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Mrs Jane Arden
Mrs Arden
预备部主任 Ms Bateman 来信
这就是为什么在佛山霍利斯我们举办像冬日市集这些特别的家庭活动,这非常重要。我们喜欢与您一起度过愉快的时光,看着我们的学生茁壮成长,成长为自信主动、富有同理心、有创造力和充满好奇心的学习者。希望您与家人享受本周的四天愉快假期。温馨提示, 从11月13日冬季校服正式启动,请家长留意我们的冬季校服标准。
Mr Munim 学院主任
在2023-2024学年,我们凤凰学院再次荣获学院杯终极荣誉,这是我们整个学院在过去一年来的辛勤工作和杰出表现的成果,尤其感谢凤凰学院的两位学院队长——Angela W 和Lucy W ,她们为学院做出了巨大的贡献。
Mr Noronha 历史学科主任
今年夏天,历史学科在学业上取得了很好的成绩,尽管只有一位选择 ICGSE 历史学科的考生,但她轻松地获得了A*的成绩。历史学科的学习能够极大地提升分析性思维、解决问题的能力,并且能够增强口头和书面表达能力。这些能力在职业道路上极为宝贵,而佛山霍利斯的学生正好具备这些能力。
相信大家已经知道,今年历史系的规模有所扩大。Mr Molinari 成为了我们团队中非常重要的一员。
他以独特的视角解读世界大事,指导学生完成大学申请流程,同时教授 A Level 预科班级历史。在新的学年,将会是充满挑战的一年。目前,许多学生对全球事务表现出了浓厚的兴趣,这引发了许多的讨论。这正是历史学科的现实意义所在,我们试图理解现在和未来。对历史有深入研究的学生,在理解和把握我们世界的未来趋势方面无疑具有优势。
Mr Hobourn 音乐学科总监
在11 月 7 日星期四,佛山霍利斯在岭南天地举办了一年一度的冬季户外音乐会,其中包括学校的音乐合唱团表演和独奏表演以及室内乐表演。佛山霍利斯为学生们在音乐上的进步和出色的表现感到自豪。
在教职工团队的精心策划和组织下,本次演出有众多的学生参与,这将是一场盛大的演出。将音乐舞台从学校搬到岭南天地,搬运各种各样的乐器到户外,需要为乐队布置舞台,调试音响设备等,这并不是一项简单的工作。我衷心感谢每个部门为本次音乐会的努力和付出,以及 Mr Smale 和 Ms Kitty 的贡献和帮助,感谢你们的帮助,令音乐会能够顺利举行。
Yen Yung 和 Ryan 是本次音乐会的主持人。这场音乐会的风格和音乐元素展现了国际学校的特色,节目中融合了多样化的音乐文化。摇滚乐队展现出了无限的活力、激情和热忱。管弦乐队的演奏不仅仅是音乐的呈现,更是一场视觉和听觉的互动体验。管乐团现在拥有五位长笛演奏者,他们演奏的巴赫的布列舞曲,优雅又生动,精准而富有表现力。
佛山霍利斯现在拥有许多优秀、才华横溢的音乐家,今晚的演出中,Sunny(二胡)、Vincent(鼓)、Ryan Deng(钢琴)和Samantha(钢琴)都表现出色。Lucy 和 Angela W 以精湛的音乐洞察、强烈的情感表达,以及默契的合作,精彩呈现了贝多芬第五交响曲中的第一乐章。Angela 还演奏了 Frank Bridge 的《Salterello》。预备部的音乐实力越来越强,预备部合唱团演唱了《The Rose》,Vanilla、Chloe 和 Summer都有一些美妙的独唱部分。预备部打击乐团充满了活力。音乐会以两个合唱项目结束。高级室内合唱团演唱了威尔士作曲家 Karl Jenkins 的《Songs of Sanctuary》中的《Adiemus》。弦乐器和打击乐器的激昂伴奏,以及12位演唱者的精彩表现令这个节目展现出了非凡的活力、坚定的信念和深沉的承诺。音乐会在中学部合唱团与预备部合唱团联袂演绎的《Moon River》中落下帷幕。
在第二天,中学合唱团就回到学校的舞台上,在休战纪念日的全校集会上演唱 Andrew Lloyd Webbe 的《安魂曲》中的《耶稣派》。这几周的生活真是丰富多彩,紧接着我们将在下周五的校庆日举办学院音乐比赛,然后就是圣诞音乐会。佛山霍利斯音乐部门正在不断进步!
AMC 数学竞赛
16:00 - 17:00
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Letter from the Headteacher
Mrs Jane Arden
Dear Parents,
We are thrilled to announce Studio Huang 23, our very first collaboration with local artists, bringing a unique art exhibition right to our school community! As an international school, we believe that art serves as a universal language, allowing us to explore and appreciate the rich tapestry of cultures around us. Art opens doors to understanding the similarities and differences we share, transcending spoken language and inviting both reflection and dialogue. Through exhibitions like Studio Huang 23, our students are encouraged to think creatively and critically, deepening their ability to interpret the visual narratives they encounter in the world. We look forward to sharing this inspiring showcase with you all!
Please do find the time to come and enjoy this beautiful exhibition. Have an enjoyable short break.
Best Regards
Mrs Arden
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Prep School
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Letter from Ms Bateman
Dear LEHF Prep School Parents,
Happy, Busy, Purposeful. I am sure by looking at all the wonderful photographs you receive, you can see we are currently in one of the busiest times of the school year. With so much learning, many activities, and events happening it is important that children are resting and sleeping well. Scientists have long recognised that getting enough sleep during childhood can benefit developing brains. School-aged children need 9 to 12 hours of sleep each night. Sleep affects learning and behaviour through specific brain changes.
Children who have insufficient sleep have smaller volume in certain areas of the brain responsible for attention, memory, and inhibition control, compared to those with healthy sleep habits. Sleep is important because it enables the body to repair and be fit and ready for another day. Establishing a healthy sleep pattern in early life is very important for child development.
Here at LEHF, we support students with their homework during ECA time 5:00-5:50 p.m. so that students can return home and have some well-earned family time. Families play an essential role in the earliest years of children's lives. With love, support, and guidance, parents and grandparents help them to develop physically, cognitively, socially, and emotionally.
Spending time with family and loved ones has a strong positive impact on our mental health. It makes us feel closer to others. It can make us feel understood and accepted like we belong somewhere. All these things lead to a reduction in stress, anxiety, and depression, and our brains become marinated in oxytocin.
This is why at LEHF we know it is important to have our special family events such as Winter Market. We enjoy spending time with you and watching all our students grow and develop into Confident, Committed, Compassionate, Creative, and Curious learners. Please enjoy the upcoming four-day weekend with your families. When we return on the 13 of November, we will be entering our winter uniform stage, please make sure your child is dressed as per our winter uniform policy.
Phoenix House
by Mr Munim, House Master
Last academic year, 2023-24, we in Phoenix House won the House Cup for the second consecutive year. This was the result of the hard work and excellence of the whole house throughout the year, and especially the amazing effort from our two House captains: Angela W and Lucy W.
On Friday 1st November, Phoenix house celebrated our house cup win with a wonderful party in the afternoon. The phoenixes enjoyed good music, good food and party games including limbo and karaoke. The party atmosphere was warm and positive and we hope this enjoyable event inspires all LEH pupils to aspire to strive hard to earn house points this year to emulate Phoenix’s achievement.
by Mr Noronha, Head of History
It has been a hectic period for the History Department. We have been preparing for Key Stage 3 Assessments as well as for a flagship assembly to commemorate the fallen soldiers and non-combatants of every war ever fought. Your children have shown dedication and determination every step of the way. This is now the third Remembrance Day we have acknowledged as a school, and everyone is perhaps even more special than the last due to the growing popularity of this amazing subject at LEH Foshan.
We celebrated great success in the summer with our only student securing an A* with ease. Studying history leads to immense analytical thinking, problem solving and enhances both verbal and written communication. Employers often lament the decline of these vital skills, so fortunately LEH students will be in possession of the required attributes.
As you know, the History Department has grown this year. Mr Molinari is a highly valued member of the team.
He offers his unique perspective on world events, guides our students through the university application system and teaches history to multiple 11 PAL cohorts. We anticipate a rigorous, yet exciting, year ahead. Of course, many students are showing a keen interest in world affairs at the present moment which has resulted in many intriguing conversations. This is what makes the subject of history so relevant, as we seek to make sense of the present and future. Serious students of history certainly have an advantage when it comes to navigating and truly understanding the future trends of our world.
by Mr Hobourn, Director of Music
On Thursday 7th November, LEH music students returned to Lingnan Tiandi to present their annual Winter Outdoor Concert, featuring many of the school’s music ensembles as well as some superb solo and chamber performances. LEHF can be rightly proud of the musical progress and the superb talent that now exists throughout the school from year 2 to 12.
This was an ambitious programme, not just in the number of students taking part, but also in the careful planning and organization that went into it. Moving a music stage from school to Lingnan Tiandi including a set-up for an orchestra of 26 players, two drum kits, two stage pianos, and much more was no easy feat, and I sincerely thank the IT and FM departments, the marketing department, team of excellent security guards, 10 visiting music teachers, and or course, Mr Smale and Ms Kitty for your help ensuring the concert ran smoothly.
Yen Yung and Ryan hosted the concert in style and with clarity. This concert was full of stylistic and musical contrast, capturing the ethos of an international school, with many different musical cultures included in the programme. The Rock Band performed with their usual energy, passion and enthusiasm. The Orchestra, despite losing a few good violinists this year, performed with clarity and superb interaction. The Wind Ensemble, now with five flautists performed a Bach Bourée with plenty of dance-like spirit.
LEHF now boasts many fine, talented musicians, and this evening there were some tremendous performances from, Sunny (erhu), Vincent (drums), Ryan D (piano), and Samantha (piano). Lucy and Angela W performed th famous First Movement from Beethoven’s Fifth Symphony with real musical insight, powerful intensity and drama, and superb collaboration. Angela also performed her IGCSE Group piece with an exciting rendition of Frank Bridge’s Salterello. Prep School Music is going from strength to strength, and the Upper Prep Choir performed ‘The Rose’ in two voice parts, with some beautiful solo work from Vanilla, Chloe and Summer. The Prep Percussion Ensemble was brimming with Samba colour and exuberance. The concert concluded with two choral items. The newly formed Senior Chamber Choir presented Adiemus from Songs of Sanctuary, by the Welsh composer, Karl Jenkins. With a string and percussion accompaniment, and some powerful solo and choral singing by just 12 voices, this had real energy, confidence, and commitment. The concert was brought to a close with both Senior and Prep Choirs performing Moon River.
I sincerely congratulate all students who took part, I thank the wonderful team of VMTs for your teaching and encouraging, and of course, the musical journey of LEHF students would not be possible without the support of the parents.
Just twelve hours later, the Senior Chamber Choir was back on stage performing the deeply moving and poignant Pie Jesu from Andrew Lloyd Webber’s Requiem at the Remembrance assembly. This has been an incredible few weeks, and next we have the House Music Competition on Founder’s Day next Friday, before the round of Christmas concerts. Forwards and upwards in the LEHF Music Department!
Upcoming Events
American Mathematics Competition
(AMC 10/12)
Walk and Talk - Master Huang Ruxiang and Students
16:00 - 17:00
Founder's Day 2024
House Sports Activities: 8:20-12:50
Founder’s Day Ceremony and House Music Competition: 15:30-17:30
Parent Workshop
Topic: Mathematics Learning
Secondary School Open Day
Prep School Open Day