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Prep School
Ms Mandy Bateman
Mandy Bateman女士是佛山霍利斯预备部主任,她是一位经验丰富的教育家和领导者,在英国本土的学校,以及葡萄牙和埃及的国际学校有30年的工作经验。她的教育工作资历十分深厚,且涉猎广泛。2009年,她在英国创立了一间独立学校并担任创校校长,自此开始领导学校运营。在来到佛山霍利斯之前,Ms Bateman在埃及开罗一所享有盛誉的英国国际学校担任幼年基础阶段(EYFS)和小学的校长。Ms Bateman拥有英国斯塔福德郡大学的教育学士学位,英国知山大学的教育学研究生证书(PGCE)和英国剑桥大学的特殊需求教育硕士学位。目前她正在完成英国国家校长资格证书课程。
Mr Gary Lodge
Mr Lodge 是一名经验丰富教师,他加入佛山霍利斯担任预备部教师,并将自己对教育的热情和10多年的教学经验带到我们的预备部。在此之前,他曾在佛山一所学校担任主班老师和督学人员,创造了良好的育人环境并提供了卓越的教学成果。他曾指导学生获得伦敦三一学院戏剧证书,并在开发在家学习的教学资源,提高学生词汇、阅读和语音技能方面拥有丰富经验。Mr Lodge 拥有谢菲尔德大学幼儿教育硕士学位和杜伦大学经济学学士学位。作为一名持有专业资格的英语教师,他致力于培养学生对语言的热爱。Mr Lodge 卓越的教学技能和开发高质量课程的能力将为佛山霍利斯保持高水准的教育做出贡献。
Ms Poppy Wilkinson
Ms Wilkinson 加入佛山霍利斯预备部,担任预备部教师。Ms Wilkinson 是一位热情洋溢、善于思考的年轻教师,在英国从事教育工作近10年。她拥有利兹三一大学的小学体育教育和体育教练的学士学位,以及PGCE(小学教学)研究生证书,并将所学到的丰富知识应用到工作实践中。她的专长是学生的早期基础阶段教育,在该领域拥有超过6年的工作经历,在促进来自不同背景和能力儿童的学习方面具有丰富的经验。
Mr Jenny Clarke
Ms Clarke 是佛山霍利斯预备部的教师,拥有丰富的教学经验和专业知识。她从事教育行业超过5年,曾在英国和埃及的本地和国际学校任职,在关键阶段二(6-10岁)的英国国家课程教学具有优势专长。Ms Clarke 毕业于谢菲尔德哈勒姆大学,并获得了低年龄段教育(5-11岁)的PGCE证书。这个充分说明了她具有高度的专业知识和技能,能够为学生们提供高质量的教育,为他们日后学术和个人发展奠定扎实基础。
Mr Rob Jones
Mr Jones 加入佛山霍利斯预备部,担任主班老师一职。Mr Jones 持有计算机科学的本科学位。他在中国有近10年的任职经验,担任过英语老师和主班老师等职务,喜欢从事低年龄段学生教学(6-12岁)。他不仅是一名经验丰富的老师,也是一位能力出众的学校管理者。在来佛山霍利斯之前,他是一所学校的副校长,负责监督管理外教教师们的工作,并与学校中方管理层进行沟通。
Mr Connor Lewis
Mr Lewis 加入佛山霍利斯担预备部主班老师一职,与预备部主任 Ms Bateman 以及预备部团队一起合作,为我们的低年级学生提供高质量的英式课程教学。Mr Lewis 是一位经验丰富的主班教师,曾在中国北京的国际幼儿园和小学有长达5年的教学经验。Mr Lewis 拥有曼彻斯特都会大学的语言学本科荣誉学位和中国人民大学的高等教育学硕士学位。他把自己在语言学方面的研究运用于他在中国的教育工作中,并取得出色的成绩。他本人也在学习中文,目前也在备考汉语五级。
Mr Alex Tennant
Mr Tennant 先生加入佛山霍利斯预备部团队担任主班老师。此前,他在英国和中国担任教职近10年。他的任教经历非常丰富,曾在一个国际的武术组织教授成人和儿童咏春,后来到在国际学校担任英文老师,并从中学习和掌握了不同的教学技能。在与学生相处方面他很有经验,能够建立和维持良好的师生关系。Mr Tennant 拥有西英格兰大学的应用化学科学学士学位以及PGCE教学资格证书。
Mr Rowan Corr
Mr Corr 是一位经验丰富且充满热情的教师。在他的教育生涯中,曾在英国本地学校任教,并拥有在中国和线上教授中国学生英语的经验。Mr Corr 拥有丰富的教学经验,尤其是在会话方面的教学。在加入佛山霍利斯之前,他在爱尔兰的一所学校的小学部从事教学工作,并根据国家课程标准为低年级学生规划了充满吸引力的课程。Mr Corr 拥有利兹贝克特大学的研究生教育证书(PGCE)和英国教师资格证书(QTS),以及诺桑比亚大学地理和环境管理一级荣誉本科学位,他的专业知识和奉献精神一定能帮助我们的学生取得成功。
Ms Michelle Babb
Ms Babb 是一位充满热情和反思能力的教育工作者,拥有超过7年的教学经验,曾在英国、科威特和缅甸的小学任教。在加入佛山霍利斯之前,她在缅甸的一所英国学校担任KS2教师,同时担任数学学科的负责人。她成功地在小学部推广了数学教学,并协助全校开展STEM挑战赛。她的教学经验包括帮助学生在长时间的在线学习后重返学校,并根据需要提供英语作为附加语言的支持。在担任教职之前,Ms Babb曾在英国皇家空军担任分析员职务,并在执行任务期间提供语言支持,这也培养她出色的领导能力。Ms Babb 拥有格拉斯哥大学的英语语言硕士学位和坎布里亚大学的小学教育研究生证书(PGCE)及英国教师资格证书(QTS)。
Mr Matthew Slade
Mr Slade 拥有逾20年的小学教育经验。他曾在英国及中国、缅甸、泰国、哈萨克斯坦、埃及和韩国的国际学校任教,积累了丰富的教学经历。Mr Slade 在教授英国国家课程(ENC)以及支持英语作为第二语言(ESL)学习者方面具有深厚的专业背景。他的教学方法以探究式学习为核心,鼓励学生保持好奇心,培养批判性思维和独立学习能力。同时,他也积极将科技融入课堂,以提高学生的参与度并促进协作学习。Mr Slade 拥有英国坎特伯雷基督教堂大学的科学与体育科学的荣誉学士学位和体育教育研究生证书(PGCE),以及埃克塞特大学的人文学科研究生证书(PGCE),并获得了 TEFL 证书。
Mr Luke Palmer
Mr Palmer 是一位经验丰富的预备部教师,拥有超过10年的教育经验,并将其丰富的教学经验带到了佛山霍利斯预备部。他曾在多所国际和双语学校任教,给小学阶段学生开展生动有趣且充实的课堂,特别是科学和英语课堂。Mr Palmer 善于创造充满支持和激励的学习环境,以满足低年龄段学生的个性化需求。在加入佛山霍利斯之前,他曾在中国香港、中国内地和英国的学校教授中小学学生,并根据学生的独特需求灵活调整教学方法。Mr Palmer 拥有利物浦大学的分子与临床药理学硕士学位,以及桑德兰大学的PGCE证书。此外,他还拥有利兹大学的生物化学与遗传学学士学位。
Mr James Smale
Mr Smale 来自英国,是一位经验丰富和敬业的音乐教师,他加入佛山霍利斯,担任预备部的音乐学科主任。他拥有20年的教学经验,一直致力于为所有学生提供优秀的音乐教育。Mr Smale 也热衷于课外音乐活动,例如指导合唱团、管弦乐队、摇滚乐队和打击乐合奏。自2005年起,他担任伦敦圣三一学院的音乐考官,接触过超过25个国家的考生,从中积累了文化多样性方面的经验。他还担任过伦敦圣三一学院打击乐教学大纲的顾问。Mr Smale 是一位柯达伊教学法的实践者,他的专业知识和奉献精神将会帮助我们的学生培养音乐才能,激发他们对音乐的热爱。
Mr Antonio Lechado
Mr Lechado 是佛山霍利斯的西班牙语学科主任。他在西班牙和中国的学校都担任过语言教师,拥有超过8年的语言教学经验。其中他在中国有6年教龄,在加入佛山霍利斯之前,曾在中国一些学术机构和大学学院担任讲师,教授A1至B2级别(CEFR)的西班牙语课程。Mr Lechado 拥有科尔多瓦大学的英语研究学士学位,以及塞维利亚大学的PGCE和对外西班牙语教学的硕士学位。近年来,他还获得了DELE西语考试B1/B2的官方考官资格证书和IB文凭的国际教学专家。
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Prep School
Ms Mandy Bateman
Head of the Prep School
Ms Bateman is the Head of the Prep School and has 30 years of experience as an educator and leader in both British and international schools in the UK, Portugal, and Egypt. Her journey in education has been wide-ranging. In 2009 she established herself as a leader when she became the founding Headteacher of an independent school in the UK. In her last position, Ms Bateman worked as The Headteacher of Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) and Primary, a 6-form entry school at a well-regarded British International School in Cairo, Egypt. Mrs Bateman holds a BA (Hon) in Education from Staffordshire University, a PGCE from Edge Hill University and an MA SEN Education from Cambridge UK. She is currently completing her NPQH.
Classroom Teachers
Mr Gary Lodge
Mr Lodge, a dedicated and experienced Prep School Teacher, brings his passion for education and 10+ years of teaching expertise to LEH Foshan. Previously a Homeroom Teacher and Supervisor in Foshan, he created nurturing environments and delivered exceptional instruction. He guided students to achieve Trinity College London Drama Certificates and developed engaging resources for home learning, enhancing vocabulary, reading, and phonics skills. With a Master's degree in Early Childhood Education from the University of Sheffield and a Bachelor's degree in Economics from Durham University, Mr Lodge offers a unique combination of knowledge. As a qualified English as a Foreign Language teacher, he is devoted to fostering a love for language in his students; Mr Lodge's exceptional teaching skills and ability to develop a high-quality curriculum will contribute to maintaining a high standard of education at LEH Foshan.
Ms Poppy Wilkinson
Ms Wilkinson works at LEH Foshan as a Prep Teacher. Ms Wilkinson is an enthusiastic and reflective early career teacher with nearly 10 years' experience in education in the UK. Holding a bachelor's degree in Primary Physical Education and Sports Coaching as well as a PGCE Primary Certificate from Leeds Trinity University. She brings a wealth of knowledge to her role. With a passion for teaching young learners and experience in this area, she is knowledgeable in fostering the learning of children from diverse backgrounds and abilities.
Mr Jenny Clarke
Ms Clarke joins the LEH Foshan Prep School as a classroom teacher, bringing with her a wealth of teaching experience and expertise. Over the past 5 years, she has honed her skills in delivering the British National Curriculum, specifically in Key Stage 2 (KS2), both in the United Kingdom and in Egypt. Ms Clarke graduated from Sheffield Hallam University with a PGCE in Primary Education (5-11 years). This rigorous programme has equipped her with the knowledge and skills necessary to provide a high-quality education to her young students, ensuring that they receive the best possible foundation for their future academic and personal pursuits.
Mr Rob Jones
Mr Jones joins the LEH Foshan Prep School team as a Prep School teacher with nearly 10 years of experience as an ESL teacher and homeroom teacher in China. Mr Jones has a Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Science. He enjoys working with young students aged 6 to 12. Not only is he a well-experienced teacher, but also a capable school governor. In his last position, he was vice principal and was responsible for the supervision of foreign teachers’ performance and communication with Chinese management.
Mr Connor Lewis
Mr Connor Lewis joins LEH Foshan as a multi-talented Prep Teacher and works with Ms Bateman, Head of Prep School and our Prep School team to deliver high-quality teaching to our young students. He is an experienced classroom teacher with 5 years of teaching in international kindergartens and primary schools in Beijing China. Mr Lewis holds a Bachelor of Arts (Hons) in Linguistic from Manchester Metropolitan University and a Master of Education in Advanced Education from the University of the People. His language studies have proven invaluable in China for helping children to develop their second language skills and in developing his Chinese language skills (HSK 5).
Mr Alex Tennant
Mr Tennant joins the LEH Foshan Prep School team and works as a classroom teacher. In his teaching career of nearly 10 years in both UK and China, Mr Tennant has gained a diverse range of teaching skills from teaching adults and children Wing Chun for a worldwide Martial Arts Organisation to working as an ELL teacher. He has rich experience in building and maintaining excellent student relationships. Mr Tennant has a bachelor’s degree in Applied Chemical Science from the University of the West of England and completed a PGCE qualification.
Mr Rowan Corr
Mr Corr works at LEH Foshan Prep School as an experienced and passionate classroom teacher. Throughout his career in education, he has taught in English schools and has a background in teaching English to Chinese students both in China and online. Mr Corr brings a diverse range of teaching experiences, particularly in conversation. Before joining LEH Foshan, he excelled in teaching and planning engaging lessons for young students at a junior school in Ireland, aligning them with the National curriculum standards. Mr Corr hosts a PGCE with QTS from Leeds Beckett University and a First-Class Honours Bachelor’s degree in Geography and Environmental Management from Northumbria University.
Ms Michelle Babb
Ms Babb is an enthusiastic and reflective educator with over 7 years of experience teaching in Key Stages 1 and 2, primarily in Years 4 to 6, in the UK, Kuwait and Myanmar. Before joining LEH Foshan, she was a KS2 Teacher at a British school in Myanmar where she also served as the Maths Learning Lead. In this role, she successfully introduced mastery maths teaching throughout the primary department and assisted in delivering whole-school STEM challenges. Her experience includes aiding children in their return to school after significant periods of online learning and providing EAL support as needed. Ms Babb’s background also includes a career in the Royal Air Force as an analyst, where she developed strong leadership skills and provided real-time linguistic support during live operations. Ms Babb holds a Master of Arts in English Language from the University of Glasgow and a PGCE in Primary Education with QTS from the University of Cumbria.
Mr Matthew Slade
Mr Matthew Slade joins LEH Foshan Prep School as Cherry Blossom class Teacher with over 20 years of experience in primary education. He has worked in both UK schools and international schools in China, Myanmar, Thailand, Kazakhstan, Egypt, and South Korea. Mr Slade has extensive expertise in delivering the Eng National Curriculum (ENC) and supporting English as a Second Language (ESL) learners. His teaching approach centres on inquiry-based learning, encouraging curiosity, critical thinking, and independent learning. He also integrates technology into his lessons to enhance student engagement and foster collaboration. Mr Slade holds a BSc (Hons) in Science and Sports Science, a PGCE in PE from Canterbury Christ Church University, a PGCE in Humanities from Exeter University, and a TEFL certification.
Mr Luke Palmer
Mr Palmer, a highly experienced Prep teacher with over 10 years in education, brings his extensive expertise to LEH Foshan Prep School. He has taught in various international and bilingual schools, where he has consistently delivered engaging and effective lessons especially in Science and English to primary students. Mr Palmer is known for his ability to create nurturing and stimulating learning environments that cater to the individual needs of young learners. Before joining us in here at LEH, he has taught students from primary to secondary levels in Hong Kong SAR, China, and the UK, tailoring his approach to meet the unique needs of his students. Mr Palmer holds a Master of Philosophy in Molecular and Clinical Pharmacology from the University of Liverpool and a PGCE from the University of Sunderland. He also has a Bachelor of Science in Biochemistry and Genetics from the University of Leeds.
Subject Specialists
Mr James Smale
Head of Prep Music
Mr Smale, an experienced and dedicated music teacher from the UK, joins LEH Foshan as the Head of Prep Music. With 20 years of teaching experience, he strongly believes in providing first-class, research-informed music education for all students. Mr Smale's passion lies in co-curricular music, directing choirs, orchestras, rock bands, and percussion ensembles. As a music examiner for Trinity College London since 2005, he has assessed students in over 25 countries, gaining experience in cultural diversity. He has also contributed as a consultant for Trinity's Percussion syllabus. Mr Smale is a Kodály practitioner and his expertise and commitment will nurture students' musical talents and inspire a love of music at LEH Foshan.
Mr Antonio Lechado
Head of Spanish
Mr Lechado joins LEH Foshan as the Head of Spanish, bringing to our school over 8 years of language teaching experience in Spain and China. Before joining LEH Foshan, he was teaching Spanish from A1 to B2 (CEFR) as a lecturer at a colleague and a teacher in different academies in China for 6 years. Mr Lechado holds a bachelor's degree in English Studies from the University of Córdoba and a PGCE and Master's degree in Spanish as a Foreign Language Teaching from the University of Sevilla. He also attained the Certificate in Official Examiner for DELE examinations B1/B2 and an International Teaching Expert in IB Diploma in recent years.
Ms Tina Zhou
Head of Prep Mandarin
Ms Tina Zhou is the Head of Prep Mandarin at LEH Foshan with a MA degree in Teaching Chinese as a Second Language from Sun Yat-sen University. She is an experienced Chinese teacher with 8 years of teaching in universities and international schools, home and abroad. Ms Zhou has taught Chinese Language and Literature to primary students with IB curriculum and taught Chinese as a second language to students from introductory to advanced proficiencies. From her experiences, she has further developed professional skills to design teaching plans based on the syllabus and to conduct engaging classroom instructions customised to learners' age, fluency, background and the length of study.
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