《黑神话:悟空》影神图中英文对照版(阴兵·力士 Revenant Stalwart)

文摘   2024-10-03 08:57   广东  

阴兵·力士 Revenant Stalwart



Endless toil, no rest in view,
Joy of nature, never ours to pursue.
Serving others, in vain we strive,
Lamenting years, centuries alive.










The stalwarts summoned from the underworld by the Keeper were the lowest-ranking soldiers back there. With their daily duties to maintain the flow of the underworld, being sent to the mortal realm was akin to the days of rest-a break from their relentless toil.

One day, as they patrolled Flaming Mountains, four stalwarts shared their stories. One pointed to Furnace Valley and remarked, "This lava here makes me think of my task back underground. Those who committed arson in life are sentenced to embrace searing-hot copper pillars naked in our Copper Depth. We had to fuel the fire and scrape off burnt flesh once and again. If we had a Firefall like it here, it would surely make things easier."

Another added, "True. And those who broke families in life go to our Iron Depth. We plant an edge of the blade tree into their back and hang them on the tree. Our endless days are spent sharpening the blades and trimming the trees. Sometimes, the blade cuts through their flesh and they fall with wounds wide open. That's when we stitch them up, carry them from the ground, and hang them on the blade again. A giant iron ball like the one ahead would make the job much simpler."

The third one chimed in, "You have it easy. Those who torture animals go to our Bull Depth. There, they are trampled and gored by lavabulls. We must tend the bulls, fit them with iron hooves, and sharpen their horns. The crushed corpses must be dug out occasionally, lest they clog the path of the bulls. A flaming cart would be a much better solution."

The last stalwart, gazing at the landscape of Flaming Mountains, exclaimed, "This place is better than any of our Depths. Don't you see? This is the best Depth with state-of-the-art torturing tools. I am now living in my dream!" Hearing this, all his companions spat in disdain and left.
