Food Research International│负载姜黄素的食品级纳米二氧化硅复合材料可增强光动力效果并应用于小黄鱼保鲜

政务   2024-09-02 12:00   江苏  

浙江海洋大学Long Jiao等在Food Research International 期刊上发表了《Curcumin-loaded food-grade nano-silica hybrid material exhibiting improved photodynamic effect and its application for the preservation of small yellow croaker (Larimichthys polyactis)》文章(通讯作者:Bin Zhang、Xiaoye Zhang)



PDI 的原理是光敏剂在特定波长的光激发下产生活性氧 (ROS)。这些产生的ROS会对细胞膜脂质、DNA 和其他结构造成不可逆的损伤。目前主流的有机光敏剂,如姜黄素、卟啉、二氢卟啉等,主要基于II型PDI机理,其中单线态氧(1O2)是通过基态O2与激发光敏剂耦合产生的。因此,1O2在PDI应用中发挥着关键作用。PDI工艺不影响食品品质,因此在水产品非热灭菌领域具有广阔的应用前景。现有研究表明利用低毒天然姜黄素作为光敏剂,配合蓝光照射,可以有效杀灭水产品中的微生物,从而保鲜、延长保质期。



采用旋转蒸发法(F-SiO2@Cur)和吸附法(Cur@F-SiO2 )成功制备两种负载姜黄素的食品级纳米二氧化硅(F-SiO2)复合材料。微观结构和光谱分析证实F-SiO2@Cur中的姜黄素以非聚集形式负载在纳米孔内,而不是吸附在表面(Cur@F-SiO2)。此外,F-SiO2@Cur表现出更好的水溶性(1510 ± 50.33 µg/mL)和光稳定性(光降解率仅为59.22 %)。重要的是,F-SiO2@Cur 拥有优异的单线态氧生成能力(1O2)。因此,F-SiO2@Cur组在4℃小黄鱼( Larimichthys polyactis )的PDI实验中获得了最高的感官评价分数和最佳的护色效果。此外,F-SiO2@Cur可以通过控制总挥发性碱氮(TVB-N)含量、pH和总活菌数(TVC)有效延长货架期。因此,F-SiO2@Cur介导的PDI是一种有效的水产品保鲜技术。



Fig. 1. (A) Schematic diagram of the curcumin-loaded food-grade nano-silica hybrid materials prepared using the rotary evaporation method and the adsorption method, respectively. (B) The solid powders and (C) the aqueous solutions of the curcumin, F-SiO2/Cur, F-SiO2@Cur, and Cur@F-SiO2 samples. (D) The dispersion states of the four aqueous solutions after a standing period of 10 min. (E) The water solubility of four samples. Different lowercase letters indicate significant differences among the different samples with the same saturated solution state (P < 0.05).

图1 分别采用旋转蒸发法和吸附法制备负载Cur的食品级纳米二氧化硅混合材料示意图(A);Cur、F-SiO2/Cur、F-SiO2@Cur和Cur@F-SiO2样品的固体粉末(B)和水溶液(C);静置10 min后4 种水溶液的分散状态(D);4 种样品的水溶性(E)小写字母不同表示相同饱和溶液状态下不同样品间差异显著(P<0.05)。


Fig. 2. SEM of solid (A) F-SiO2, (B) F-SiO2/Cur, (C) F-SiO2@Cur, and (D) Cur@F-SiO2 samples.

图2  固体F-SiO2(A)、F-SiO2/Cur(B)、F-SiO2@Cur(C)和Cur@F-SiO2(D)样品的扫描电镜图像


Fig. 3. TEM of solid (A) F-SiO2, (B) F-SiO2@Cur, and (C) Cur@F-SiO2 samples at different magnifications. N2 adsorption–desorption isotherm and pore size distribution of (D) F-SiO2, (E) F-SiO2@Cur, and (F) Cur@F-SiO2. (G) BET surface area and pore size of F-SiO2, F-SiO2@Cur, and Cur@F-SiO2.

图3  不同放大倍数下固体样品的透射电子显微镜图像(A) F-SiO2, (B) F-SiO2@Cur, and (C) Cur@F-SiO2。(D) F-SiO2, (E) F-SiO2@Cur, and (F) Cur@F-SiO2的N2吸附-解吸等温线和孔径分布以及F-SiO2, F-SiO2@Cur, and Cur@F-SiO2的BET表面积和孔径(G)。


Fig. 4. (A) Normalized absorption spectra, (B) emission spectra, and (C) fluorescence lifetime decay curves for the aqueous solutions of curcumin, F-SiO2/Cur, F-SiO2@Cur, and Cur@F-SiO2. (D) The absorption and (E) emission spectra for the aqueous solutions of curcumin, F-SiO2@Cur, and Cur@F-SiO2 (8 μg/mL curcumin as the baseline). The confocal laser images of solid (F and F′) curcumin, (G and G′) F-SiO2/Cur, (H and H′) F-SiO2@Cur, and (I and I′) Cur@F-SiO2 samples. (F) ∼ (I) and (F′) ∼ (I′) The bright and fluorescence field images of the four solid samples, respectively.

图4  Cur、F-SiO2/Cur、F-SiO2@Cur和Cur@F-SiO2水溶液的归一化吸收光谱(A)、发射光谱(B)、荧光寿命衰减曲线(C);Cur、F-SiO2@Cur和Cur@F-SiO2水溶液(8μg/mL姜黄素作为基线)的吸收(D)和发射光谱(E);固体Cur(F和F′)、F-SiO2/Cur(G和G′)、F-SiO2@Cur(H和H′)和Cur@F-SiO2(I和I′)样品的激光共聚焦图像。(F)~(I)和(F′)~(I′)分别是四个固体样品的亮场和荧光场图像。


Fig. 5. (A) DSC curves and (B ∼ E) the photostability evaluation of curcumin, F-SiO2/Cur, F-SiO2@Cur, and Cur@F-SiO2. (F) The normalized absorbance decay histogram based on Fig. 5B ∼ 5E.

图5  (A)差示扫描量热法曲线和Cur(B)、F-SiO2/Cur(C)、F-SiO2@Cur(D)和Cur@F-SiO2(E)的光稳定性评价及其归一化吸光度衰减直方图(F)


Fig. 6. (A) Schematic diagram for 1O2 detection. The absorbance decay curves for the mixtures of DPBF with (B) curcumin, (C) F-SiO2/Cur, (D) F-SiO2@Cur, and (E) Cur@F-SiO2 for different irradiation times. (F) The normalized absorbance decay histogram for DPBF at 410 nm based on the absorbance values presented in Fig. 6B ∼ 6E.

图6  (A)1O2检测示意图。DPBF与Cur(B)、F-SiO2/Cur(C)、F-SiO2@Cur(D)和Cur@F-SiO2(E)的混合物在不同照射时间下的吸光度衰减曲线及DPBF在410 nm处的归一化吸光度衰减直方图(F)


Fig. 7. (A) Schematic diagram of the experimental procedure followed for evaluating the effect of F-SiO2@Cur-mediated PDI on the preservation of L. polyactis. (B ∼ F) The effect of PDI on the sensory scores of L. polyactis during storage. The color changes in terms of the (G) a* value, (H) b* value, (I) L* value, and (J) W value determined for the skin of L. polyactis during storage. The changes in the (K) TVB-N, (L) pH, and (M) TVC of L. polyactis during storage. Different capital letters in the same treatment group indicate significant differences (P < 0.05). Different lowercase letters used for the same refrigerated time indicate a significant difference (P < 0.05).

图7 实验步骤示意图(A)、PDI对小黄鱼贮藏期间感官评分的影响(B~F)、贮藏过程中小黄鱼表面a*(G)、b*(H)、L*(I)、W(J)及TVB-N含量(K)、pH值(L)和TVC(M)的变化。大写字母表示相同处理、不同时间差异显著(P<0.05)。小写字母不同表示不同处理、相同贮藏时间差异显著(P<0.05)。


采用旋转蒸发法合成了负载姜黄素的食品级纳米二氧化硅复合材料(F-SiO2@Cur)。由于内部负载姜黄素的非聚集形式,F-SiO2@Cur 表现出更好的水溶性、优异的物理化学稳定性和高1O2生成量。评价了所制备材料的PDI对小黄鱼的保鲜效果,结果表明F-SiO2@Cur介导的PDI处理可以有效地保护颜色、降低TVB-N含量、控制pH和TVC,从而有效地延保质期。值得一提的是,虽然F-SiO2@Cur是由无毒的食品级二氧化硅和天然姜黄素制备而成,但其潜在毒性尚不清楚。因此,后续研究可以通过毒性评估,综合评估其对水产品PDI保鲜的适用性。总而言之,F-SiO2@Cur被证明在水产品非热灭菌领域具有巨大的应用潜力。


Jiao L, Li Y, Hu J, et al. Curcumin-loaded food-grade nano-silica hybrid material exhibiting improved photodynamic effect and its application for the preservation of small yellow croaker (Larimichthys polyactis)[J]. Food Research International, 2024, 188: 114492.


Food Chemistry: X│基于糖基化处理乳清分离蛋白颗粒稳定的Pickering乳液的表征、稳定性和姜黄素的生物可及性



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