学校的多样性,这里让我有机会探索不同的学习途径,”她分享道。
课外活动方面,Mei 积极参与了体育、学术俱乐部及其他丰富多彩的课外活动。这些经历不仅让她的校园生活更加充实,也进一步有助于提升她的学术成绩。在平衡学术与课外活动的过程中,Mei 学会了如何有效管理时间,并发现了新的兴趣与热情,证明了学习不仅仅是课堂上的知识积累,还包括全方位的成长与发展。
Mrs Kirk 也高度评价了 Mei 在不同文化环境中的适应能力:“Mei 在多个国家和学校的学习经历,让她拥有了更开阔的全球视野和深厚的跨文化理解力。每一次的转变都让她更快适应新环境,并在与他人的交流中建立了深厚的联系。她的学习之旅不仅体现了学术上的成功,也展示了她作为一个全球化思维的学生,在未来应对各种挑战时所具备的自信与智慧。”
A Level 阶段
基于IGCSE的成功,Mei 对未来的 A Level 学习充满了期待。她选择了数学、高等数学、化学、物理和英语文学作为她的 A Level 学习科目,这些课程既充满挑战,也让她感到兴奋不已。“课程内容变得越来越专业细致化,让我可以选择自己真正感兴趣的领域进行深入学习,” 她兴奋地说。
对于其他同学和学弟学妹们,Mei 也分享了她的学习建议:“千万不要把所有的复习都留到考试前一天晚上。” 她一直坚持的理念是,成功来自于日积月累的准备,而不是最后一刻的突击。这也是她想传达给其他同学的宝贵经验——坚持不懈、持续投入才是成功的关键。
勤奋用功、良好的学习环境以及勇敢迎接挑战是 Mei 的学习之旅的关键词,也是她取得成功的重要因素。在她开展A Level学习旅程的同时,我们期待着她继续成长,探索更广阔的天地,并在此过程中激励更多的同学们。
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At LEH Foshan, we take pride in celebrating our students’ unique stories of growth and success. In this article, we spotlight Mei, a talented student from Spain who joined Year 9 in September 2021 as one of our founding students. Mei has since become a shining example of what dedication and hard work can achieve, achieving 10 A*-A/9-8 grades across a wide range of subjects in her IGCSE exams this year. Here, we take a closer look at her inspiring journey, her experiences at LEH Foshan, and her aspirations for the future.
The IGCSE Journey
Hard Work Pays Off
When asked about the secret to her outstanding results, her answer is refreshingly humble. “I studied in my free time, but mostly I participated and paid attention in class,” she says. It’s a simple yet powerful approach—being not just present but also engaged during lessons made all the difference. By actively participating in class discussions and asking questions, Mei set a strong foundation for her success.
But it wasn’t always easy. “I found music particularly challenging,” Mei admits. But true to her nature, she tackled this challenge head-on, ultimately earning an A in the subject.
Mei’s Music teacher, Mr Hobourn, Director of Music, vividly recalls her transformation: “During the two-year IGCSE Music course, Mei grew from a student who had never performed solo in public and had limited knowledge of music theory to achieving an A grade. Through hard work, determination, and countless hours of practice, she excelled in the listening, analysis, composing, and performing aspects of the course. Her journey is a testament to what can be achieved with dedication.I will never forget her solo and group performances at the IGCSE Music concert in February 2024!”
IGCSE Concert 2024
Mei also credits LEH Foshan’s teachers for her success. “They would always answer my questions and explain if I didn’t understand something,” she says. This supportive environment helped her grasp complex concepts and build confidence in her learning.
Mrs Kirk, Head of Sixth Form, praised Mei’s resilience: “The academic landscape as a non-native English speaker is daunting enough and Mei's learning journey is a testament to resilience and adaptability. Excelling in her IGCSE exams, she has demonstrated remarkable academic prowess despite the challenges of language barriers.”
Thriving at LEH Foshan
Adapting and Growing
Having attended international schools throughout her life, Mei found the transition to LEH Foshan initially a bit challenging. However, she quickly adapted to our diverse environment. “I really enjoy the diversity and the opportunity to explore different pathways,” she shares.
Outside the classroom, Mei participated in various sports, academic clubs, and other extracurricular activities. These experiences enriched her time at LEH Foshan and complemented her academic achievements. Balancing schoolwork with extracurriculars, she honed time management skills and discovered new passions, proving that learning extends beyond textbooks and exams.
Mrs Kirk adds: “Her experiences across various countries and schools have enriched her perspective, fostering a deep appreciation for diverse cultures and educational systems. Each transition has honed her ability and her determination to adapt quickly, embrace new environments, and build meaningful connections. This journey not only highlights her academic success but also her growth as a globally-minded individual, ready to tackle future challenges with confidence and an open mind.”
Looking Ahead
Excitement for A Levels
With her IGCSE success as a strong foundation, Mei is eagerly anticipating the next stage of her academic journey—A Levels. She has chosen to study Maths, Further Maths, Chemistry, Physics, and English Literature, subjects that both challenge and excite her. “As the subjects become more specialised, you can choose to do things you actually enjoy,” she says enthusiastically.
To her peers and younger students, Mei offers a piece of advice that she herself followed: “Don’t leave all your revision for the night before the exam.” Her emphasis on consistent preparation and active engagement in class serves as a valuable reminder that success is built over time, not overnight.
Mei’s story is a wonderful example of what can be achieved through hard work, a supportive learning environment, and a willingness to embrace challenges. As she steps into her A Level studies, we are excited to see how she will continue to grow, explore new horizons, and inspire others along the way.
Stay tuned for more inspiring stories from our LEH Foshan community. Whether it is academic achievements, personal growth, or extracurricular adventures, there is always something to celebrate in the lives of our students.